Always In Our Hearts

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sock Monkey Dress Up

My little sissy, Stella, is a...

I mean, it's right there on her bowl, so it MUST be true.
As a result, I've been a little protective of Grandma Sock Monkey lately. Stella's been repeatedly disrobing her and trying to get her to play dress up.

I am constantly battling with her for Grandma's dress.

I've even stooped to playing a little dress up myself in order to get back Grandma's clothes so she doesn't have to walk around au naturale.

My psycho sissy has gone a little too far, though. She's forced the issue and insisted that Grandma Sock Monkey play dress up with her at least once. She vowed she would never give back Grandma's dress unless she played along.

Personally, I think she looks like a little fuzzy French maid in that get up, but that's just me.

Here is the dress up game inverted. Stella wanted to put all of her collars on Grandma, but we finally got her to settle for one.

Stella's pretty proud of her efforts at varying Grandma's style options.

When Stella wanted to take her dress up game a step further, my girl put a halt to it! She had a heck of a time getting Grandma's tail back from the Stellanator, though.

Living with a Psycho Diva,

Stella wants me to announce that November 26th is her one year anniversary as Taffy's girlfriend! She LOVES her little Welsh Taffy Man! Boy, does she love you! Congratulations to the diminutive couple!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Steroid Flamingo

I have to apologize to all of you for my girl. She has been remiss in helping me visit the blogs of all of my friends, and I thought I was working my way up to never forgiving her until she brought home the most magnificent stuffie I've ever seen.

I KNOW, man! Can you believe it?! My hooman girl really is the premiere stuffie huntress of all time! She finds the most curiously amazing and freakishly large stuffies I could ever imagine. (Some brain-addled hooman pup gave him to a thrift store where my girl simply scooped him up. I don't get hoomans sometimes.)

Since he (my gargantuan flamingo friend) and I have just met, we're going to spend a little time getting to know one another before I give him a name.

Whatdya think? Should I skip the preliminaries and just bestow upon him a goober name already? Maybe Flamoober? Or, do you have a name suggestion for me?

Let me just say that Flamoober has already made it clear that he has NEVER ever taken performance enhancing drugs, nor has he ever dealt with Roid Rage. Don't let the post title fool you into thinking he's enhanced in any way. He's all natural... and he's ALL MINE! (See? He's already willing to cuddle with me. What more could I want?)

Viva la flamingo,


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mr. Stuffie Goes to Washington

Gotta say I'm STINKIN' EXCITED that my man, Barack Obama is heading to the White House!

Even though Nelson Mandela already beat me to it, I'm sending President-Elect Obama a note of congratulations on his victory, and a pledge from GooberStan to remain a fierce ally of the United States!

And, as a more experienced statesman, I plan to offer President-Elect Obama one piece of crucial advice...

... When the going gets tough, the tough get... THEIR STUFFIES!!!

I will be selecting one of my favorite stuffies to send to Washington for President Obama's use. Whichever one I send, you can bet it will give its all in the service of such a great leader and a great country. (Also, it can double as a chew toy for the new First Dog, whoever the lucky pup is.)

Congratulations, America!!! You made an excellent choice!

Goober love,
