Always In Our Hearts

Friday, April 10, 2009

Living to the MAX

This here's my buddy, Max. He was my first ever foster brother, and he stayed with us in GooberStan for a couple of weeks on his way to his furrever home. He's a rescue pup like me, he's one cool Dale and he's got the heart of a lion!

That's Max on the left. He is a three-legged wonder! If you want to read his back story you can go here and if you want to know what he's been up to recently you can go here. He had just had one of his back legs amputated just a couple of weeks before he came to stay with us, but you wouldn't know it from the way he wrassled.

Not only is he a goober of the highest order, but he is also a supremely gifted cuddler! That boy was also full of a lot of ATTITUDE! He found his furrever home through Airedale Rescue, and now he works with his new mom as a therapy dog changing lives all over the place. Here I'm preparing him for his future therapy dog work by being extremely annoying. He took it like a pro!

Some of you may have heard of Bissell vacuum cleaner's contest for a new spokespet for their new line of Pet Lover's products. Well, the winner gets $10,000 for their favorite rescue group (among other fab prizes) and my Maxie is one of the finalists! The winners are supposed to be announced later today.

Who in their right mind could say no to this face?

Proud of my Maximus,
Pee Ess
We heard from Max's mama that Bissell has put off announcing the grand prize winner until sometime next week. We'll keep you posted.


Gus said...

Maxie is one cute dude. I'm sure some of the Goober Magic musta rubbed off on him.

Gussie n Teka

TwoSpecialWires said...

We're crossing our paws that Max wins the contest! Mom read all the posts about him (we're still in bed) and she kept wiping her eyes so she could see the monitor. What a brave boy! What wonderful people along the way! Let us know the results!

Jake and Fergi (stretching and ready to get up)

Princess Patches said...

Oooooo, Max is a cutie! He looks like a great therapy dog! We sure hope he wins the contest!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Joe Stains said...

Best of luck to Max, we have all our paws crossed that he wins it all!! What a cool Dale.

Kelly said...

Oh MY, Stanley! Max is a heartbreaker! Momma followed your links to read all about his accident and his overcoming of it. We laughed, we cried.... seriously, what a touching story.

We tried to go vote for Max, but it was too late! Whatever happens, he owes a TINY bit of credit to YOU, who I'm sure taught him all about being a goober boy.

Happy Easter to you, your sissy, and your Girl! Oh, can't forget Merv!

Petra said...

Maxie is magnificient! What a great story about a great dog. I sure hope he wins the contest.

Happy Easter to you guys!

Golden Samantha said...

Happy Easter - just started following you and so glad I am! Maxie has an amazing tale and I'm keeping my paws crossed that she wins! Stanley - WOOF!
Hugs xo,

Snowball said...

Max is such a special boy. Is his mom going to start a blog for him soon? I can't wait to read about how his career as a therapy dog goes. I know he will be very good at the job but its fun to read about it.


Murphy Dogg said...

Good luck to Max! He should totally win because the world needs to be exposed to more goober-fabulous-ness!
Murphy Dogg

Noah the Airedale said...

We've got our paws crossed for Max. He's just gotta win...he's not only a Goob he's an airedale!

Good luck Maxie!!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Dexter said...

Max is a goober for sure after spending time under the master goob. I hope he wins too.


Dandy Duke said...

What an honor to be able to meet Max! He is one special boy! Our paws are crossed that he wins that contest!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh we have our paws wicked crossed for him !! Love A+A

Asta said...

Stanley my Dawling
How come I nevew got intwodooced to Max?
What a sweet boy. a gweat westlew, and so handsome! I hope he wins the pwize! He is admiwable as well as cute.
I love you my Goobew Boy fow so many things, and being a good fwiend to so many is high on that list.
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

We will cross paws that he gets it. He sure is cute and has alien eyes.

Lucia said...

Ciao dolci Gooberstaniani!

That Max is toooo adorabile! Hmmm ... does Max have an official Goob name? (Maxagoob? Goobimax??)

Tanti baci!

Finni said...

We hope Max is the winner. That would be so cool. We keep our paws crossed!
Finni & Nelly xx

wally said...

Way to go Max! I love hearing about your foster bro. What a guy!

And how are Stella's stitches? I've been sending smoochies long distance-style.

wally t.

Kirby said...

Max is super pawsome! I sure hope he wins. He sure got lots of votes when he won his week! Airedales rule!!!!

Your pal,

Suzuki said...

Happy Easter!

Don't furget to stop by my blog and check out my 100th post and enter the contest fur your chance to win some really cool prizes!

Big licks to you

Sally said...

Hey there - paws crossed for Max - i think he is super cute. D and C think being a foster is great - and they are glad Max found his furever home - lots of licks

Islay said...

You bitey face bandits! Have a happy Easter!


Hollie and Janie said...

He is a cutie pie!! I really hope he wins! Rescued 'dales are pretty awesome!!