Always In Our Hearts

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mr. Carrot Comes To Town

Do any of you recognize this little orange guy with the green hat?

It is the infamous Mr. Carrot, and he's come to GooberStan via Connecticut and our pals Maggie & Mitch. As you can see, he's having no trouble making friends.

Stella & I have had to work out a custody agreement. She gets him for a few minutes of squeak & chew time...

then it's my turn to give him some love.

He kind of looks like a big old stogey, doesn't he?

Now Stella, she just likes to squeak him. But I, on the other paw, have developed a deep and abiding friendship with Mr. Carrot.

He had an itch on his little green top, so I'm obliging him with some soothing love nibbles.

Mmmmmah mmmah, ohhhhh, mmah mmmmmmah. I think I love you, Mr. Carrot.

I do! I DO love you!

It was all fun & games until somedog bit the tip off of Mr. Carrot. (Any guesses who?)

After biting off Mr. Carrot's lower extremities, then Stella gets all lovey & gentle with him. It's a little late for that, honey.

Naturally, I spirited Mr. Carrot away to safety. Now, if I plug his hole by holding him down with my paw, I can still get him to squeak... if he's in the mood. (Sorry, Maggie. I tried to share and watch out for Mr. Carrot, but I have failed in my duties).

Maggie & Mitch also sent FABULOUS prezzies to welcome Stella to the family, and to sympathize with me, the displaced sibling. Here's Stella's haul ~ an Airedog squeaky bone (which she sometimes lets me play with), a squeaky scrunchy rabbid-looking rabbit (which she NEVER lets me play with), and a princess chew Nylabone (which I don't EVER want to play with).

See. I gnabbed the squeaky bone from her grasp for a few moments of bliss! (Merv absolutely HATES the pitch of this particular squeaker).

I feel I also need to mention that there were several tasty bags of treats in our great package from Maggsie & MitchMan, but I may have busted into the box while my girl was not home, and I may have eaten them all and hidden the wrappers so my girl has NO IDEA what we got.

I may have.

Thanks, Maggie & Mitch! YOu guys are great buddies to us and we LOVE YOU, so of course, we love anything or anyone you send to us. (Thank you for introducing us to the wonderful world of Mr. Carrot too!)

Goober love,
Stanley (& Stella)


Harry said...

Naughty Stella! Cassidy has lost 3 baby teeth now, so I may have a few days reprieve from being nipped. I fear Mr carrot would suffer a similar fate here!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Petra said...

I love how you guys play together! You are very patient with Stella, Stanley --- just like Fig is patient with me.

Ruby Bleu said...

ooooh look at that haul Stanny!!! Maggie and Mitch are just so pawsome!!!

Please keep Mr. Carrot safe, ok.

Lots of Licks, ruby

Peanut said...

That wasn't nice of stella to bit off the tip of mr. carrot. Poor guy.

Sophie Brador said...

Stanley, You are so handsome with your carrot. Almost as handsome as you are with your flamingo. You really have a thing for the plastics, don't you?

You know I love you, and not just because you are a world leader. But seeing as how you are a world leader, maybe I could be your Carla Bruni to your Nicolas Sarkozy.

I also totally love Stella's punk rock hair! She seems to have a punk rock attitude too. Just keep her away from the safety pins.


Dandy Duke said...

It's so neat to see my favoritest toy at your house, Stanley! We've never bitten off the tip - it's always the green top that gets destroyed!
We're glad you snuck all the treats before your mom caught you! shhhhhhhhhh - we know NOTHING!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ferndoggle said...

You are a much better playmate than I am Stan...that little Lola was too much for me. But then again, I'm old.

I do love carrots though.


Snowball said...

Poor Mr Carrot. He is seriously injured. Is he going into retirement from now on? I think I must get a carrot too cos everypup seems to enjoy playing with it.


Molly and Gertrude said...

You certainly lurve that Mr Carrot Stanley!! The Cruelty to Carrots protestors might soon be on to Stella though...fancy biting the end off like that!

Did you really eat the tyreats - did you, did can tell us!

Love Molly and Gertie

Mack said...

Don't feel too bad for Mr. Carrot - It was only a matter of time before he bit the dust.
Cool pressies!


Faya said...

I don't know any Mr. Carrot here in Switzerland. I wonder if I can found someone from his family here ? He looks cool....
Kisses, Faya

Juno said...

Happy New year, Stanley Boy & little Stella!!

We are so sorry for being VERY quiet for a long time. :( Mom's computer is still suffering but we knew we've missed so many great posts including yours. So we asked mom to check out your blog from her computer@work. Grrrr, we really missed you two!!!

It's so nice for Maggie & Mitch to send you great pressies!!

Mr. Carrot is hurt but at least you guys had fun. That's good!!

Our pawrents didn't notice that they had a similar pair of shoes until you mentioned on our blog. Now we know what to get for their birthday. :)

Momo & Pinot

pee ess: oh yes, my mom selected Christmas music. So three manilow christmas albums and Twisted Sisters were played all the time. :P

Putter said...

OMG! Stanley! Mr. Carrot is the coolest ever! You keep him safest ever, K?!!!!!!!


Putter ...:)

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That was a very nice Mr. Carrot. To bad those toys just seem to explode without any warning...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Bogart H. Devil said...

