Always In Our Hearts

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pop Art Goober

Merv was in a pensive and contemplative mood today, and didn't know if he really wanted to let anyone see the other two portraits he did of me. He says they're not really done yet, and he's a little touchy about any feedback he might get.

Eventually, Merv relented. Here are the two other portraits he did. They are both reminiscent of Andy Warhol. I say, "if it was good enough for Marilyn Monroe and Mao, it's good enough for me!"

This next one is my FAVORITE! I'm thinking of using it as my official presidential portrait to hang in the Museum National de GooberStan .

What do you think? Do I look presidential?

Goob love,


Suki & Joey said...

Oh, Stanny, you look handsome no matter what style your portrait is painted in :)

I really do love that last painting Merv did of you. You definitely look Presidential...much more intelligent than dubya, hehehe!


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Stanny my love...
That talented!!! I do like your presidential says dignified, but not too dignified!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S - is your girl done with that Hairy book yet? My Mom isn't and I fear it will last a long time. Did you see how big that book was! Jeessh!!! She's going slow..says she's been busy. I'm really worried this thing will be in my life a lot longer than I was hoping!

Duke said...

Oh my gosh! You look like one of those black Airedales from the Southwest!
Hey Stanley, Mitch and I had our ice cream cone tonight and mom's got our pictures all set to send to the Airechicks! We still think yours is the best!

Love ya lots,

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
Merv is pretty talented for a cat. :) I like the last pic the most. You look very distinguished.

Anonymous said...

That Merv is quite the artist!

Koobuss said...

You look very presidential, Stanley. I really like the pretty colors of the pictures.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I missed you, Stanley.

My mom has some pictures of me when I was a puplet. I'll try to get her to send you some.

I have a question. Is that a cat that I saw at the top of your blog entry or am I hallucinating? Sometimes I get confused.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Your friend Kooby

Asta said...

Stanley my Sweet Goober Love,
Is ther no end to Merv's Mommi says she's thwoeing away her paint bwushes..he's just too much competition..absolutely pawsome..artists can be touchy about their work, but when you have the pawfect subject, well there's no way you can fail...
I think you should blow it up to immense size and put it in the palace, also on your official postal stamps...beets any pwesent , former or footur president we've had
smoochie kisses, sigh...
you fb and MoC, Asta

Boo Casanova said...

i want merv to paint me! can he?

wet wet licks


Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

I agree with Boo!! Can we commission artwork? These are great!!! SO sad, my moms not talented and neither is my cat Six--so sda for me-- an dyou have 2 talented peeps that we know of--could there be more?


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

I like the way all your curly nose hair is highlighted on the second piece, very cool!

Oscar x

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my gosh! Both the art are sooo nice!!! The 2nd one looked like it was made from spaghetti, kekeke! I think you should be able to sell them both in high prices!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ferndoggle said...

I love that last picture Stan! You'd make a great president...much better than the one we have now.


Peanut said...

Merv is the most talented cat I know.

Veronica said...

AWESOME! Merv has talent!

Finnegan's Mom

Moco said...

Merv does great art work. He should sell it for millions. You are very handsome. I bet if you were the President things would be done in a different manner.

wally said...

Outstanding! GooberPop.


ps. While my ma ape is flattered you think she's a pup, she's not. Except mentally, maybe.

Lizzy said...

Oh, wow! Merv is one great artist! Those are fantastic portraits. You must be proud of your kitty friend, Stanley! But don't trust Merv too much... he's a cat.


Tadpole said...

Oh wow - that last one is FANTASTIC! It totally captures your personality - fun, yet distinguished and dapper at the same time. That Merv is a genious.

Faya said...

Oh yes ! I vote for you ! Kiss, Faya

Unknown said...

So Stan you are the President, and King of Gooberstan? Double Duty Whaooo!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, Merv is very talented! I like the Warholesque one the best. J1 has a poster of her previous WFT done in this stylee (his name was Watson). J x

The Airechicks said...

Hey Stanley:

Merv does GREAT work - the critics are just jealous of his talent

You look marvelous !!! Very Presidential....

Sandy said...

Stanny, thank you for your sweet words about our loss of our ChiChi and Tiny. Your words are so true about how much you little guys make the biggest impact on every minute of our days. I miss so many things that I was just so used to about them. It seems like there is something every day I realize I miss about them.

You sure are a good-looking guy!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hello Mr President...
You have got a very talented 'First Cat'!

Frasier said...

Hi Stanley,
You will see my mug here...often !!! I love the Warhol type painting.It is very artsy !

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan.
I like those portraits that Merv made of you.
Yes, you look presidential and I am sure you would do a great job!
Have a good night

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ur potrait look rather extraordinary...

Joe Stains said...

omdog you look absolutely STUNNING, glorious, wise and ummm ARTy?

Balboa said...

You look so cool,

We just submitted our photo, hee hee

Frenchie Snorts

Murphey said...

Oh Stanley, I am so jealous, all I have is a bunch of crappy photos my lady takes, but you, YOU have ART! Fabulous Art....

The second one is truly presidential.


Nazila Merati said...

you look fabulous, but we need to talk about the whole presidential thing.

Your official portraitist is very talented.

ernest puppy in 2008

PreciOus said...

Oh my, and Merv is touchy about feedbacks? Tell him not to worry coz he did a fabulous pawtrait of you!


Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

The red tongue makes you look very presidential. Imperial, even...

Truely thou ART