Always In Our Hearts

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Invasion of the Lady Bugs

I know that "Invasion of the Lady Bugs" sounds like the title of a 1960s B horror movie, but it's really been happening here in GooberStan. Yep. I'm trying to flush them out from some of their favorite hiding places.

Forgive these photos. It is very difficult to catch swarms of lady bugs congregating together. What these photos don't show you is that the entire back of our house and shed were completely covered with the cute little menaces. They promptly moved on whenever the camera came out.

You're probably like everydog else, thinking lady bugs are as cute as they are harmless. Let's see what you think after they swarm and dive bomb you when you're trying to take a whiz in your yard.

Naturally, I was on high alert!

See how deceptively dispersed the lady bugs are here? Just seconds before, that side of the shed was literally covered with red and orange dots.

It's like she's mocking me... "Hey. I'm just out for an afternoon stroll across the back of the garden shed... not making any plans to torment the dog. NooOooo. Not me."

I had to pull Stella in on some strategy sessions. She had NO IDEA how serious the situation was.

We each went to our respective sectors of the backyard for lady bug patrol.

Now that Stella's part of the hunt, the lady bugs have mysteriously fled the backyard. (I wonder if the recent cold temperatures helped at all).

Love, and lady bug free for now,
Stanley & STELLA


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Oh My! Thank goodness you have your stinky little sister to scare off the lady bugs! I don't really like those things either! They don't taste as good as flies and they are too easy to catch! I hope they stay away...

Oh, and to answer your question, I doubt the cold snap had anything to do with it...Let's call it a perk of having a stinky Stella sister!


ps I actually really like Stella, but as she is my bestest buddy's sister I naturally have to poke fun of her!

Suki & Joey said...

Awww...the ladybugs are cute! But if they're interfering with your ability to go potty, well, that's not good.

I'm glad Stella helped! I bet they listened to her, I know I would :)

Puggy kisses

Randi said...

Oh - Thank goodness you've helped them move on least for a bit..Lady bugs are the ONLY bugs my mom will touch...but are they REALLY lady bug? are they red or orange? I think the orange ones are called Japenese Beatles..& they stain the carpet when you try to smoosh them....that's what my grandma in MN says anyway...

Good luck!

Love & Licks,

Peanut said...

Lots of ladybugs is never a good thing. Watch out the aliens might be next
Peanut(who is channeling Grammie he thinks)

Mojo, Digger and family said...

When I saw the title "Invasion of the Lady Bugs" I thought you were referring to a particularly troublesome day with the Stellanator. Glad to see she's actually rolling her sleeves up and helping out on bug patrol.

Though how a big lad like you can be distracted from the call of nature by ladybirds, I don't know. He heh


ps Still can't get my head around how tiny she is!

Joe Stains said...

Stan I am concerned if there is some sort of winged forces planning attacks all over the country. Check out my blog, I got invaded by BIRDS! We need to defend our turf, that is for sure! Good Job!

Harry said...

Ma is really scared of lady birds (as we call them over here in Blighty) and her skin is crawling now!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Dandy Duke said...

We've heard that they taste peppery! Is this true, Stanley?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh my, my Jeannie hates any sort of bug, I hope you get rid of 'em all soon, they look freakish in the extreme!

Ruby Bleu said...

Lots of lady bugs, huh? Well, you can have lots as long as there is only ONE Ruby Bug!!!

Lots of Licks you one and only Ruby Bug

The WriggleButts said...

Oh my... Talk about ladybug invasion.. like you haven't got enough with the one little red and black you allready had invading GooberStan!

the WriggleButts

Luckie Girl said...

Perhaps Stella ate all of those ladybugs! Mom says although they look cute and relatively harmless, they are still some form of bugs and she hates bugs! I wanna try eating them..should be kinda crunchy I guess.

Asta said...

My DawlingStanny
Thank dogness that would be like a Hitchckock movie..the LADYBUGS I pawsonally would be tewwified..I'm so glad you and youw sissy wowk so well togethew to ewadicate monstews
smoochie kisses
youw sweatbutt fuzzpea

Jen and Suki said...

Uh, my mommy and I have to disagree about the cuteness of those fake lady bugs! They're those scary Asian stinky beetles posing as lady bugs and they invade our house every fall and they're GROSS! *goose bumps* Blech! I hope the first hard freeze drove all those yucky bugs away!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan
We call them "catarinas".
I hope you two had gotten rid of them!
Have a good night

Sunshade said...

OH MY DOG Stanley!!!!!!!

