Always In Our Hearts

Monday, July 9, 2007


We've alll known each other long enough that I can trust you guys with a little secret about me, right? Don't get me wrong. It's not something I'm ashamed to admit or anything. It's just one of those quirks that makes me me.

Well, this secret has a little something to do with my doggie pool outside. Doesn't it look inviting?

This weekend, despite how HOT and HUMID it was, and despite how invitingly my pool beckoned me, I barely played in it. Why, you ask? Now comes the secret.

At the time my hooman girl first adopted me, she found something a bit odd about the bio Airedale Rescue sent her about me. It said that I had "a mild phobia of butterflies and large flying insects." When she read that, my girl said she had to chuckle a little. She had trouble picturing a hulking Aireboy like me shuddering at the thought of a pretty little butterfly. If only she knew...

At first I played happily (if briefly) in my pool.

Then I started getting dive-bombed by some IFO's (Invisible Flying Objects). Now, I like to hunt bugs like the next dog... IF I CAN SEE THEM!! It's the pesky invisible ones that freak me a bit.

So I thought, hey, I'll get back in the pool for another refreshing dip. They won't bother me there.

Wrong! Notice how bewildered I am (I can't SEE the little sucker) and how my tail is pointing directly at the ground. My tail hardly EVER points down.

It's obvious in this clip that I'm buggin' out enough that I just want to go inside. I even kick the door for emphasis. (That's how I usually alert my girl that I'm ready to go in - if she's inside the house. I hardly ever want to go in if she is outside willing to play with me).

Once I got inside I crashed on my bed and curled up with my Ellie Phant for a little ME TIME, you know, to process. I'm sure I'll work out my own inner bugs soon enough.

Buggin' No More,



Nessa Happens said...

oh my goodness! The other day Pooka disturbed a ground nest of yellow jackets and he was covered with them! Our mama totally freaked out and smacked him in the head with her gardening gloves to get the bees off of him, and then hustled us both inside. Luckily for him though he's got his baby coat of tough gorilla fur to protect him, he didn't have a single sting. Maybe that's why people compare us Newfs to bears?

I think the problem is you don't have fur thick enough. Would you like to borrow some of mine? I shed enough to cover an airedale in a day or two.

Asta said...

Stanley my sweetie,
I was sad to see you with your tail down and being puwsued by those nasty IFOs...I have a big fear of flies, I don't know if you wemember, but Asta DU gave me advice on weawing the silly cowk hat to keep them off...mostly where I live there's no bugs, so I've been lucky.
If we all go to camp togefer someday, we'll get mosquito netting fow our beds OK?
smoochie kisses

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh my poor Stanny...
I can only imagine how scawie that must have been for you! Mind you my mean Mom laughed when she read you bio (bad Mom! Don't make fun of my Stanny!). Anyhowl...lots of special licks to you, OK, feeling better now??? BTW...did you know that Tad's Massah is afraid of butterflies too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Casper and pals said...

Hey Stan, I don't blame you one bit for not liking those IFO's. I pawsonally try to snap at them and eat them!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Stanley, I'm not into the flying things either... in my place the cats seem to take care of all flying thingies (yes, they're THAT GOOD) but outside I do kind of cower a bit...

So I'm with ya man...


Tadpole said...

Stan my Man, I have to admit that I chuckled a little bit when I saw that you were afraid of bugs, but once I saw what they DID to you, I was appalled. How DARE they hide themselves like cowards and attack you!

Oh - and I've been away for the past few days... that's why I haven't responded. But tell your mom that she can admire me from afar - I don't like people mauling my "undercarriage" hee hee....

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hey, Stan! Sorry you're getting eaten! We left you an email at the mchsi address. We'd love to get together! It's so hot out we need to be at water or inside. We can't stay out very long. Big dogs like us get hot faster. There's a cafe in Olathe that lets dogs in. We're free this whole week! Do you have a schedule?

Peanut said...

