Always In Our Hearts

Monday, November 19, 2007

Santoober Claws

I've been trying to post my letter to Santa Claws (or Santa Paws, if you prefer). My girl insisted I pose in my Santa hat... sort of a Goober Santa Claws, hence, Santoober Claws. I wasn't that into wearing the hat, and Stella had other plans for it.

I finally got the thing away from The Stellanator, but it's really not my style. (I don't believe in impersonating the Santa Claws, so sue me). This is the best photo my girl could get with me "wearing" the hat.

Now, here's my letter to the great 4-legged jolly one, himself.

Dear Santa Claws,

We don't know each other well, but I know you're good at your job, and you've always had my back.

Last year at this time I didn't have a home, and you came through for me. I really owe you, man. If I didn't say it enough, I'm sorry. But, Santa... dude... THANKS FOR MY HOOMAN GIRL! You matched us up better than E-Harmony could have.

(As a side note ~ and I thought you'd think this was funny ~ my girl filled out their personality profile on line to appease some friends. When you're done filling it out it asks you if you'd like to see a sample match of someone who might be a good fit. You can specify if you're willing to meet someone regionally, nationally, or you can have them search their worldwide database for a match. She chose to go global, and guess what? NOT ONE MATCH... in the whole wide world! Incidentally, she and her friends blow raspberries at the TV everytime E-Harmony dares to aire a commercial, then she collapses into deep belly laughs.)

This year I have four requests. I don't know how much you can do about the first one, and I'm sure I'm not the only pup to ask for your help with this, but could you please bring a peaceful end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? I know it's more complicated then just making it end, but do what you can, man.

My second request is much more mundane. I would like, very much, if you could curb my sissy, Stella's fascination with my beard and my booty. She likes to bite at both, and I'm soon going to be bald in my nether regions just as it's getting cold outside.

My third request is for all my pup, kitty, hammie and coyote friends out there! Do what you can to make them all the healthiest they can possibly be and free from pain. I'm especially thinking of my buds JaffaMan, Casper, Finnegan, and Jackson.

Because I was a homeless pup this time last year, my last request is for all those other animals out there who are needing a furever home. Could you do for them what you did for me, please? I'd really appreciate it.

I know it's your busy season, but be sure to take care of yourself, Santa. When you stop by our house we'll be sure to have a nice selection of bull pizzle, liver treats, and cheeses. If you have something special you'd like to drink, just let me know.

Santa, I apologize for the poor impersonation of you. It was my girl's idea.

Goober love, Christmas smooches, and Thanks,



Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
Wow, Stella never lets go does she? She's like going all out just to get the hat! Yikes.
That was one nice letter to Santa Paw. Hmm..maybe your girl should try coming to Singapore....I heard the men are very shy perhaps that's why they didn't join E-Harmony. LOL!!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, that Stellanator sure will not let go of that hat. That's a great letter to Santa Paws! You are very sweet & generous pup. Those are great requests. I hope Santa Paws will be able to change the world...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said...

Great letter Stanley. Lets hope Sandy Paws comes through with the requests!!
BTW, we're totally with you about dressing up as Santa. I'm forever having to look at myself dressed up as the guy.
It's great having a forever home isn't it. We sure hope it comes true for lots of animals out there. We all deserve a great home.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

The Black and Tans. said...

Hi Stan

We just love the photos of the Santa hat tugging session. Your letter to Santa Paws was fantastic and you deserve a wonderful Christmas this year.

Molly and Taffy

Ruby Bleu said...

What a great letter. I especially like what you asked for first. I should have asked for that too because the more Santa knows about it maybe the more he can do about it. And you know what would be really great about that??? Then maybe Peanut and Flash's dad wouldn't have to leave them!

Tell Stella to stop bugging you or do I need to come out there and whip her into shape for you? No one messes with my Stanny's beard!!!

Great juicy snout shot too...I just want to give it lots of kisses!!!

Lots of Licks, your r-bug

P(ee)S: Tell your girl the e-harmoy comment was least that is what my Mom said to say! But that she is laughing with her, not at her --- whatever THAT means!

Asta said...

Stan my Sweet Sweet zlove
That last pictoowe is the best evew and is getting pwinted out and going on my fwidge!
I like the use you and Stella put the hat mean it has othew uses too??
You w list is pawsome! as aways you know just the wite thing to say and if Santa paws has a heawt I'm suwe he will give you evewy one of those wishes
smoochie kisses to evewyone in Goobewstan especially to you my pwince

Gus said...

Stanley - Great job on the letter to St. Nicholas. And just a tip from another bruzzer...take that hat, put Stella IN the hat, take lots of pictures and use them for Blackmail! It will come in handy!!!!

Clover said...

Hi Stanley,
Oh my DOG, I love that last picture of you in the hat!! Looks like you and Stella had a fun time playing with the hat first. My mom and dad got me a Santa hat that I know I will have to show off soon... :s
We had a nice chuckle about the e-harmony thing, and we just want to tell your girl that the reason that happened is because she is way too good and unique for any of those other e-harmonizers. :)
Love Clover xo

Clover said...

