Always In Our Hearts

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tails & Titles & Bears, OH MY!

Hey, all friends of GooberStan! In the words of Ricky Ricardo, "We've got some 'splaining to DO!" In just one blog post we will attempt to catch up on many of the posts we said we would post. So, let's start with my favorite.... our tails!

My tail has a slight curviture to the right, whether at play...

... or at rest.

Stella's tail usually stands straight up...

... or straight out. Hers is rarely at rest.

We also visited the peculiar aristocratic title generator, and rather like our names.

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Reverend Earl Stanley the Feline of Goosnargh Leering
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Excellency Stella the Simple of Bumpstead under Carpet
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

I also went to check out which reindeer I am most like. I knew I was a rebel, but c'mon!!

You Are Dasher

You're an independent minded reindeer who never plays by the rules.

Why You're Naughty: That little coup you tried to stage against Santa last year.

Why You're Nice: You secretly give naughty children presents.

Last week our pal Clover (aka GooberClove) gave us the You Make Me Smile Award. We are so stinkin' excited about this award, Clover. And, we want to pass this award on to our newest blogging buddy, Bob T. Bear, esq. If you haven't visited his site you HAVE to. He's a HOOT. We also give this award to our buddy Wally, and to my favorite pupgirls Asta, Ruby, and Suki!

This golden rose award was presented to us by our buds Maggie & Mitch. Asta also gave this award to my sissy, Stella. This is the first award she's gotten all by herself! Thanks you guys! We love you too!
We want to present this award to all the blogging moms & dads out there who let us adopt them and who keep us in warm beds, good food, snackables, and lots of good cuddles and loving scratches! Here's to you!!


My girl was tagged by Asta's mommi to share 5 things about her so you can all get to know her. I have graciously condescended to allow her blogging space here. If you would like to tune into something more interesting then I'd go to somedog else's blog and skip this part.


Hey all! I am honored that Stanley would allow me a chance to use his blog to do this tag. Asta's mommi knows that while I'm not shy, I don't like showing my face on Stanley's blog. So, please forgive me this wacky quirk.

Number one. I used to live in China for a little over 7 years working for a couple of different non-profit organizations. I don't speak Mandarin Chinese like a local, but am pretty fluent.

Number two. Even though I have no hooman kids of my own, I was born with the "baby whisperer" gene. I never asked for it, but babies and little kids seem drawn to me. I was especially good with the morning crowd at the local park in my neighborhood in China. Here's a little photographic proof.

Number 3. I collect tacky postcards. The tackier the better. I am also inordinately fascinated with garden gnomes and possess several books on the subject.

Number 4. I have one of the most explosive belly laughs ever recorded. There may be someone out there with a more explosive one, but I've never heard it.

Number 5. I never liked cats until I met Merv. He charmed me from the start (and I'm not easily charmed). He used to belong to my best friend, but once she saw the love affair Merv and I were having, she told me to take him home. I can't imagine GooberStan without him.

Now, I would like to tag Bogart's mama Lulu, and Scruffy & Lacie's mumsie Marilyn to share a few facts if they're willing.

Lots of lovin' to all you doggies, cats, hammies & bears,
Lisa (for Stanley & Stella)


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh boy! Wat a luvly award an wat a grayte onnor! Thank yu so much! I'll blog abowt it layter. I'm off owt in a mo, helpin Mummy post Crismoss Parsols....


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Wow!!! Ur girl can speak Mandarin Chinese??? That is so cool!!! Has she taught you any of it??? We're impressed...where did she learn it? Just living there?? Seems like that would be a tough language just to "pick up..."

Oh, Mumsie said to tell u she'd do it..Asta's mom tagged her a while ago, but she' been rather shy.

So are you guys covered in ice or what? Let us know that ur safe and warm!


Sophie Brador said...


I love your tail picks and I really enjoyed catching up on all that you are. I've been quite concerned about you since the arrival of the Stellanator. I do hope you're not allowing her to set policy in Gooberstan.

Your mom sounds cool. My mom doesn't have any human babies either, but she's kind of a super aunt and kids really like her. But it sounds like your mom might be super duper aunt! Is that the same as Goober Aunt?

