Always In Our Hearts

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bibble's Barnyard Part 1

I went out to my Auntie Brenda's a couple of days ago for my first swimming lesson. She lives out in the country and has her own pond - with a beach and everything! I grabbed some squeakies, a few essential balls, and my sunscreen & was ready to head out. But no one told me that when I got there I was going to have to deal with HER!! (see the evil little pup below)

This is Bibble, the Butcher. She's one tough Chihuahua puppy who rules the barnyard at Auntie Brenda's house. (Auntie Brenda is a sort of animal whisperer. She takes in practically any kind of animal who needs a home. If you ever need somewhere to live, let me know, I'm sure we could arrange something with her).

This is Bibble's mama. Her name is Araydia, and she's a CUTIE PIE. (Nothing like her Bibble). Aradia is 3 years old, and I think she has a crush on me... but more on that later. Notice the doofus dot in the middle of Bibble's head. We know what THAT means... (sorry Tanner).

As soon as I got there Bibble started in on me - dogging me all over the place. All I wanted to do was explore and get to know the other non hoomans, but NooooOOOoooo! Bibble didn't like that I was becoming friends with Suzie and Doji (2 of the other pups there). She tried to get them to be her lackeys, but they declined.

I thought those cows looked mighty interesting and decided to take a closer look. I opted to go in through the barn for a surprise attack. I myself got a little surprise.

Of course, after all the hard work of putting on that show of wuss-y-ness for their amusement, they remained unphased by my acting talent. (girl: he was a BIG ChickenDALE - sorry Sunshade)

After getting blown off in the barnyard by a bunch of prepubescent cows, I decided to get myself down to the beach and check out the scene. I have to say I got a little distracted by my new hooman pup friend, Araydia (Auntie Brenda gets videography credits). I couldn't help myself...

I know I should have asked for that kiss first, but I got a little carried away. What can I say? I've always had a problem with delayed gratification, but I really think she liked her first goober kiss. (By the way, no hooman pups were hurt in the making of this video).

Whoa, man! I had a full day at Auntie Brenda's, and eventually got around to some swimming. We'll get to that in part 2. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey...

Goober kisses for everyone!



Putter said...

WOWZERS Stanley! I have never met a cow before either! They look kinda scawiest! Hurry, I want to know all about the swimming!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Stan, the Goobman, you were putting on some pretty excellent performances. I'll bet those cows thought they had met a god!

But are those humans calling you Bailey?

Liberty Doo Dah said...

I would've ran from those cows too! However, I like to eat them!
PS: Farms look like fun! Perhaps someday I'll get to go to one!

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...look at all those cowdogs!!! I think I'd be a chicken-terrier if I saw them too. And Bibble...looks kinda mean. Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Stanley, you sure had fun there. The little dog looks mean but the cows are fun..

~ girl girl

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oh you are up late...bark...I meant that you can tell she loves chips and ice know..sometimes mamma's eat a little too much of that stuff and then they get a little "fat" (at least thats what my vet sometimes tells mamma I am, and I don't even eat the chips..just the ice cream..?)

Joe Stains said...

that looks fun and scary because man I dont know what was in that barn but you sure got out of there fast!! beware of the doofus dot!!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, Aradia is gorgeous. I'm sure she loved her kissies.

I have seen cows from one side of the river when they were on the other side. They looked pretty stoopid to me, chew-chew-chewing away on the grass.

Oscar x

Dandy Duke said...

I think you just scared me of cows forever Stanley!
Aradia is sure sweet!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

Stanley, my darling Stanley, what a mean little dog Bibble is..I don't like anyone who is mean to my Stanley, and cows???what are those? There aren't any where I live(xept in packages) ,that was one scawy farm, but then the little hooman pup saved the day by being a cutie, I bet she loved your goober kisses, I know I would. I can't wait to hear about the swimming. I'm going to the wun now, I hope I don't melt.
smoochie kisses

Koobuss said...

WOW Stanley,

You had such a good time. Don't take anything from that little Bibble!

I have leaned that those strange beings are called cows, or as Lorensa says, "Cowdogs". They seem harmless enough but since people and dogs eat them maybe they have a right to be a little testy.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Jake of Florida said...


Glad you came to visit. You know, Dad sometimes calls JH "goober" -- and when we told him about the Republic of Gooberstan, he thought that was pretty cool.

Mom has a framed New Yorker cover with all the "...stans" in NYC. That's pretty cool too.

We're pretty urban dogs, so we've never seen cows, but your adventure sure sounded like a lot of fun.

Jake and Just Harry

Tadpole said...

Oh my! We have cows around where we live and I always want to meet them but my girl says NO, and now I know why! They're frightening!!

The Airechicks said...

Hey Stanley

GREAATT VIDEO ....Cows OMDog not the friendlist creatures....

What kind of BUG does Biddle have up her @$$ ??? Next visit you might need to bring her something to put in her mouth ....She was scarier than the Cows....

Have a WONDERFUL day !!!

Peanut said...

OMdogness another dog with a doofus dot. You so have to watch out for them.

Luckie Girl said...

Stanley Ni Hao!! :)
Bibble has a very unique name. I kept spelling her name as Bible! LOL! It seems so fun, I can't wait to read about the Part 2.
I'm not too sure about those moo moo cows though.
PS : You speak great chinese!! Did your girl teach you?

Balboa said...

I NEVER WANT TO GO NEAR ANY COWS! thanks for the warning dude!

you should'a peed on that little dog, and that little girl is such a cutie. I bet she loved your kisses,

Frenchie Snorts

Boo Casanova said...

stanley, replying to your "hahaha" photo of me, well, that's my tickle laugh! LOL

oh stanley, i wanted to point out the dot on the head to you but you already know what it means. i hope you are not too upset.

wet wet licks


Suki & Joey said...

Aw, Stanley, you were so sweet with the little hooman pup! I bet she loved it - my hooman sisters here love it when I jump and give kissies :)

That chiuahua sure was nasty to you, and that cow would have given me a heart attack! I think you were very brave...hehehe!

Puggy kisses

Bogart H. Devil said...

Those are some big cows Stanley, I feel similarly whenever I'm near a horse...

Little dogs always try to go after me, I think it's kind of funny.


Faya said...

Cows are so stupid animals !!!! I hate them....
Kiss to you, Faya