Always In Our Hearts

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do you see anything on my nose?

Go ahead. Look a little closer.

There you go. NOW you can see them, right? Two plump & juicy grains of rice from my dinner. Well, I can't... see them, that is. Because of the gargantuan proportions of my fuzzy snout, my depth perception can be a little off at times. If Merv had not pointed them out to me I would have missed them and walked around like this all night.

ALL clean now.

Just to catch you all up. Stella went to get her stitches out a week ago. The vet's assistant was there and she took one stitch out and said the rest would dissolve on their own. It looks like they are all gone now, and Stella is doing a comb-over with her beard to cover the bald spot until she can get some new growth going around that corner of her mouth. Of course, she doesn't act differently since she never even seemed to realize she had had a medical procedure.

Our girl's thesis defense is tomorrow (Friday) at 2:30 p.m. GST (GooberStanian Time). After that it's edits and filing and then she will be finito! In the meantime, we amuse by performing contortionist feats with our orange tug-a-lug. Here I'm getting ready to crawl through the tug tongue first.

Sometimes it's unclear whose turn it is to perform, and you know what THAT leads to...

Stella can do this amazing move where she dances the Hokey Pokey and then somersaults her way through the tug. It's alright... for an amateur.

When we're done with it our girl makes us hang the tug up so we can find it easily next time.

Goob love,


Mack said...

Good luck to momma!

Did Merv lick the rice off??

Meryl said...

Sometimes I get food stuck on my nose too--it *is* hard to see down there!

Break a leg to your girl!

--Moe (and Meryl)

Laurie said...

Where'd you get the tug-a-lug, I've looked and never seen one in a store.

rock out that defense!

-Laurie (editor of Winnie Woo)

Beanz said...

Good luck to your girl for her defense. Hope you enjoy all the time you can now spend with each other!

love Beanz

Lucia said...

Ciao dolci Gooberstaniani!

Giggle... I loved your nosey rice pikkies, Stanley. I walked around for an hour the other day with yogurt (mmmmm .... let's pause for thoughts of Dannon and Yoplait) on my adorable muso! Oh, I could smell something, but because my furbrows are now quite shaggalicious and partially blocking my view, I didn't even see the yogurt, right there, on the end of my darling snoot! La mia ragazza found this to be hilarious (hmmph, you just wait until she spills something on herself!) and could not stop laughing.

Speaking of our girls, my paws will be crossed and we'll be sending good thoughts your girl's way at 2:30 GST tomorrow. We know she'll do fabulously well!

Tanti baci!

PeeEss: Stella Bean, mia cara amica, I'm glad you're all better now!

Ruby Bleu said...

Give your Girl a big goobery lick from me as good luck for tomorrow! And please let me and Mom know when she's all done.

Oh, and I would have kissed that rice right off of your snooter!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Persephone and Buster said...

ok you've got our humomm on the floor laughing over "nose rice"....silly people! so what actually happened to the goobette...did i miss something?? why stitches? did you learn to sew? did a badger bite her? hah....i must be outta the loop...hard work keeping watch over the Wilsons.
anyhow tell your gurl something willl fly through cyberspace to help her defend herself and her thesis on friday....we'll send all sorts of blue dog zen her way to help everything run smoooooothly. theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too
we send some healing slurps to the goobette just in case she needs them -- even late. B

Gus said...

Let us know when the DE Fence is finished and we will kick off the world wide celebration with some Mexican food and margaritas

gussie n teka

The Black and Tans. said...

We hope it all goes very well for your girl tomorrow.
We are not sure how many hours GST is behind GMT but we are thinking it may be 6! So we will have our paws crossed here tomorrow evening.


I am delighted Stella has sailed through having her stitch removed and she is looking as gorgeous as ever.


Peanut said...

Good luck to your girl. Oh where did you get that orange toy and what is it?

Moco said...

We will be doing a special circle of thesis vibes for you girl tomorrow.
Maybe she can jump through the tug-a-lug when she is done.

Eric said...

I'll be whooping and a hollering for your girl tomorrow Stanny. Cheering her on!!! Go girl. New York is waiting!

Crickey. Won't put her off will it?

Wiry lovies and kissies, Eric xx

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Way to go Stanley's Girl!!! We will be ready to pawty at your house when you're done...just let us know so we can get the kegs delivered!!!

Those pix of S&S are the cutest ever...we love the one where Stan is layin' down lookin' like Stella's head is growin' outta his side...

We love our tuggie gets stuck on Scruffy and he gets all mad tryin' to pull it off!!!!

