Always In Our Hearts

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cats Just Wanna Have Fun

Last week Bogart posted about his new kitty friends, Willow & China, and how they chose him to be their NOMSS friend (Not Of My Species Special friend). I thought that was mighty cool, and decided to do some investigation into the world of fluffy feline bloggers. Let me tell ya, they're a WACKY bunch!

This is Karl.

It seems that Karl regularly issues dares to his cat blogging buddies. His most recent and nervy dare was for each cat to go out and find and befriend an animal that was not of their species. Some befriended geckos, some befriended bunnies, and some befriended dogs.

I noticed that there were a few cats who had accepted the challenge to make a NOMSS friend, but hadn't found anyone yet. Naturally, being the cat-loving goober I am, I offered my services.

And, this is who he hooked me up with! Everydoggie, meet my NOMSS Friend, Henry Helton, the King of Downing Street!!

Don't let the glowing eyes freak you! He's just getting a little attitude with his hooman Lady! (He's saucy that way).

Here's a more sedate look at KING HENRY.

Henry is a very small 2 year old kittycat. He is a beautiful buff color, but says he is not any special kinda breed of cat. Just a plain cat. He lives with His Lady and his kitty brother, Clyde, who is 3 years old and just a little bigger than Henry. They live in a small town north of Dayton, Ohio . He is a CHAMPION LOUNGER.

I asked Henry how he came to be with his hoomans (he calls them his beans, hehehe), and here is his story in his own words.

"Well, when I was a month old, some beans put me in a box and dropped me and my little baby brother on the steps at the animal shelter in the middle of the night. I was there to greet their employees in the morning when they got to work. Those mean beans didn't even put any food or water in the box with us. They just taped it up and dropped us on the steps.

"A week later, My Lady came looking for a new kitten. It was love at first site for us. I started meowing my head off as soon as I saw her. I knew she was the one for me. The worker lady wouldn't let her take me. She said that I was too weak and it was too soon. My Lady said no way, I want him, let me have him. She begged the woman (literally) and the woman finally gave in. That is when I came to live at Downing Street where I am the King."

He kind of looks like a queen here, but really, it's just another one of the crazy cat dares. (Everyone had to wear this hot pink wig & post a photo of themselves wearing it on their blog... if they dared). Of course, Henry DARED!

Henry's fave food of all time is TUNA TUNA TUNA! But, he is also very fond of ice cream.

And look. Remember my gigantic stuffie, Fernando? Henry has him too!

He also has this thing about his feet. He thinks their cute... I have to admit. I think they're pretty stinkin' cute too.

Just so you all can get to know him better, I asked Henry to play a little MEME game, and here are his answers.

What is your favorite game to play?

"My favorite game is where I hide behind something and wait until people walk by. Then, I pounce!!! It gets them every time. My other favorite game is to follow people who are carrying glasses full of liquid, no particular liquid necessary, and wait until they put it down. As soon as they put it down, whaaaaaap!!!! I knock it over. The game is hilarious. I could play it all day."

What would you change about your life?

"I would change my size. I am full grown, but only eight pounds. This is very small for a mancat. I would love to be huge, like twenty pounds or so. I would get all the kittyladies. Now, I am smaller than most of them which makes it hard to get a girlfriend."

If you could spend the day doing anything you want, what would it be and with whom would you do it?

"Well, My Lady has been saying that she was going to buy Clyde and I a leash and harness so she could take us outside. I would love to spend the entire day outside. I have only been out a few times. It was scary, very scary, but I think it would be okay with a leash. It just smells so good out there and I like the wind blowing in my fur. I would love to spend most of it trying to catch me a critter, either a bird or a mouse. Now, all I get to chase are flies and it is not very fun."

If there was one thing about cats that you would like dogs to know and understand, what would it be?

"We do not like to be chased by animals forty times our size. It is very scary! I like to chase my brother and he likes to chase me, but we are almost the same size. We also are able to stop our bodies from moving as soon as we want to. Doggies seem to tell themselves to stop, but their bodies just keep going and they run over kitties like bowling balls. We are not bowling pins, we are cute, fluffy kitties and should be treated as such."

There you have it. Go check out my new hep cat buddy, Henry and tell him hi. He may not be of my species, but he is of my pack!

Goober love,

By the way, if you have any ideas on a girlfriend for Henry, please let me know. I will be conducting preliminary interviews for the position.


Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Stanny...was Merv jellyfish about Henry? Henry seems like a lot of fun. Hey, should I have a kitty friend too? How do I find one?

Oh and as for girlfriends...what about Tia, Sitka's sister? I would say Marie, but Marie is MEAN!!!

Lots of Licks, and let me know as soon as you can about the vet!! Woof You, Ruby

DK & The Fluffies said...

Henry is a cool dude!

Moco said...

Henry is a very good looking fellow. We have Edgar who looks very much like Henry and is also small. Edgar spends most of his time outside. He loves to fly off the fence into the field behind the house. He thinks he is hunting. I think he has been watching to many Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. You have a great new friend.

Dandy Duke said...

Henry sounds like he might have some Terrier in him! He's kinda nutty! I think he might be an okay kitty to get to know!

Love ya lots,

powder-puff said...


WOW you befriended a cat!?!ive never even met a cat.

