Always In Our Hearts

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So, you may be wondering how that whole thesis thing went, huh? Well, this is me, all excited that my girl is finally DONE with her stinkin' thesis! Yes. Thesispalooza has come to an end.

On Friday afternoon, while my girl was still doing her thesis defense, some flora of unknown origin arrived at our house. Aren't they GORGEOUS?

Stella was very much into smelling the flowers...

from every angle.

I was actually more interested in eating them! (Don't worry. My girl didn't let me deface her F.O.T. ~ Flowers Of Triumph)!

The card said the flowers were from all of our friends in the blogosphere, but a little goober told us that Scruffy, Lacie & Stan's Mumsie was the one responsible for making it happen! (Our girl actually cried when she read the card.) Mumsie, you will be getting some goob lovin' directly from me in a few weeks! You totally made our girl's day! She was feelin' the love.

Stella & I have both been giving our girl extra S.N.O.T (SNuggles Of Triumph) these last few days. She was one worn out puppy!

We're extra proud too because she was awarded honors for her thesis, and she gave credit to Stella, Merv, and I for our part in helping as her writing partners! It was right there in print ~ saw it with my own eyes!

Our celebration has only just begun, and what better way to help us kick it off than with some Punk music for deviant dogs from my buddy, Murphy, and his mama's store Punk Rock Dogg?! Is this not the coolest stinkin' CD you've ever seen?! The songs got us all howling along to that driving beat while our girl did her Slam Dance of Triumph (S.D.o.T.) through the house a few times! Thanks, Murph! You really did us a solid by sending that CD. My girl was totally DYING that she couldn't get her hands on one! Smooches to your mama too! She's very cool to think of my girl!

And now, we want to share some of that love we're feeling with a new buddy we met through Facebook.

This cute pupgirl is Autumn. She's a rescue Lakie like Stella. She was recently rescued from being a baby machine in a puppy mill, and she just spent her first birthday in freedom with her furrever family! She's four now, so please go over to her blog and wish her a happy birthday and welcome her to the blogosphere!

She's learning all about how to be a carefree dog from her catbro and her new mom. Doesn't she look like Stella & Lacie? We're so excited we found her!

Full of goober love, triumph, and celebration,
Stanley & Stella

More later about my birthday and some special stuff coming up soon! Thanks for all the birthday love you sent my way! I totally felt it!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do you see anything on my nose?

Go ahead. Look a little closer.

There you go. NOW you can see them, right? Two plump & juicy grains of rice from my dinner. Well, I can't... see them, that is. Because of the gargantuan proportions of my fuzzy snout, my depth perception can be a little off at times. If Merv had not pointed them out to me I would have missed them and walked around like this all night.

ALL clean now.

Just to catch you all up. Stella went to get her stitches out a week ago. The vet's assistant was there and she took one stitch out and said the rest would dissolve on their own. It looks like they are all gone now, and Stella is doing a comb-over with her beard to cover the bald spot until she can get some new growth going around that corner of her mouth. Of course, she doesn't act differently since she never even seemed to realize she had had a medical procedure.

Our girl's thesis defense is tomorrow (Friday) at 2:30 p.m. GST (GooberStanian Time). After that it's edits and filing and then she will be finito! In the meantime, we amuse by performing contortionist feats with our orange tug-a-lug. Here I'm getting ready to crawl through the tug tongue first.

Sometimes it's unclear whose turn it is to perform, and you know what THAT leads to...

Stella can do this amazing move where she dances the Hokey Pokey and then somersaults her way through the tug. It's alright... for an amateur.

When we're done with it our girl makes us hang the tug up so we can find it easily next time.

Goob love,

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Thesis Has Landed

Finally, our girl's thesis, the bane of our existence these past months, has landed in the hands of those who have to read it. All we can say is thank doG! Now all she has is the defense this Friday, and any edits she may need to do (which she hopes will not be many). Thankfully we are no longer seeing this look on Merv's face. (He was HATING thesispalooza even more than we were!)

