Always In Our Hearts

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Sissy Chronicles 4 - Stella in GooberStan Day 2

Today is Day 2 of the seige I am currently under by this pup who answers to the name of Stella (the idea of her answering to anyone is purely theoretical at this point).

She has been goobering up my bed, my toys, and my yard. My girl asked what I thought. Are you KIDDING ME?

No. Seriously! Are you KIDDING ME?

This girl is not quite what I had in mind when my girl said she had found me a sissy. I was thinking of somepup who would be more... I don't know... like a servant who really really looks up to me, ya know? What I have instead is this...

Did you see the expression on my face? It says it all. Not only do I have to put up with the indignity of playing baby tug, but I also had to put up with a constant stream of badgering from Stella. Basically, I have my own personal live-in stalker.

I am at a little bit of a loss here. I was hoping there had been a mix up and that the sissy pup of my dreams (one who will wrassle anytime I want, who will take the blame for all my naughtiness, and to be at my beck and call) got mixed up with Stella. My girl has assured me that there was no mix up. I wonder what my girl is thinking ~ I thought for sure she was kidding when she said my sissy was going to keep me in line.

Don't get me wrong. Stella's a cutie, and she's got sass. I admire sass... just not quite so much of it, and not in my own living room.

Goober love,



Noah the Airedale said...

Yep your face says it all matie. It has the same expression as mine. Well all I can say is get used to it because they don't go away. Just be thankful you only have to deal with one. Good luck to you.


Faya said...

Stan ? When your girl says "be gentle", is she talking to you or to Stella ? Stella is actually everywhere. I can see that you want to play with your girl. I hope she will have a little bit time for you and just you.
Kisses, and good luck...

Moco said...

You really have your paws full with Stella. She looks like quite the prankster. Where is Merv while all this is going on?

Asta said...

Stanley my Love
Don't look so sad!!
Stella suwe looks at home thewe awe those youw toys she's stealing??
she's like lightning..I hope you get a little west at least at night.
You know youw giwl still loves you!!!don't evew fowget that!!!!
smoochie kisses
coraggio!! my Stanney

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sisters sound like hard work. Do you ever get a minute to yourself? I don't want one of them for Christmas.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

Oh no! She's got your big lipped fishy! Has she started to de-squeak your toys yet or is it still to early? Hide anything you really care about! Be glad that she'll never be bigger than you, Stanley! You'll always have this in your favor! She's a fiesty little spitfire, isn't she but she's just so cute!

Love ya lots,

Ferndoggle said...

OK Stan, I see what's going on here. Just wait. Stella will get bigger and WAY less annoying. And she will come to understand that her whole purpose in life is to serve you. And play. A LOT!

I know, I complained about Lola at first...she was SUPER annoying when she was a Pup. But now...Woot Woot!! We have a rockin' good time!

Stella should hang out with Lola for a few days. They'd both sleep a ton after that!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hehehehe! Stella certainly looks very cute, but watching your videos reminded me of why I NEVER want to have a brother or sister. I don't do sharing! J x

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Oh Stan, you poor boy! You really don't know what has hit you do you. The way you hold your toys up to the camera in the hope that mum will play with you breaks my heart.

Never mind, though. Give it a few days and you will wonder how you managed without Stella in your life. You're going to have so much fun once you have both figured each other out.


ps Stella is soooo cute. Can I borrow her for a few days so we can play mad puppy games?

*** Florida Terrier Rescue *** said...

Hey Stanley, Now you know what we boys went through with her. It will get better my boy. Just hide the good toys until she get a little older! Oh, and just stand in one place cause spinning around to keep up with her will make you dizzy!

jaffeboy said...

Aaawwww... Stella is such a cutie pie!!! I'm sure she'll settle down in about say, 2 years! hahaha...

Good luck there Stan, I'm still trying to deal with my sissy!

Sophie Brador said...

Stanny, I'm feeling for you, but don't worry. Stella is just going through a phase. You know how it is. I have a feeling she'll grow into the perfect goober gal.


wally said...

Dear Stan,

Don't say I didn't warn you. Sissies are not all they're cracked up to be. I've learned to shout LEAVE ME ALONE at her. But my real secret? Being a mawma's boy. If I do big sad eyes and hide behind her, she'll always have my back.

Hey, maybe you could move here, we could ship my sissy THERE and relocate Gooberstan in the east? NO GIRLS ALLOWED. Except for the calm ones. And the ma apes, of course. They bring the foodables.