I have Mr. Carrot too - although mine is still in one, big, orange piece.



The Airechicks said...

Stanley -

Great pressies from M&M - Poor Mr. Carrot - Stella might need to work on "gentle" and "share"

Stan - you just need to whip those girls into shape!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan!
There are loves that kill! I guess that was that happened with Mr. Carrot and Stella. She loved it until she killed it!
Maggie and Mitch are so nice!
Have a good night

Moco said...

Oh, those sharp baby teeth will get a Mr. Carrot everytime.

Anonymous said...

What great gifts you both got - and I love the time share arrangement with Mr Carrot - too bad he's already met his end!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... did Mr. Carrot go to live at your house when he's still livin' here???

I'm confused.

Stanley...I seem to have picked the STRANGEST house to come and live in....

This place is completely mad.

Dale barks...Aire kissies to Stella...


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


One of my friends was lookin' at a pic of Lacie holding Mr. Carrot. She actually asked me where I buy my produce.



Joe Stains said...

poor mister carrot has gone in the same way as mr flamingo! I sure hope he forgives the abuse because you two sure look like good friends!

Simba and Jazzi said...

All my toys end up like that. It that Mr Carrot in the 9th photo? it looks like something else.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Stanley, I can see how much you really love your Mr.Carrot.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Murphey said...

We call it destructive love around here, we love a toy to death....poor Mr. Carrot, but it looked like fun while it lasted!


Koobuss said...

What great presents you got! I can see that you really love Mr. Carrot. It's a shame what Stella did to him. ?What do you expect from a puppy? They have no respect for anything. These young 'uns today ...

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Noah the Airedale said...

I sympathise with you Stanley. We recently received some lovely squeeky toys for Christmas and the sissies namely LUCY & to a lesser extent TESS have ruined them. Those said toys are no more!! Nothing is safe in our household.
I hope you've been able to keep Mr Carrot safe.

Good luck.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Me an Dilly hav a toy that we hav to share. It's calld CatDog. It's harf cat, harf dog. I hav it wun week then she has it the next. Wen it's my week it's calld DogCat. I ownly play wiv the dog end, cos dogs ar fer boys an cats ar fer gerls. Enyway. I treet Dogcat wiv respekt. I giv him a smart collar an tayke him owt wiv me in the car. But wen it's HER week she calls it CatDog an stiks lots ov bows on it an sissyfys it.

Sumtimes wen I get it bak on Saterday fer MY week, it STILL has sissy pink bows on it an I hav to get her to tayke them off. She whines an whines abowt it. But I don't want bows on it wen it's my week!

Keep well cleer ov that pink toy. Yeah. Don't blayme yu there.

Shayme bowt that Mr carrot. (Ooo maykes me think ov my mummy's carrot cayke. Yum!) This is the type ov thing that happens wen we hav to share wiv a littol sister.

I do sympathize wiv yu, I do.

Nose hugs, an a cuddol to Stella!


Deefor said...

You're a good sharer. Around here it's all mine. (But I have to share too-- or Arrow barks his head off) Poor Mr. Carrot. Maybe you can bury him in a salad.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh Maggie and Mitch are so nice to send so many fun and yummy things.
You tried your best to pawtect Mr Carrot Stanley...

~ Girl girl

Persephone and Buster said...

Nice carrot stanley...oopsy in the endless part but hey.. you had a chewing preview. good job man!
the BUSTER & ms. Persephone

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
Mr Carrot looks like tons of fun. Too bad he only squeaks when he feels like it right now. LOL!!
Have a good weekend!!

Lacy said...

woofies Stanley and Stella, hmmm stanley u gonna haff to teach ms stella how to b gentle....heehee her jus a pup still..

b safe,

Sheila Wagner said...

Hi Stanley,

I hope you don't mind, but I told my Mum to add your blog as a link on my blog. I really love your blog, you look like you're having a blast.

Much Love,

Kimi Wagner said...

Hey Stan, I forgot to leave you my blog add,

Love, Kimi

Clover said...

Hello my gooby friends!
I always love looking at your cute pictures of playtime. Looks like you had a nice time with Mr. Carrot! Great gifts from Maggie & Mitch!
Love Clover xo

Lenny said...

Hey Stan! Happy new year to you and all the residents of GooberStan!

Your friend, Lenny

jaffeboy said...

Wowwww.... U gotta show Stella how to be gentle with her toys. The destruction should be from you & not a lady.

Good luck with the rest of them!

Asta said...

MySweet Stanley
I just melt when I see all those pictoowes of you..the way you love that cawwot..well I'm almost jelly, but I'm glad you got such gweat pwessie
s fwom maggie and Mitch..BabyStella is so notty..I hope my sissy won't be like that
smoochie kisses

Hammer said...

Hi GooberStan and Stella too
Wow, Mr Carrot looks a very interesting toy to play with. We don't seem to get nice toys like this in Australia .. well, that's what mum tells me anyway.
Maggie and Mitch are good friends to send you such bootiful presents.
Stella sure is a little cutie.
Thank you very much for helping us find Beau by showing a banner on your blog. We appreciate this very much. You and Stella are good mates !!
Love from Hammer