Your STINKY #2 is totally kicking your ass!!! I guess you're just too much of a gent... I wonder what I would do if she were here with me?? Ok, let's not think about that..

I gotta admit tho, you two look SOOOOO cute together, a GIANT and a miniature. You must turn a lot of heads when you guys go out, hehe!

I've missed all of you SOOOOOO much, give your girl some famous Sunshade nibbles on the cheeks for me please!!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Simba and Jazzi said...

Wow thats a lot of lady birds ,thats lady bugs to you.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said...

Mom thinks ladybugs are very cute. I think they're delicious! But I have a major thing for bugs. Come in my'll be in my belly!


Amber-Mae said...

Eeew! Too much lady bugs...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emily and Ike said...

At least Stella is good at tormenting bugs too. That was a close call, dude. Take care of yourself.

Gus said...

See...Stella has some talent! Now you know what she can do for a career.

Now, if I could only figure out a viable career path for Teka

Murphey said...

We get those invasion too! They drive me crazy and cause random spurts of barking and leaping around the backyard (actually just about everything causes that behavior!).

Hey, gotta warn ya dude, you can "let" Stella win during tug and stuff, but one day you are gonna have to take back control before she gets the idea she's alpha dog, I waited too late with R man and now he's kinda large and in charge.....


Ben & Darling said...

you two look cute together.

Moco said...

It is so hard to go potty when another living thing won't leave you alone. Good thing Stella understands her role in the Invasion. Send those lady bugs back through the Stargate.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

We didn't have as many of those stupid lady bugs this year. I guess they were all visiting you!

Noah the Airedale said...

We know how you feel about critter invasions Stanley. We recently had an invasion of Bogong moths. They were everywhere. Thankfully they seem to have disappeared.
At least your creatures are sweet.
Glad that Stella was able to help sort them out.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Putter said...

OMG!!!! Stanley!!!!! All those LADY BUGS look just like here!!!!! I am an expert huntress! It is my most favoritest hobby!!!!!!! I love the way they taste!!!! Do you???

On another note, any chance that HERC can borrow the Gooberstan plane to come SEE ME??? Let us know, K?

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Toby said...

Hey Stanley,
Wow ladybugs everywhere! My mommy says it could be worse..It could be the movie arcnaphobia..eww....mommys scared to death of spiders!

Love Toby

Balboa said...

Oh man, If I was there I'd help you get rid of all those ladybugs dude.

Stella just looks so cute next to you, she almost looks like a doll.

Frenchie Snorts

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Stanley,

You have been nominated for "Post of the Month" over at the Bone Zone. Head on over and cast your vote :-)


Kirby said...

Hi Stanley,

So you've got those pesky bugs down in Kansas too? They are all over the place here, well like you said not so much since it is getting colder, but they were here in mass earlier. Mom really hates them cuz they were all over her wedding dress on her wedding day. She was not a happy camper (that was four years ago, so those buggers have really been around for awhile). I like to eat them myself. Nothing wrong with snacking on a little nature. Glad to see you and Stella are protecting what is yours. Keep up the good work!

Your pal,

Daisy said...

I heard if you sing this special song, the ladybugs will go away:

"Ladybug! Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.

All except one,
And that's little Ann,
For she crept under
The frying pan."

Try it!

Frasier said...

Lady bugs are supposed to be cute and not trying to scare us innocent doggies.Thats very deceptive of them

the many Bs said...

Hey S&S! those lady bugs are cute. are they really dive bombing you when you're taking a whiz? that's just rude and wrong! we're glad that Stella is helping you to chase them off. they're probably afraid of terriers, right!

Asta said...

Hi My Sweet Stanley Love
I was so happy to be able to visit Faya and Harry and Cassidy while
I was taking cawe of Jackson. I'm wowwied about Faya too, she is such a sweetie..I hate that so many of ouw fwiends awe having pwoblems! Did you see all the things Jax has to content with? I wish I could fix evewyone and make them all well!
could I maybe comevisit Goobewstan between the holidays??we could tlak about ouw hopes and dweams and snuggle and play and Stella could pull my haiw fow a change..
did you see me in my movie debut??hehehe, that was lots of fun
smoochie kisses
youw AstawoniFB

Persephone and Buster said...

hi stanley.. i sort like the gooberstan world... but ... i'm not sure about the bugzzzzzzlady or not they're bugzzzzzz...persephone sez they're kinda cute.. my dogma, ms. blue sez they're kinda humomm sez...they're a pain tell them to "fly away home"... anyhow.. thanks for visitin my blog. see you sometime soon, theBUSTER

jaffeboy said...

