Last weekend a crime was committed in GooberStan.
Stella and I were snasslin', getting in a workout with our farting bowling pin, when my girl made an announcement.
It was the kind of announcement that stops the party right in its tracks.
My girl informed me that she was taking me do the D.Y.I. doggie bathing house of horrors so she could get me "stinkin' clean," to which I replied, "I'm already stinkin' just fine, thank you!"
I was incredulous at the thought of a bath. Look at my glorious and gooberlicious level of fuzz. (There was a lot of stink hiding in that undercoat, and I'd invested a lot of time and good roachin' on achieving it.)
I tried a diversionary tactic, attempting to entice my girl to join in the game I was playing with my bowling pin. She remained unmoved.
Stella and I had one other option available to us. We immediately went into E.C.S.M. - which of course is Extremely Cute Slug Mode. It usually works quite well for us.
We have found that our closeness to each other while in Extremely Cute Slug Mode is directly related to how diverted our girl will become.
Little to no movement can be made if we want to achieve success.
Sadly, my girl out-waited us and I changed position one too many times. It was off to the doggie bath house for me.
As if that was not enough of a crime, my girl decided to give me an inverted mohawk while she was grooming me. I refused to give her a good camera angle on it. Maybe the fact that she was laughing her booty off had something to do with the low quality of the photographic evidence she tried to obtain. (In this photo she had not even attempted to start on my legs, and I didn't make it easy for her once she did.)
Needless to say, the style crime my girl perpetrated upon my goober bod lasted for most of the afternoon because everytime she tethered me up to finish my groom, she totally lost it howling and belly laughing. Believe me, you don't want a belly laughing hooman wielding high powered clippers anywhere near your body.
Just so you know, my girl rectified the situation shortly after she snapped this photo, but I have yet to exact retribution and punitive damages for pain and suffering... All in good time.
Pee Ess
My girl started a new job 3 weeks ago. It's not anything close to what she hopes to eventually find, but as she said, "The goobs and I have got to eat." So, while she's still in training for her "eating job" we'll still be a little sporadic in our posts and our ability to visit our friend's blogs. Fear not. We'll eventually be back in the saddle!
Dear Stanny and Stella...we are so glad your girl has found temporary employment that we even were able to laugh at your travails.
May her "eating job" give way to her "dream job" faster than your goober cut grows back to fuzzies.
gussie n teka
w00fs, me glad ur girl found a job too, me wishes it wood go back like it use to b, those that wanted to work cood...heehee, u mite b glad of the furcut when it gits really hot out of doors..
b safe,
Dear Gooderstan and Stella,
Kudos to your girl from us!!!!! Everybody's gotta do what they gotta do. In the meantime, I have a buddy, Herbie the pug that said he could get you, Goob, a job with him at the Seven Eleven running the Slurrpie Machine... You should think about the perks, bro. Herbie has a purple tongue every night when he comes home from work so I hears.
And, I laughed ME booty off too!!! The reverse mohawk!!! BOL!!! Someone else got cleaned up today too.... so much he's sparklin' and fluffy too....Gus!!!!
Glad to see that you are still blogging!
Irish Love,
hihowRu hihowRu...say that lots.. mohawk boy... :O) we think the new "do" is...uh, interesting. interesting, i would run like hades if she came at me w/those clippers.... our humomm uses scissors so not as much damage as fast as the buzzy thing...she just uses that on our ears, neck, top of the head and butt...<---way to much info....anyhow she is revving up for a quick spring cleaning for us too... not looking forward to going into the tub.. sure like coming out of it though! is the diy dog wash like a car wash? you roll in and get sogged and soaped and moved on out?
hey congrats to your girl on the job is a job job... take care, YOUR BUDS IN CT,
theBUSTER, Ms. Blue & Ms. Persephone
pee ess... slurps to the little goobette!
Awww matie, we thought the crime of fashion was going to be B's black socks and long shorts lol.
We're glad to hear your girl finished off the grooming session. It's not right for an airedale to have a mowhawk hehe.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
My Poow Dawling goobewLove
youw sad expwession neewly bwoke my heawt..West assowed youw magnificent fuz will gwow back and this will give you ample oppowtoonity to get the smells into evewy new layew as it gwows..that will show hew, heheheh
I did love youw stationawy side by side sneeps wif my little bbffGoobette..i can't believe it didn't wowk
smoochiest of smoochie kisses youw Astawonifuzzbuttsweetpea
Oh Stan,
What a terrible thing to have happen to you! And here you and Stella were, minding your own business, and all you know what breaks loose. Not only did you lose all the well-earned scents you captured in your curls, but you also lost your ever handy built-in blanket that you are going to need to protect you from the cold winds yet to come. (How does that sound? I'm going to try that argument on my mom when she takes the scissors to me very soon.)
