Always In Our Hearts

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Deep Thoughts and Haiku

I have had some intensive sessions with Cricket Louise (my life coach) discussing how I'm going to adjust to ZZ's departure for his furrever home. She suggested we talk things out. So, I have spent a lot of time talking with ZZ late into the night about life. Naturally, my thoughts have taken a philosophical turn during the last few days. I've been so preoccupied I hardly hear a word anyone says to me.

Huhh? You talkin' to ME?

Anyway... ZZ wanted me to share with you a couple of deep thoughts I've had. Hopefully they will be of help to you in your time of need.

Deep Thought #1

If you ever drop your squeakies into a river of molten lava, just let 'em go, cuz man, they're gone!

Deep Thought #2

The face of a hooman can say so much... especially the mouth part of the face.

You'll have to excuse me a minute. I need to ask ZZ something.


Okay. ZZ has agreed to share with you some of his Airedale Haiku. He wants me to remind everyone that Haiku has 3 lines - 5 syllables, 7 syllables, then 5 syllables again. (Thank you, Professor ZZ). Here's some of his work. It is a series of 4.

In wire crate I sit

Staring at my goob friend, Stan

Will he break me out?

Tummy rubs and hugs

Kisses and booty scratches

Make it feel like home

The hooman girl here

Loves on me like I am hers

And goob boy Stanley's

Stuffies and squeak toys

Wrasslin' and bitey face games

I'll miss GooberStan


ZZ & Stanley


Boo Casanova said...

i like the haiku. short and sweet. for the longest time, i thought ZZ is a girl! *blush*

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

oh the poetic genius is making me sad yet happy!

Ume said...

ohhh ZZ,
i'll miss u too! i hope u will still be blogging when u r at your furrever home.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Thanks for sharing the knowledge of your deep thoughts Stan, I'm sure they'll come in handy some day.

As for ZZ, I'm so impressed with his poetry skills! I really hope we hear how he's getting on from time to time.

Oscar x

Duke said...

I'm sure ZZ's departure is very hard on you Stanley! You had so much fun together! I hope you can have a playdate with him and post pictures!

Love ya lots,

Balboa said...

OH, what great Haikus, so much talent.

Well it seems that you have given ZZ lots of great wisdom, I'm sure he will always remember you. sniff, sniff

Frenchie Snorts

Ruby Bleu said...

Stanley...don't be sad. I'm sure your Mom will bring another pup home before it finds its furever home. And ZZ will always be your friend. Just think of it...more pups to spread the good word on GooberStan!

So glad Cricket is helping you out in your time of need.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Tadpole said...

After reading that, my girl's eyes started leaking water. She does that every so often.

I'm sure it will be a BIG adjustment saying goodbye to ZZ and going back to being an only child. Bless little Cricket's heart for helping you through this.

Ferndoggle said...

You'll have to make sure ZZ stays in touch so we can hear about all of his adventures. Better yet, convince his new folks to get him his OWN BLOG!


Peanut said...

Those were some good deep thoughts. ZZ definetly needs his own blog.

Sir Chance-Lot said...

Hey friend, how are you?
Stop by my page will ya, I am looking for models!

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Wow so you really talk to him like that? I don't think Janie would understand me if I dropped any of those thoughts on her.

Love the h-aire-ku!

Bussie Kissies

Asta said...

Stan, these moments you're shawing with ZZ are pwecious..i'm glad you two are smart enough to tweasure them..I hope ZZ will be as loved in his furrever home, and maybe wemember us too....I love the Haiku..bootiful and wise...
Stan if you need comforting , or if you're just lonely..I'm always here for you
smoochie kisses
your Asta

Bogart H. Devil said...

Deep thoughts indeed. Looks like you've got all of the important bases covered, my man.


Sunshade said...

Awwwww...... That was so sweet of ZZ... I think you guys are gonna miss each other so much. BUT, I think I have a solution for you, how about a STINKY for each of you?? I got two here to spare!!

(Sunshade's mum: will you STOP offering YOUR niece and nephew to your friends????? They are staying RIGHT HERE!! Or at least one is..)

What's wrong with that woman?? Anyway, oh and I saw what you wrote on Putter's chat box, I think the post you were looking for is called "The Aire-Plan" in the May archives!! We're currently thinking about an RV instead of the private jets since I *ahem* like to make everything MINE with my *ahem* urine..

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Finnegan said...

Beautiful haiku! I hope you can see your friend again after he goes to his new home.


Suki & Joey said...

Great haikus! I am sorry that you will miss ZZ so much, Stanley. I know how hard it is to lose a fur brother. It's been almost 2 weeks since Twix went to his furever home and it's been really hard, but as time passes, it gets a little easier :)

Puggy kisses

wally said...

You guys are great! Love the haikus and deep thoughts. That's enough inspiration for, like, a whole month!


ps. Stan, man, you've got me pegged. I AM a grumpy old man with a heart of gold. Don't tell!

Emily and Ike said...

Where did you get your Wild Thing toy????
About the banner - my mom made it on photoshop and then uploaded it as a photo - kind of guesstimated size and then adjusted and reuploaded. I will link to you.

Maggie said...

my moms cast comes off today :) i wish zz could stay although i am ha-pee for him :)(

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Stan, love the haikus! J x

Sophie Brador said...

ZZ's magnificent work has almost brought me to tears and should we ever need a writer in residence, we will be calling on him.

And Stanley Goobman, your are one deep dude!

The Airechicks said...

Nice to meet you Stan & ZZ -

Both of you boys - VERY handsome....

Stan please don't be too sad about ZZ - your Mom can tell you with rescue there IS ALWAYS another who needs your LUV and FREINDSHIP and a BUD to help them start the new LIFE and you will always be in the heart and soul of those who cross into your life ..

We've had several boys come stay with us until FOREVER LOVES arrive to take them home....Just show 'em the LUV