We've all been spending a LOT of time doing this...

and this.

Stella spent a lot of the time during thesispalooza having Merv give her pawdicures.

We also spent a lot of time like this (waiting for our girl to take a break to let us out).

We hope to be spending more time like this ~ wrasslin', snasslin', and romping around outdoors. Now that our girl is back in the land of the living, we plan to be around more to catch up with everybody!

The goobs are BACK!



Sunday, April 12, 2009


For the next week we here in GooberStan will be occupying ourselves with the business of finishing my girl's thesis. She has to have the whole thing to her committee by next Friday, April 17th. (Her defense is on the 24th.)

Stella is doing her bit to keep our girl focused.

And, since our puter died this past week, I have gotten rid of this old behemoth and installed a new laptop in the office.

We're working hard to get our girl to the finish line. (Our girl promised to mention us in her acknowledgements. She better.)

Since we won't be around much at all this week, we're going to leave you with some extra cheesy and gooberrific photos of us to stave off GWS (Goober Withdrawal Syndrome).

Goober love from the thesis supervisor,


Pee Ess

For inquiring minds who want to know, Stella gets her stitches out tomorrow (Monday the 13th). My girl says she will take photos!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Living to the MAX

This here's my buddy, Max. He was my first ever foster brother, and he stayed with us in GooberStan for a couple of weeks on his way to his furrever home. He's a rescue pup like me, he's one cool Dale and he's got the heart of a lion!

That's Max on the left. He is a three-legged wonder! If you want to read his back story you can go here and if you want to know what he's been up to recently you can go here. He had just had one of his back legs amputated just a couple of weeks before he came to stay with us, but you wouldn't know it from the way he wrassled.

Not only is he a goober of the highest order, but he is also a supremely gifted cuddler! That boy was also full of a lot of ATTITUDE! He found his furrever home through Airedale Rescue, and now he works with his new mom as a therapy dog changing lives all over the place. Here I'm preparing him for his future therapy dog work by being extremely annoying. He took it like a pro!

Some of you may have heard of Bissell vacuum cleaner's contest for a new spokespet for their new line of Pet Lover's products. Well, the winner gets $10,000 for their favorite rescue group (among other fab prizes) and my Maxie is one of the finalists! The winners are supposed to be announced later today.

Who in their right mind could say no to this face?

Proud of my Maximus,
Pee Ess
We heard from Max's mama that Bissell has put off announcing the grand prize winner until sometime next week. We'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Working the Angles

Today, instead of working together for Eduardo to generate some good vibes for anyone out there who needs them, we decided to work those vibes from a couple of different angles.

This pupgirl just moved to our neighborhood a few weeks ago. One whole yard separates her from us. Isn't she cute? We think she's a German Shepherd who maybe has a little border collie or something else in her.

We're both pretty keen on getting to know her.

So, I sent Stella over as our GooberStanian envoy to welcome this new pup to the neighborhood.

Stella is excellent as a goodwill ambassador. I can always count on her to do a good job of befriending new pups.

This pupgirl was ready to wrassle, but alas, a chainlink fence prevented Stella from intiating her into the ways of goober wrasslemania.

They had a really good chat, though we don't yet know this pup's name.

She and Stella made plans to meet out by the fence again soon. I'd say that was one very successful goodwill mission.

As for me, I decided to get reacquainted with my mooseman.

I didn't think it was THAT interesting, but my girl evidently did.

I guess I also performed a valuable service by giving my girl something exciting to do with her time.

This week we are working up good vibes for anypup, kitty, hammie or person who needs them, especially Patience and everydog over at the Whippet Waggle as they mourn their patriarch, Giacomino, who went to the Bridge yesterday. Please go by and send them some love if you can.

I'd say that we're keeping some of those vibes here in GooberStan for Stella, but with those that you have already sent us, she doesn't want to hog them. These stitches she has aren't interfering one little bit with her daily life. She's just looking forward to seeing her scar. (Next she'll be talking tattoos. Just you wait.)

Goober love,