I've had a request... nay, a DEMAND, from the mama of Joe Stains for more Stella photos. Evidently she's been jonesin' for a Stella fix. (I'm crushed, Mama Stains.) By popular demand, here are some photos from a little over a month ago at a meeting of the GooberStanian Snasslin' Association (GSA). Enjoy. [For those of you who don't remember, Snasslin' is a combination of Snuggling and Wrasslin' - with a little Brazilian Street Fighting thrown in.]
We usually start out meeting head to head...
but we eventually end up booty to booty.
In between we end up doing a little synchronized... well, synchronized something.
Here's where it starts to get interesting.
I had her pinned for awhile, but then the little booger oozed out from underneath me.
Time to make another move...
I've got you... almost... where I want you, Stella! (imagine my evil laugh here)
C'mON! Say uncle, you little goobette.
Maybe if I go for a direct delivery wet willy.
Nahhh. Stella HATES wet willies.
The rest of these photos are pretty much just me taunting Stella...
... and Stella going for my jugular.
Then it's time for our cool down, and the conclusion of another successful meeting of the GooberStanian Snasslin' Association.
Mama Stains, if I could figure out a way for you to mainline Stella from Arizona then I'd be all for it. Until that time comes, I hope this fix was enough for now.
Goober love,