Always In Our Hearts

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Connecticut LoveFest

Okay. I am now reporting to you from GooberStan where Merv is getting used to sharing the house with me, my girl, and Princess Stella again. Stella is chomping at the bit to post about her FABULOUS time at Herc's house, and how they treated her like the princess she is, and how they even got her her very own hooman pup to play with, and how Herc played with her whenever she wanted! But that will have to wait. I have TONS more to tell you about my roadtrip.

On Memorial Day we left Boston and headed to the home of my Airebuds Maggie & Mitch. As you can tell from our initial greetings it was quite the lovefest. See how interested Maggie is in Sophie?

Maggie & Mitch already knew Asta, and they were excited to welcome her back to their bootiful home!

Mitch made sure to fill me in on how to sweet talk Maggie so I'd be ready when she came over to say hi.

Maggie told me all about how much Mitch was looking forward to having another guy around with so many females running about.

I hit it off with Mitch from the start. He and Maggie suggested we take a walk around their place.

Their yard is SO HUGE, and it has a pond and this very cool stream that Mitch's dad said I could play in. I didn't waste any time getting myself into that bootifully cold water.

Sophie also took some time to splash around and explore.

Sweet Maggsie was all concerned I'd catch cold roaching around in the water.

To put her at ease I got up and prepared to get out of the stream...

... only to find that Asta was thinking about getting in for a dip.

Maggsie & Mitch share their pond with a very special lady ~ I don't remember her name but she swam around like she owned the place.

I had been loving my time in the city, but was really enjoying getting back in touch with nature again.

Once we got into the barn my mind was made up! I was going to find a way to move in with Maggie and Mitch or get my girl to move us to their barn! It is cooler than my digs in GooberStan ~ no offense to my girl.

We tried to get a photo of my two new buds, Mitch & his dad (who gives great scritches and says the most encouraging things to a big goober such as myself), but Mitch was really digging his role as host and wanted to check on everydog there to make sure they were having a good time.

While the hoomans talked and ate the gooberiffic lunch Maggie & Mitch's mama made, Asta & I were wondering what had happened to our traveling cohort, Ms. Sophie La Brador.

Asta discovered Sophie hanging out by the big table where all the food was. She had been most successful at snagging some tasty morsels from the hoomans.

After a short discussion with her divabud, Asta decided to go and see if she could entice Mitch to a little game of bitey face.

We even got to see a diva demonstration of how to "be the ball," as Sophie calls it. (She's so zen.) We just usually call it "fetch."

Eventually, what with all the running around, exploring, wrasslin', and eating, we could have all used a nice snooze, but settled for a little rest instead, as demonstrated here by the bootiful Maggie.

Sophie actually snuck in a little power nap in between all the mutual admiration that was going on between her & Maggie.

That was not the only lovefest happening. Asta got some good lovin' from her daddi (but didn't let that distract her from the photo op).

Even though we got to Maggie & Mitch's house too late to go hike up Sleeping Giant, we still had a BLAST getting to hang out with Maggie & Mitch, getting to meet their parents George and Sue (who absolutely love me, by the way), and getting to run around their barn and yard! It was a great way to top off our weekend getaway. Maggie, Mitch, Sue, & George, thanks for all the great food and the fun, but most of all thanks for making us all feel at home! You're completely gooberlicious and we LOVE YOU!

Let me leave you with a couple of photos of MitchMan. He's the one Aireboy I've actually met who comes closest to me in size. His dad said that my bark makes me sound like a killer but that I'm really just a big baby of an Airedale (my girl completely agrees). If I'm a baby Dale then Mitch is a Goth dale. Check out his extra thick eyeliner!

We all had a hard time leaving Maggie & Mitch's house. I hope I get a chance to go back again someday! We all had quite the lovefest! If you want to see more photos from our time at Maggie & Mitch's, go to Asta's blog and check them out!

Goober Love,
More of my roadtrip adventures yet to come. My girl is trying to rest up from her "vacation" as she calls it. We're all a bit pooped around here.


Dandy Duke said...

We had the most wonderful time with you and Lisa, Stanley! We all connected like we had been friends for years! We sure hope we get to do this again one day soon! It sure was a FUN FUN FUN day! Thank you so very much for visiting us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's, me has sure enjoyed ur trip to c our friends...Sophie looks soo little in the video with Maggie...and Asta iz a little girlie, heehee fiesty, but little..

b safe,

Gus said...

Stanley,,,,in addition to all of your other gooberlicious talents, you are an excellent travel guide.

We have certainly enjoyed your wonderful vacation, but can see where your girl might need some rest. We are exhausted just reading about this.

gussie d

Unknown said...

Those Airekids look great - but what about all the fun you had with me??? Have you forgotten all about me, you big Goob?

Your neglected pal,


Asta said...

My Dawling Stanley
I got all teawy thinking about that wondewful day..What gweat hosts Maggie and mitch and theiw pawents awe..what pawsome playtimes,and food and gowgeous countwieside, and of couwse Maggie and mitch.