Oops I forgot to tell you that I like your Santa Claws letter and that I am leaving something for you on my blog today!
Love Gooberclove xo
P.S. Hello to Stella!

Murphey said...

That stellanator, she has the right idea about destroying the hat, although you look mighty fine as Santa.

And I have to second your list to Santa!

Murph the hat hating pup

Frasier said...

Hi Stanley
That was horrible about the eharmony stuff!!But mommy and daddy met online thro Christian Cafe and they were from 2 differant continents so there is someone out there for your girl!!
That last picture melted our hearts !!!

Faya said...

Stanley ! Stop making Gooberique cry.....please....
Kisses, Faya

Moco said...

That Stella is quite the IMP! She is a busy, busy gal.
Tell your girl that Pappy and I have been together 33 years and we laugh that eHarmony would never have matched us.
I hope Santa grants all your wishes. Our Oregon Humane Society adopted out over 100 cats, 14 dogs and 4 rabbits this last weekend. They say it was a record. Maybe hoomans are getting smarter.

Lenny said...

Hey Stanley, what a nice letter! I hope you get all of your requests. Love the Santa hat too.

Your friend, Lenny

Duke said...

Awesome letter to Santa, Stanley! You asked so politely so I'm sure he'll give you whatever you want! We just love that last picture of you! It's just adorable! One last thing, why does your girl need E-Harmony when she has you and Stella?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

Sorry about Stella. I hope you don't end up furless. That wouldn't be good. That was a nice letter to Santa. I have to write mine.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oooooh my, that Stella has some grip doesn't she Stanley?

I loved your Santa letter, very good!

They try to dress me up here, but like you I am not keen!

Thank you so much for the get well wishes for my Jeannie, she is much better now! I am sure your Goober luv helped!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Lacy said...

woofies Stella and Stanley!!! heehee dats cute u 2 playin bitey face over da santa paws hat...and watt a grate letter to hopies u get all ur wishes....

b safe.

the many Bs said...

awww Stanley, that's such a nice letter to the big red furry guy. you are sure to get what you ask for, except for the part about toning down little Stella. maybe you can stuff her inside the hat for a little time out.
maybe not.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Stan Stan,
That's a real nice letter to Santa Claws!! Yeah, I think the best thing he did was to match you up with your girl... ummm.. I think his gift to you this year is your lil' sis, The Stellanator!

Juno said...

Stanley, I love that letter to Santa!
Can you believe that I'll be a big sissy soon???

Momo xoxo

Kirby said...

Hi Stanley,

He he he, Stellie sure is a tough little cookie. I must admit, I totally would have tugged with the hat too. Guess the puppy is still in me. Your letter to Santa Paws is so sweet and nice. After reading everyones, I'll have to fix mine. I guess my itemized list including order numbers is not appropriate. I'll have to write a caring letter. Hmmph, I'll have to work on that.
I hope Santa gives you everything you wished for. I'm so happy that you (and Stella) are in your furever home this Christmas. And, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'm so thankful that you are my pal. You were my bud back on dogster and were my first buddy on DWB. Thanks for always being there buddy! Guess now we would have a man hug or something. Not sure what to do....

Your pal,

Boo Casanova said...

stanley, like your letter to santa paw especially when you pray for all to be healthy... i want to be healthy and forever with mom and dad.

wet wet licks


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Stanley...Scruffy here. Are you sure that is Stella and not Lacie? They look like twins!! It's horribly frightening to think of 2 Lacies in the world. Lacie got a tiny bit mad at me tonight for getting within 10 feet of the fridge when she was waiting/hoping for a handout. She attacked my back fur...and ripped it out. I have hardly ANY beard...hers is long, full and lush. What's a brother to do???

Have a fab turkey day.
Loved ur letter to the fat Santypaws. We had NO idea that you didn't have a home this time last year?!. Man, Stan....that's so amazing that u got matched up with ur Girl. U are one lucky Dale, Dude!!

Gotta go and pack for camp...Bleech...hugs from my mumsie to urs!!

Scruffy dude

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan
That is a great letter.
I am sure Santa will give you everything you ask for!
Yes, I love the last picture too!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

stella was all about eating that hat off of you! That list you made for Santa was perfect and so right on. We hope for peace allll over from Santa.

Noah the Airedale said...

Come visit our bloggie Stanley.


Simba and Jazzi said...

I think you look cute. What a great letter.

Simba xx

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Cool, nothing better than a good game of tug... Stella is a strong puppy lol Love your letter to Santa and I hear you about the hat.

have a fab day
Scrappy and Pebbles

Jessica said...

It looks like playing with that Santa hat was much more fun than wearing it.

Great letter to Santa. You are so kind Stanley!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Unknown said...

Herc's Mom here...

Oh Stanley-When I saw the picture of you in your santa hat I just wanted to give you a big kiss on your wonderfully large nose...You are too cute my boy!

Herc here now...

Buddy, my Mom is a goober-head, I am sorry for how silly she can be at times! Dude, your hat looks like a great tug-o-war toy! You deserve all your wishes! Good Luck!