Now, those buggies do look quite scawy. I would have freaked out. U R one brave 'dale.

Hope they stay away for good.

Stella is such a cutie. Glad she stayed with "the programme"... hehehe

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hey, Stan, it's great your sister is starting to do something useful with her energy!

Bogart H. Devil said...

Go get 'em guys!


Molly and Gertrude said...

Oh my goodness - that is a scary invasion! We call them ladybirds here, but ladybugs is cute! We hardly ever see them these days, there just don't seem to be so many around...I wonder if that's because they have all gone to your house??

Love Molly and Gertrude
(let us know if you need extra help for ladybug sentry duties)

wally said...

Dooood--Lady bugs are GOOOD LUCK! It looks warmer in Kansas than it is here! I need to visit the Republic! I also came across this about the upcoming Kansas/Mizzou game:
I want one of those Kansas t-shirts! Because, um, not cool UM!


Juno said...

It's very chilly here in Toronto so those Lady Bugs won't survived but you're lucky ones! NICE!
Did your girl get DD's Red Carpet Massacre? My pawrenets really like this CD & DVD combo. They are watching American Music Awards right now and looks like DD will perform shortly. well.. in a few minutes! :)

Momo xoxo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Stan!!!
Mumsie had those miserable ladybugs in our old house. She said they are very cute and they BITE. Who woulda thunk it?

Check our blog...we had our kousin visit us this weekend. Her name's ....drum roll...STELLA. She was inexhaustable....all she wanted to do was play bitey face and wrassle. Lacie didn't care for her. Her paw really hurts...see blog...and all she could do was limp and attack....and pee on the carpet. I got very excited with all of the commotion that I peed on the carpet too...lots. Mumsie is writing our Petfinder ads....she's pretty "pissed!!!"

Gotta run and to bed...exhausted.

Unknown said...

My Lady is not typical girl. She is not grossed out by bugs or spiders or any other things that many girls seem to be afraid of. There are always exceptions. My Lady hates lady bugs. She does not like how they make pinging noises when they hit things. It really bothers her. Her ex boyfriend had a lady bug problem during certain times of the year at his house. She had a hard time going there. We didn't actually even read your post today. The Lady didn't want to even look at the pictures.

fee said...

ladybugs!!! mom used to have this portable microscope thing that magnifies up to 100 times and guess what she went around doing – catching ladybugs and stuff to put under her scope!

has there been any further updates on that training programme stella is hatching up? it sounds really scary; i should imagine it will be something like a boot camp, no less, to whip you into submission. my god sister, luna, has taken to peeing on her bed for attention but mom was having none of it so luna had to sleep in her crate without one after wetting BOTH beds last night. i can only hope luna won't hear about stella's plans at all! pesky little sisters!

my e-mail is it's my pawsonal e-mail!


Huskee and Hershey said...

** eeeeks*** (runs to hide)

Kien said...

i always thought lady bug are cute.. but after seeing your lady bugSS!!.. it scare me!.. they are just too many!.. oh.. it makes me itch!..

Oh Stella sure know how to help the big brother huh..


Urban Smoothie Read said...

d bug looks bootiful...

but when there are an army of it... i feel eerie...

Clover said...

Whoa! Lady bugs! Good work with your lady bug patrol... I hope they leave you alone now!
Love Clover xo

Lacy said...

woofies Stanley!!!! it has to b the same one, that Tell has a bro named Cap...isnt that cool...

b safe,

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Thank yu fer vizitin my blog! It's nice to meet a frend of Asta's!!

Over heer we call theez ladybirds. Don't kno wy. I meen, they're not berds.

Mummy likes them cos they eet the bad bugs off the rose bushes.

But no, if I wer behind a tree doin a poo, I don't think I'd like it if they swarmd on me. It mite make me jump, an then I'd need a barth. I don't like barths!

Stella looks very cewt an small! Yu all look very cuddly an woolly!



Sir Chance-Lot said...

Click here to visit me at Our Home for the Holiday

Hey Stan..I dont think I EVER saw a blog post that had FIFTYTWO comments!!!! How you do it?
Sir XmasBacon

Koobuss said...

You guys did an excellent job of eradicating the enemy. Sometimes lady bugs aren't very ladylike. I hope that they don't come back and you can be bug free forever!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Agatha and Archie said...

DUDE...Creep us out!!!!!! They are cute when they are one but 12 million??????Good work Stella(oh and Stanny) Love Agatha and ARchie