I'm glad you'we settling in at home my Love, but I suwe miss you wif all my heawt
smoochiest of kisses
Youw Astawoni sweetpeafuzzbutt

Putter said...

Stanley and Lisa!

FANTASTIC! AWESOMEST EVEREST!!!!!!! Don't Maggie and Mitch have the goodest DIGS! OMG! OMG! OMG! I just LOVE IT THERE TOOEST!!!!!!!! I was just so sorry to miss you is all!

Love, ]


Sophie Brador said...

Stanny! Mom says, holy doodles she looks fat, but I say, hey mom, you are!!!! ha ha ha

We're really happy you got some video from Connecticut, esp of me and Maggie. I was being a bit of a snob. If I went back today, I would probably play with her.

We're also very happy to see that you got home safe and sound. I hope Merv was nice to you.


p.s. That big swan was named Dobey

Persephone and Buster said...

hey stanley!! glad to hear you got back o.k.. looks like you had lots of fun in good ol'connecticut (and everywhere you went!! what a great vacation). we did miss you, so looks like you will have to come back to the little state another time! great swan pond, m & m -- he/she is a very lovely schwan <---ms. blue especially appreciates your position on streams stanley (cool down quick).
rest up...
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue too

Peanut said...

We have now caught up with your travels. It looks like your vacation was great. I wish we could go on one and meet other DWBs

Koobuss said...


Glad you and Lisa made it home safe and that you had such a good time on your vacation. It was nice meeting you and having you spend some time with us. If you are ever out this way again, you know where we live.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Joe Stains said...

Ok first of all, Sophie is certainly my soul mate, I act the SAME WAY when dogs want to play with me. It is amazing. We loved the videos, makes it feel almost like we were there.

We sure do miss Stella and can't wait to hear from her too.

Moco said...

Truly the vacation of a lifetime.

The Black and Tans. said...

What a fantastic day you had. We didn't want your post to end we enjoyed it so much. Look forward to more photos.............

Molly and Taffy

Hollie and Janie said...

Thank you so much for sharing all your pics and adventures! Maggie and Mitch's house sure does look awesome! I'm so happy everyone had such a good time!!

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We are glad you are home safe and sound - we have been checking everyday for an update because we knew it would be wonderful - and it is!!!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Kelly said...

Hi Stanley!!!!!! I sure did miss you and your Gooby sister while you were away!

Everything I have heard about your trip seems fabulous. Spending time in the NYC area and visiting Boston are all dreams of my Momma's... not to mention all of the friends that got to join you along the way! How wonderful!!!

Hope you are resting up and catching up with Stella and Merv!!!!

Molly and Gertrude said...

Oh WOW Gooberstan! What a simply awesome trip you have had! We loved reading about your adventures and seeing your photos of all the friends you met and places you visited. Wowie wow! Glad you had a great time!!

Love Molly and Gertrude

so, when's your Big Trip around the UK?!

Petra said...

What WONDEFUL pictures, Stanley! I love looking at every picture and reading about every adventure!

Agatha and Archie said...

OH our main man,WHAT FUN!! and how about that Diva ..did you see her batting her eyes at Maggie?? Wow that looks like such a lovey place we wish we could have come with you.. Poeple are still talking about your visit here( well really Archie won't stop yapping about you all day long... my main man this, my main that) and when he is asleep he dreams and talks outloud"stannie.....let's go main man would you like another cookie) He is OVER THE TOP with you( but then we all are our little Goob) Love and a billion kisses A+A PS your girl will sleep FOR WEEKS after this trip....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

What a fabbers time you had at M & M's!!!!!! That barn doesn't lookie like a barn inside...wood floors??? What a bootiful place to play for you dogs!!!

We loved that pic of Asta sharin' booty secrets with Sophie!!!

Babystan needs therapy. Mumsie took him to the park yesterday and introduced him to some bullfrogs...Um...he never saw them...just heard them...he freaked out...then he saw a couple of tree roots and thought they were snakies...he actually fell over tryin' to escape and was lyin' at the bottom of the slope to the pond on his back with all four feet stickin' straight up...

It made your little issues with buggies look totally mild.

Guess Stan wasn't bred to hunt frogs and snakes???

Love ya lots...miss you and the Gurl!!!!!


Faya said... beautiful....
Kisses, Faya

the many Bs said...

hey Stanley, we are so much enjoying reading about your travels and seeing all of the photos! you had so much fun! we loved watching happy Sophie "be the ball". she is an inspiration to us. we also love seeing you cooling off in that stream. that looked so refreshing.


TwoSpecialWires said...

It looks like your whole trip was as close to perfect as anydog could imagine! We love the pictures and videos and it feels a bit like being a peeping dog watching and looking at all of them. What great friends.... all of them! What great fun! We're glad you had the GREAT time you obviously did, and we look forward to when we can someday get our turn!

Wagginly hopeful,
Jake (and Fergi)