And now, Stan, you must turn the puter over to Stella so that I may have a private word.



Okay, Stella? Stanley! Put Stella on!


Okay, Stella. Stanley probably thinks he's the boss over there in Gooberstan, and you just let him go on thinking that. We all know whose really running the show. Woo hoo! Rock on sista!


p.s. we got your xmas card and loved it! Mom will get off her duff and send some soon too.

Clover said...

Hi Stanley, Stella and Lisa!
What a fun post! I learned a lot about your tails and titles and about the girl in Gooberstan! My mom doesn't like to show her face on my blog either. And she didn't particularly like cats before either, until she was given one when she was in high school (even though she is allergic!) He was her first "baby" but I never got to meet him. :(
Love Clover xo

the many Bs said...

Hi Stanley & Stella, Congrats on your awards. you are really getting caught up on your blog. we like hearing from your Girl too. that's cool.


Amber-Mae said...

I'm sure Stella's tail is constantly moving & wagging all the time, hehehe! She's such an active girl! Wow, your mom can speak chinese fluently? That's good. My mommy's half chinese but yet, can't speak one work of chinese. She's hopeless!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Martha said...

I love your tail and Stella's, Stanley. Love, Martha

Duke said...

Thanks for letting your girl speak, Reverend Stanley! We're so glad we got to know her a little bit better! We can picture you in a black shirt with the white collar believe it or not, Father Stanley!
We're also very glad that you posted so that we know that you made it through the Kansas ice storms okay!
Congrats on all of your awards!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

Live in GooberStan and have traveled the world also. You must be the real Dorothy to have ended up in Kansas. Stanley and Stella always make me smile, sometimes laugh. Merv must be one exceptional fella!

Murphey said...

Oh the tails! Reilly's is either straight up or straight down, never, ever to one side. Mine is always in motion, wave, wag, whatever.

And your names, totally pawsome.


Unknown said...

Nee How? What a great post! Stan... your tail hangs a little to the right? Cool! and I think Stella is fitting in very well at Gooberstan.

Didja know that I wanted to put Gooberstan, USA on your Christmas card but mama says the usps is kinda slow and has not updated their maps. Can you believe that?

Loves ya lots!

Harry said...

That was quite a catch up. Your mum sounds lovely, and very interesting!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow Stanley's girl, those are pretty interesting facts about yourself. Thank dogness you didn't tag our pinky. It would put you to sleep.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Par said...

Thats very intesting to learn about you!

Asta said...

That is an awsome post, whewe to begin..thank youw sweet giwl fow witing about hewself..I love all the factses and i'm going to go twy to leawn Mandawin so I can talk with hew...I love hew belly laugh,I've been lucky enough to heaw it!
Youw tail is the best!! I love it's jaunty angle! and Stella is the cutest evew!
I'm wawmed by lyouw love and even though it's gloomy hewe , it's sunny in my heawt too!
smoochie kisses

Ferndoggle said...

Oh Good Grief...put your Girl & my Mom in a room and look out. My Mom gets in trouble all the time for her "obnoxiously loud" (Dad's words) laugh. She even had an anoynomous note sent to her HR dept. asking that she try to contain herself while in the office. Life's too short not to laugh out loud!

I love your little tail Stanny. It looks like mine.


Petra said...

I think you should post a video of your mom belly laughing so we could laugh along!

And your tails are the best.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We don't like cats either although we have 2 in the house. Mom says we just have to learn to get along. They both have those nasty claws that they always try to plant on our noses... Mom how can we love them?

Snowball said...

I like your tail and Stella's is very cute too.

You mum speaks Chinese can she write it too? For her to be working in China for a few yews must be a pretty interesting experience.

Congratulations on the award.


Lizzy said...

Your tails are pretty awesome, Stan and Stella!

Congratulations on your awards. You guys deserve them!

I enjoyed reading the facts about your mom. She sounds like a great lady!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan
Nice tails!! and congratulations on your awards!
Thanks for letting your girl tell us those things about her! My auntie Claudia says that mandarin is not easy but she manages it pretty well too!
My mom has an annoying laugh. I wish you could hear it!
Have a good night

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
I enjoyed reading about your girl. :) It's never easy to learn a new language and that seriously impresses Mom a lot. I hope your girl finally allows you to open up your package. If she still has not done so, I'll like to have a WORD with her.