Amber-Mae said...

Woh! She's really sooper hyperactive! I think I will gooo crazee if I see a little one running round & round, up & down non-stop. Phew! But I'm sure you'll be able to handle her, won't ya Stan? Hehehe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus said...

OK you see what you got yourself into! You have an offer from Mojo that you should really consider. Let him have her for "a few days" then get your mom to move before he can ship her back. I figure you have about 22 hours to accomplish that! We can all get together and sympathize this evening. Do you have to bring her to the pawty?

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Now Stanley, sounds like you wanna have ur cake and eat it can not have a sissy servant...that's an, Scruffy, I didn't just call Stan a moron. Anyway, it will get better. Soon, she will have you so well trained, that u will be her servant. The way it should be!! Koob and I are babysitting her at the pawty this weekend...oh, and the pawty is gonna go till Sunday...We're working on a costume for her.

Er Stan...Lacie has a new habit. Um...she started humping me last night. And she won't quit. This fixit surgery seems to have backfired. I'm depressed. Any ideas???

Pooor poor Scruffy.

Can Lacie come and visit you??????

Agatha and Archie said...

Stanley,Stanley,Stanley,I tried to tell ya budyy.I tried to break it to ya gently.I"m noticing ALL YOUR TOYS STREWN ALL OVER THE ROOM!!!!!!!(Agatha didn't send her the bomb shelter plans did she????)You have to be QUICKER on your toys here buddy.I'm with Noah,Gussie and Wally on this one!! (but she is really cute) Love ARchie

Agatha and Archie said...

Dearest Stella and Stanley,I am thrilled you are fitting in so well darling,and you have the first step down pat. Now....take all those little toys( the pink flamingo also darling) and put them in in the secret place we talked about.Love Agatha Oh Stanley,isn't she just darling and SO LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!

Harry said...

Oh Stan, I feel your pain. My new bro is going to be doing the same to me, I can feel it in my water. We'll have to stick together old boy. Safety in numbers and all that.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Bogart H. Devil said...

Wow Stan, she's gonna keep you
B-U-S-Y... hows Merv feeling about the newest household addition?


William Tell said...

I know it's a bit of adjusting to do, but having a little Sis can be fun. Once you get her broke in right...good luck with that part.

William Tell

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hey Stan! We've got our Stella Post up! You'll have to scroll past the art post that congratulates Nanook on his TDI certification - it's looooong! But to make up fot it we've got 2 limericks and a saying. Looks like Bogey and Bacall Goober love!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Stanny...what a little firecracker that Stella is!!! Wow. Just hold your own, ok...she's just getting used to things...I'm sure that's all it is...I'm sure she'll calm know, in like 2 or 3 years!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby Bug

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan
Looks to me that Stella has taken the place for herself!
I was thinking the same as Faya. Is your girl talking to you or to her??
Be patient my friend. She will grow up soon and will calm down!
See you at the party

Kirby said...

Hi Stanley,

My, my you have got your paws full there in GooberStan, don't you? Stella is sweet, but she is still such a puppy. You both look so cute in the videos. She'll calm down eventually, it's just gonna take time. Just be prepared to share ALL your stuff. Oh, one question for you, wher is Merv when all of this chaos is going on? Poor little guy, bet he's hiding out somewhere!

Your pal,

Luckie Girl said...

oh my dog Stanley...she's taking over!! It's the Stella invasion...! Do you want to come over and bunk with me?

Casper and pals said...

Wow Stella is a tiny thing with so much energy!

Jen and Suki said...

She looks like a pawful, but if anyone can handle it, I know you can, Stan-the-man!

She is so cute, dude. Lucky!

Martha said...

Take it from me, Stan, you gotta beat 'em into submission. I have to give daily, no hourly, beatings to keep him in line! Love, Martha

Koobuss said...

I was just able to watch the videos for the first time. For some reason, they would not play for me before.

Stella is aborable! And so small!! Stan, you will need lots of rest, my friend. She is going to keep you very busy.

Best of luck with her. She's beautiful!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

PerfectTosca said...

Stanley Honey! You gotta get control right now, boy!!! This looks serious!

Toby said...

Hi Stanley..
Oh my gosh your sissy is soo cute! Shes so tiny compared to you. I bet she'll be more of a wrassler when she gets bigger! Good Luck getting her to be your servant! Keep training her!

Love Toby