But after careful consideration,a 2nd reading oF your post, and a rawhide bone i decided that cats are pretty KOOL!

peace out

Faya said...

I confirm : I am the only airedale who is afraid from cats..... well...

wally said...

Stan--You should really warn us that you're doing a whole post about CATS. I almost had a heart attack thinking--Stan's changed, dude, Stan's changed. Whew. It's just your friend Henry.


ps. Tell Al Urgee to get his own place and stop crashing at yours! I read in Whole Dog Journal this month (because I am a whole dog, not just part of one) that eating raw honey can help with Al Urgee. I'm going to recommend this to my ape. I love the honeys.

Ferndoggle said...

Mmmmmmmmm, that Henry looks deeeelicious! I'll bet he'd be good with a side of BBQ sauce.

(who is going to get in BIG trouble for posting this b/c her Mom LOVES kitties).

Lizzy said...

Henry is pretty cool! But I wouldn't completely trust him though. He's a cat. Be careful.


Rascal said...

A Cat is a great NOMSS. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. I am a little scared of dogs, but I love the friendly ones I meet in the blogosphere.

Unknown said...

Hey Stan! This is way cool that you did a post all about me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You seem to have a lot of nice friends, except for that Ferndoggle one. I plan on stopping by his blog to have word with him. I WOULD NOT taste good with a side of barbecue sauce. At least, I hope not.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan.
Thanks for sharing with us about your friend Henry. Looks like a good guy!
Have a nice day

Koobuss said...

WOW!! Stanley!

Cats have blogs?? Very impressive.

After reading your post, I have a new respect for cats. I just thought they were something you barked at.

Henry looks pretty cool.

Thanks for keeping us well informed about these things.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Your friend Koobie

Tadpole said...

Oh wow - Henry is pretty cool! *sigh* I know what it's like to be small. And too skinny. My heart bleeds for him. I must go meet him.

Jen and Suki said...

Whoa Stanley - Henry looks alright but I'm still a little concerned about the cat species. Maybe Henry can become Salem's boyfriend (she is the calico cat in the most recent pics on my blog) and convince her to be nice for once in her life!! (The gray guy is pretty chill though, I like him alright).

Agatha and Archie said...

Stan my man, You know we love you, think you are one cool dude and agree on just about most you say but we are kind of of ferndoggies side here...Love A+A

Bogart H. Devil said...

Henry is adorable! He looks just like one of my kitties, Kafka, except that he's about half the size of Kafka (yes, Kafka is almost 20 pounds of tabby love).

I just know that my girl-cats would love to take a tumble with him sometime...


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Stan, my Man...I tried to be friends with my hooman sister's cats. I will post a picture of them soon. They didn't like me. They got all puffed up and scratched my face. But...they have the best toys. Those tiny fake mice; I ate one and it hung out in my tummy for a whole week before I threw it it. By then, it had no fur or tail on it. If a fake mouse could do that, I'd never try to eat a kitty with bbq sauce. Scarrrry!!! Hissy barks,

Juno said...

Hi Stanley, thank you so much for sharing the story about Henry. We almost cried when we started reading... He's adorable guy! :)

Momo xoxo

ToFFee said...

Henry seems like a cool kitty!

My Aunt Lou's Kitty is a boy too and he's very lazy in his blog..

I'll let him know about henry so they could be pals

Boo Casanova said...


before i move to the current house a month ago, i know nuts about cat. but the recent incident with the cat scare the sh** out of me and i swear i yell and scream and chase them whenever i see any of them near my house.

wet wet licks


p/s: i don't mind a stalker!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Your cat friend looks cute. You think he's hamster friendly?

~ Girl girl

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
Wow, now you are venturing into the world of kitty blogging?

fee said...

hey stan! did you ask henry for some kitty poop too? what does merv think of him?

pootie mcpoot (member, turd burglar club)

Suki & Joey said...

Hey, Henry seems really cool! I like his attitude :)

I also like the fact that he likes ice cream. Any cat who likes ice cream is OK by me!

Puggy kisses

Frasier said...

Hi Stanley
Henry seems really nice...very differant from cats we know !
Will drop by and talk to him about size not meaning anything!

Clover said...

Hi Stanley,
Thanks for telling us about Henry. I am a little bit confused about cats still...I have only met one, and he was scared of me. The dog bloggers seem to be very divided about the topic - some doggies HATING them and others liking them a lot. It was fun to read about Henry to see that cats can be pretty cool! Maybe I should try to get a NOMSS friend?

Love Clover xo

P.S. Still working on my tag from you! It's coming soon...

PreciOus said...

Ok come to think of it, I don't know why I used to hate cats and lurved to bark my head off at them. So well, maybe I'll like Henry.

p.s. I like Merv too!


Unknown said...

Hey Stan! What kind of kitty-girlfriends are we talking about?

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

Ok, I know who his girlfriend has to be-- my sister Munch...she is a tiny little thing too! And she can get mediviel on your a$$. I will work on a profile for you later this weekend, so you can play matchmaker.


PerfectTosca said...

Geeze Stanley. You know how I love my cats! How do I hook up with a Cat Pal of my own? I mean I posted on a coupla their blogs and they ignored me because maybe they think I am just a smelly dog or something. They don't understand the intricacies of my relationship with my cat Mojo. Could you fix me up?