Let us know how it goes!!!!

Love ya lots...


Noah the Airedale said...

We see it Stanley. Looks like grains of rice. You been eating sushi mate? lol.

Hope it all goes very well for your girl and we're glad to hear Stella's stitches have all gone.

noah willow tess lucy

Huskee and Hershey said...

All the best to your girl!!
Heehee.. we loved the pics of you and that 2 grains of rice... you were just saving them for supper, right?

Juno said...

Yay, we're glad your girl finished the thesis. We wish all the best to her tomorrow.

Sounds like Stella's wound is well healed! That is a good news. We always love to find your action shots and today is not the exception. That orange thingy is interesting!

Momo & Pinot

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Stanley your nose is absolutely gooberliscious! I would never see that rice stuff either. BTW, we are very proud of your mom for finishing up her hard work and hope she does smashing at her defense.

Stella, oh Stella, I had a runin with a Pit yesterday at the dog park. She bit my neck but only left a puncture wound. I was ready to go ninja on her after they pulled her off of me, but Mommy calmed me down. Dumb bully. I woulda shown her some terrier tenacity if I could have. Now my mom hovers over me like a helicopter at the park. I'm her little baby boy.:) Hootie

Dandy Duke said...

We love rice too, Stanley! Mom is always yelling at us to slow down - you're cascadin' it all over the place! It is one of those tricky things that's kinda hard to be neat about, isn't it?!
Good luck to your girl today!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Yo Stan! Lookin' good, especially with the grainy jewelry. And thanks for the update on the Stellanator. Glad to hear she's taken everything in stride.

Will we have to call your mom MasterGoober now? (Or GooberMaster?)

wally t.

Joe Stains said...

Looks like a gooberlicious time is being had by all. I can imagine that a lot of fun things I could do with that tug toy to Tanner. I mean, WITH Tanner.

Good luck to your mom but I think the defense hour has passed!

Agatha and Archie said...

We hope your Mom did excellently!!!!(we know she did) and we think the 2 rice grains were WICKED funny..Love A+Aincut

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

How did it go, Stanley??? Can we pawty at your house tonight? I have the beer kegs on order and have bought out all the hotdogs and fries in Kansas...will be arriving by midnight...we have to leave late cuz I'm grounded and have to sneak out...sigh...

Kisses to your girlie...we've been thinkin' of her all day!!!

Lakie licks,


Amber-Mae said...

I would have loved to lick off that rice on your nose for ya! Yum!

Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are surprised Stella didn't clean your nose for you lol.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

wally said...

HA-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Way to go MasterGooberMa! We're so happy for you! I hope you take the whole weekend to do gooberrasslin'. Or whatever you apes do for fun!

wally t.

ps. I'm sure Stella and Stan will need to celebrate since they were so integral to the process!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

och, you just look as handsome a goober as ever.

sorry, never mind the rice grains, your nose is fandabidozi.

love your music too on your blog!

I am kenneled, please come and rescue me, my J and my Pa have gone on a dirty weekend. No idea why it is so unclean, but I am not allowed to attend.

Stella is cool!

Patience-please said...

CONGRATS AND WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO on the thesis!!!!! Wow we are soooo impressed that we keep tipping over.
(And thank you for putting our much beloved Very Old Dog on your photoshow. really. Thank you.)

wags from the expanded waggle of whippets

Dexter said...

How that whole thesis thing works out OK so you can get more goober time. Will she be Dr. Girl then?

I can hardly see Stella's boo boo so that comb over must be working out for her.

About the rice? Not cool. I mean it's OK for just you, but what if Stella got hungry in the middle of the night. She could bitey your snooter!


Sophie Brador said...

Stanley, I need you to brace yourself. Now that your mom is done that Masters, she might get the crazy idea to do a phd. That's what mine just decided to do. Does this mean I have to put up with her ignoring my blog even more?

Kelly said...

Stanley, I've been thinkin' about your Girlie! How did the defense go?! I am SO glad she's DONE NOW!!! YAAAAY!!!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Bet that rice was tasty! Looks like you and Stella really do have a lot of fun together. And we are all sending lot of good wishes and congratulations to mom to for all her hard work.

Woos, the OP Pack

Bae Bae said...

Hee were you keeping those rice for snack later on. I bet your girl did pawsome for her thesis. :)

~ Bae

Petra said...

No doubt about it: Stella is AMAZING! I'm glad her stitches are coming out and things are going to be okay.

Hooray for the thesis being OVER for the most part!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Good luck on your defense and congratulations on finishing it up!