Much love to you (tell the sister hi for me too)


Putter said...

Greatest Ever letter Stanley!!!!!!!!!

I love your hat pic!

Your Friend,


Martha said...

That's a great letter, Stan! I'm glad you were able to finally get your hat back. Love, Martha

wally said...

What a great letter to the Santa Paws. My ma ape made me cease and desist when I got to the 203rd gift for myself. Sigh.

Haha! Your ma is particular (or did eHarmony know she'd already met her match?). Though is eHarmony the one that is run by the religious dude? I've heard their matching criteria are sorta wack. And, also, they won't match up same-sex couples. I could never have met my GooberLove!


Casper and pals said...

Hey Goober, We like your Santa Paws letter, but you know what?

You have me mixed up with the other Casper. I'm "Casper and pals" from Casper's Adventures and I'm healthy as a horse ( as they say). The other American Eskimo Casper that is sick is Casperddog at

Don't worry about the mistake.A few other doggies have gotten it mixed up too. I just wanted to let you know.

Just to confuse everyone more there is also another American Eskimo named Casper in Ohio, but he blogs in Chinese so we have trouble reading him!

Woofs Casper, Nikki, and Buddy

kaui said...

stanley! yes i do see your lil sis! she is TOO cute!! ;] but not as cute as you are stan the man! happy thanksgiving to you and your family! make sure u get to eat a lot of turkey!!

Jen and Suki said...

Aw Stanley, that entry made my mommy all warm and gooey inside. It's so nice that most of your holiday wishes are for others. And your wish about Stellanator really made me think because I am fascinated with Trigger's soft hangy bits, ankles, and turkey neck. Maybe I should go easy on him from now on. What would we pups do without big brothers and uncles?


Suki Sumo

Sophie Brador said...

Stanny, my gooberlicious furball! I'm thinking of starting up an online dating service where people are matched entirely through their doggies. But your mom might be so overrun with suitors that she wouldn't have time for you or the Stellanator anymore. And it would almost surely mean yet another new sibling. You seem to have your hands full.


the Corgi Girls said...

We love the last pic, of the hat covering your eyes! BOL! Love you list, you are such a sweet pup Stan.

M & I

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a very pawsome letter to Santa Paws. You look very cute in the xmas hat Stanley. :)

~ Girl girl

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Looks like that Stella is an active little one !!!

I will trade you Louie for, for, I will give you Louie till those little alligator teeth go away !!!

Gus & Louie

Persephone and Buster said...


That final picture with the Santa hat deserves an award of some kind! It's priceless. And a Stellanated hat is better than no hat.

That little sister's getting AWEFULLY cute. Which is probably what keeps her mom from snarling at her.

Have a great Turkey-Day--be sure to save some for your human friends!


Sephie & Buster

Agatha and Archie said...

Our main man!! WHat else would you do with the hat????teehee.....We love your list and we love you guys..!!Love A+A

Asta said...

Stanley my Sweet!
I think any name with cheese in it has to be good!
Thanks fow saying I look nice in my pilgwim's a little too subdoood fow my taste, but hey it's theiw holiday ,so I thought I would just go with it.
Roscoe and Opus awe vewy gentlemanly with me..they know you'we my one twue LOVE!!
smoochie kisses

The WriggleButts said...

We think making us wear hats is more than bad enough.. We're a bit uncertain if Stella fighting you over it made it better or worse? Anyways we hope you get all your wishes for Christmas.

the WriggleButts

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! That's a great list you made for Santa and you do look cute with the Santa hat!

Willow and I are thankful for friends like you! Hope you had a great day with lots to eat, like we did - boy, did we eat some turkey!

Purrrrrrs, China Cat

jaffeboy said...

Wow... Great letter. Hope Santa Claws/Paws will have time for all that & then mine. hehehe...

Stella is the cutest, after you of cos...

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Stan, thanks for thinking of me and other dogs not in the best of health. You're a real pal! I hope all your Christmas wishes come true.

Mojo, Digger and family said...

That Stella's a little minx! Denuding your chin is one thing, but your goolies??!!?

Good letter to Santa. You're such a decent goober. Tell your Mum she doesn't need to search through e-Harmony as she has her perfect guy already. Oh, I know, you can't do some things like put up shelves and drive to the supermarket, but you have many fine points. Besides, who wants to be easily pigeonholed by e-Harmony? Your girl is obviously unique.

Now is it my imagination, or in that last photo are you pulling your famed 'pained' expression? You're fab.

big love

The Brat Pack said...

What a great letter, we love it! We had our assistant post it on the letter blog too.

Thanks for playing in our game!
YOu're surely a very sweet and cuddly guy. :)

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi! We've been flying all over the world so we've been gone and we're sorry! We missed you! Dad says we're going right past Gooberstan so if you want a visit let us know! Good thing we wont need a passport, just a snif and maybe a stamp our butts with Stellas teeth! Next pass by Gooberstan would be Fri nite at around 7 - as a guess since we don't know exactly where it is. Could be earlier if we can leave Independance earlier. Hope to see you and meet Stella!