Always In Our Hearts

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Crime of Fashion

Last weekend a crime was committed in GooberStan.

Stella and I were snasslin', getting in a workout with our farting bowling pin, when my girl made an announcement.

It was the kind of announcement that stops the party right in its tracks.

My girl informed me that she was taking me do the D.Y.I. doggie bathing house of horrors so she could get me "stinkin' clean," to which I replied, "I'm already stinkin' just fine, thank you!"

I was incredulous at the thought of a bath. Look at my glorious and gooberlicious level of fuzz. (There was a lot of stink hiding in that undercoat, and I'd invested a lot of time and good roachin' on achieving it.)

I tried a diversionary tactic, attempting to entice my girl to join in the game I was playing with my bowling pin. She remained unmoved.

Stella and I had one other option available to us. We immediately went into E.C.S.M. - which of course is Extremely Cute Slug Mode. It usually works quite well for us.

We have found that our closeness to each other while in Extremely Cute Slug Mode is directly related to how diverted our girl will become.

Little to no movement can be made if we want to achieve success.

Sadly, my girl out-waited us and I changed position one too many times. It was off to the doggie bath house for me.

As if that was not enough of a crime, my girl decided to give me an inverted mohawk while she was grooming me. I refused to give her a good camera angle on it. Maybe the fact that she was laughing her booty off had something to do with the low quality of the photographic evidence she tried to obtain. (In this photo she had not even attempted to start on my legs, and I didn't make it easy for her once she did.)

Needless to say, the style crime my girl perpetrated upon my goober bod lasted for most of the afternoon because everytime she tethered me up to finish my groom, she totally lost it howling and belly laughing. Believe me, you don't want a belly laughing hooman wielding high powered clippers anywhere near your body.

Just so you know, my girl rectified the situation shortly after she snapped this photo, but I have yet to exact retribution and punitive damages for pain and suffering... All in good time.

Goober love,

Pee Ess

My girl started a new job 3 weeks ago. It's not anything close to what she hopes to eventually find, but as she said, "The goobs and I have got to eat." So, while she's still in training for her "eating job" we'll still be a little sporadic in our posts and our ability to visit our friend's blogs. Fear not. We'll eventually be back in the saddle!