Agatha and Archie said...

Wow that was a lot of stuff to catch up on!!!! We are way impressed that your girl can speak Mandarin..too cool. Glad you are safe.We are expecting a Nor'Easter up this way( a Nor Easter is just a fancy New England term for a heck of a lot of snow!!!! Tell Stella,Good girl,we don't have too much more to go!! Love Agatha and ARchie(Reverend tee hee)

Joe Stains said...

Your tails are so cute! Stella's sure is perky! Congrats on the awards. Mom says kids don't like her so much, but dogs sure do!

Kirby said...

Way to rack up the awards you two! You are so loved!! How nice of you to share your blog with your girl. Her and my Mommy should get together, as she has a huge belly laugh too! Must be an Airedale Mom thing.

Your pal,

Putter said...

Hi Stanley!

Sorry for the double tag, buddy!

Greatest ever factoids about your girl! Coolest ever that you gaved her some bloggie time!!!!!!!

I hope you are thawing OUT with all that ice!!!!!!

Talk to you soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u got a sexyback mr. goober...

Jen and Suki said...

Stan, I am SO GLAD you let your girl blog. I loved getting to know her! And she's blond like my mom. She wishes she had the baby gene, but she totally doesn't.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What alot of tags you did on this post Stanley. :) I think your girl is very cool to be able to speak Mandarin

~ Girl girl

Lacy said...

woofies Stella and Stanley!!!! congratulashuns on ur awarwds...heehee my mama cant talkie nuttin but southern hilbilly talk...and dat watt she teacheded me...Stella me not furgoted u taggeded me, me gonna do it verwy soon...

b safe,

Bogart H. Devil said...


Stanley tell your mama that my mama will take up the challenge and post something about herself soon :)


The Cat Realm said...

Stanley - don't miss the new episode of CCSI with your girlfriend Asta starring! The first part is up and running and tomorrow will be even better!!!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Did I tell yu that I've got no tail? Not all Bears hav. THe Windosill Bears do, but then they need a bit ov extra paddin, fer sittin abowt on windowsills.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I liked reading all your facts about yourself!

Thank you for all the good wishes for my Marvin boy!

You are all so kind.

Could you answer me another query though?

I am up here fiddling with the Blog while Marvin gets some post op rest, I noticed my lovely banner header has gone all squashed up and I have lost most of the photo, several other bloggers have the same prob, but yours is still ok! Any tips, blogger just drives me nuts sometimes.

I had a banner header similar size to yours but now the photo is non existent almost and the words have had to be edited to get any sense.

Any tips would be much appreciated.

You can email me via Marvin profile page, there is an email link there, if you have any tips, that wold be grrrrreat!.

Thanks so much for any help.

love and light, Jeannie in Scotland xxxxx In Dispair With Darn Blogger!

wally said...


This was one of the greaterest posts ever. Mostly because of the butt shots--WOOT!


p.s. My ma ape does sudden bursts of HA! and if I sleeping it wakes me up and I get totally grumpy. Perhaps our apes should record an album together.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pals, that is an action-packed post! J1 was laughing at the gnome-obsession. We think they're kinda creepy! J x

the many Bs said...

hey guys, we got your card. that was so nice and your photo was very cute.


L said...

Your tails are so cute. Thanks for showing them to us. Your mom sounds really interesting too. Those are neato facts that she shared.
Your card arrived today. What a great picture of you and Stella.
Comet and BLU

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Stanley, your title says you're a Feline! Can it be?

Did you get any snow this time? Do you like it?

Jan Price said...

Hey, Stanley,

We dropped by to meet you. You have an interesting tail, um, tale about your tail.

Jan's Funny Farm

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Wow, Stan, your tail leans to the right and mine (undocked) curls to the right. When you trot do you move diagonally too, or is it just me?

Great to learn a little about your girl! My mum said Aha! China! You may think my dad is a spy, but my mum spotted some books in one of your photos once and wondered. Not everyone has an Anthology of Chinese Literature to hand. Your mum sounds like a very interesting lady.

We're now officially on the lookout for tacky postcards to send you.