Hey we have those dive bombing bugs at my house to. I hate them and run and try to go back in the house the same as you.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw Stan, you aren't any less manly for being stressed by the stoopid IFO's. Your poor old tail really was all tucked down wasn't it? I do that when I hear fireworks.

Oscar x

Jake of Florida said...

Hi Stanley,

You came to see us several times while we were at Dr. Dan's -- thanks to Mom and Dogdad's leaving us there to go to a wedding (you can read all about it in our new post. We're sorry we missed your visits -- but we're delighted that you really got the two sides of the Jake and Harry story. (Of course, there's also the Mom and Dad side of the story; that's a whole 'nother chapter!!)

As for those bugs -- we get the "no-see-ums" as well as lots of mosquitos. Fortunately, we have a lizard posse that gets to many of them before they can get to us. Shall we send you some lizards to help keep you safe???

Your pals,

Jake and JH

Dandy Duke said...

Everything was going along just fine while you were taking your dip until..............I attack flies and bees! Do you need help Stanley. I can come over and stand guard while you swim! You look much more peaceful now that you are sleeping with Ellie Phant!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said...

Those mean flying things! Oh, Stan, if I were there I would have protected you...I'm tuff, remember? Not that you're not, but trust me, they don't want to mess with a pug! :)

Were you biting the water? I do that all the time!

Puggy kisses

wally said...

Stanley, It's ok that you're buggin'. I'm going to tell you something, just between us dudes. I once got one of those pools for the hot summer. And I was afraid of THE POOL. Sigh.

the woobler.

The Airechicks said...

Stan -

We agree with Tad - COWARDS to sneak up on you like that....

We'll help Maggie guard .....

Glad Elle Phant was there to comfort you...

Sophie Brador said...

oh Stan, You'd have a hard time in Montreal these days. The monarch butterflies are out in full force. Maybe you should try to do what Cha Cha does. She tries to eat bugs as they fly by. That would show 'em!

Emily and Ike said...

That's therapy-quality stuff, dude. Get help before it destroys your life!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Stan!
Oh dear, sorry to hear that the IFO's disrupted your otherwise tranquil soak in the pool.
Hehhehe.. my mom (NOT ME!!) laughed when she saw what they'd put in your bio..

Joe Stains said...

oh wow, invisible flying objects?? how unfortunate for you!!!! I wish we could help!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh oh you poor Stanley... You are really scared of those small buzzing flies eh!? Look at your tail, tucked between your legs(almost actually but it's a bit short) Don't be scared, they can't do any harm to you? If you need any help, I'll send my sista Faith over to terminate all those nasty flies for you. Free of charge!

By the way, it must be real cooling huh playing your pool. I think I'll be playing in mine real soon again. Mommy usually let us play pool every month.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

PreciOus said...

Awww, I wish I could be there to pawtect you, Stanley. I'll tear off their wings, bite off their teeny weeny legs and eat them up for you. *Hugz*


Boo Casanova said...

stanley, i see you have put up the buttons. congratulations on that.

i like how you alerting your lady that you wanna go inside. i would just bark and bark and whine. i want to learn how to open the door myself next time.

wet wet licks


Ferndoggle said...

Poor Stanley. I just try to eat the bugs...which is a problem when said bug is a Bumblebee!


Hana said...

Hi Stanley, thanks for putting Casper's button on your bloggy and trying to get the word out about his auction!
~Hana the Dog

Ume said...

those sneaky bugs!!! *grrrrr*

Balboa said...

Poor Stanley,

I sympathize with your, if I get stung, I won't be able to breathe

Mommy hates buggies too, she'll scream and run~no matter who's lookin.

Frenchie SNorts

Martha said...

Don't be ashamed, Stanley! My Uncle Peter is afraid of flying buggies too. Love, Martha

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh... those bugs look nasty. Maybe your human can move your pool indoor for you so that bugs can't disturb you?

~ girl girl

Faya said...

Ok ok ok ! As soon as it stops raining I will try to do like you in the pool ! It looks so funny ! Kisses, Faya