Congratulations to you mom on her new job. We wish her lots of success and happiness.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
We sure don't find your inverted mohawk funny at all, Stanley! Mom says that today is grooming day and she'd better not try that hAiresyle out on me and post it for all of my friends to see! How embarrassing for you!
We're glad that your girl is back to work!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I must say, Stanley, that your groomin adventures make me furry happy that my furs are so short that sort of thing would be hard to do!
Haha,.... the inverted mawhawk ... priceless. Hope Mum's not reading this ... she might get ideas. She's working herself up to doing Nellie.
We're very happy that your girl has got a new job, even if it's not the one of her dreams, that might come later :)
Finni xx
That is shocking abuse of a formally handsome and fuzzy goob. I think that Stella must have done a better job of playing dead (who would have thunk it) so as to avoid the clippers of doom.
Best wear a mask until your fine furs grow back in.
Ooooooooooooooops love it you really were curly .We lol at your hair cut I'm sure you look great now though
Stella was stunned into complete frozen terrier mode. terrifying. Sorry you had to endure such injustice friend. glad your Mom is making some green papers to feed you guys.
Humans laugh at the strangest things. It's nice, though, that they're easy to amuse.
Alanis & Miro
Poor Stan and Stella, we hate baths too. We have had so much rain lately that we can't imagine we are dirty but Mom keeps talking about the muddy feet. Maybe we should try the E.C.S.M. tactic too.
Glad to hear that you will have money coming in for food, and we hope the real job she wants comes along soon too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hello Stanley, lovely to see you posting even though you suffered the dreaded clippers.
Molly and Monty.
It was so good to see your photos Stella, missed you so much.
Taffy x
I am so glad your mom found a job, it is so hard to work these days. My mom is threatening the doggie bath/groom thing Stan? What do I do? I have never had one of those before and what if she gets a crazy idea like your mom did and wacks off the top of my hairs on my head?...I am freakin out now
Well, it looks like Stella has perfected the Slug Mode as we could not detect any movement on her part in that sequence of photos. But poor Goob, you had to suffer a reverse mohawk AND a bath. We can't wait to find out if Stella will be next, and if she can sit as still in the tub as she does playing Slug. LOL
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Stanley and Stella!!
E.C.S.M, we love it!!! It should work well for us, too. :) Thanks for your great tip! Please tell your girl good luck on her new job!! We are sure she's doing well in her training and she will get what she really loves to do in the very near future.
Momo & Pinot
Perhaps the bath and the reverse mohawk were a terribly misintentioned plan for your Gotcha Day!!! We know you and Stella are stinkin' glad to be with your girl -- and we're stinkin' glad she's found an eating job for the moment -- even if it's not the dream jonb she deserves.
So happy Gotcha Day, Goooberboy!!
We love you, mohawk and clean or not!
Jake and Just Harry
(Sometimes our humans stand and look at us, splitting their sides with laughter -- so we kind of get what cme over your girl!)
Hey Stanley,
You won't believe it but I am also going to the torture chambers tomorrow cos the mom feels that I look messy and smell funky. :(
LOVE that last pic of you.. our mom plans to print and put it on the fridge together with the fridge magnet that you gave us!
As for your girl's job, tell her to hang in there till something better comes along.. it's important that the pups at GooberStan need to eat! :P
Thinking of all of you with love.
What the crap was that hair do? It looks like you feel asleep in the lawn and got mowed over. Tell that girl to get with it.
Oh, Stanley!
Bless your heart!! I feel your pain; however, my mom is howling in laughter!! At least we entertain them, right!!
Stanley! Stella! My #1 Goobs!
I am missing you guys somethin' fierce. I just came by to check in with you.
I hope your momma is doing ok at her new job. I just wanted to encourage her- my momma is at a job that she doesn't want to be at forever either. It's hard sometimes when you feel like you just aren't where you want to be.
It has been really good for her to focus on the here and now. Trying to do work she can be proud of, be a positive influence on the people she works with, and just consciously choosing to be a positive force, even if this isn't her dream job. Life is short! Make today a happy one, no matter what you're doing! :)
Gooooobrrrrrs. Glad to hear your ape is bringing in the dough to keep you in pizzle hunting outfits but I don't know about this grooming business! I'm glad we don't need our hairs cut. Our foster brudder prolly needs a bath, though.
The Sheps w/Pep
Hey fuzzy monkeys! How have you been?
Love licks & Hugs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Stanley and Stella... Just stopping by and say hellllloooooo!!! Hope you guys are enjoying spring. We miss you!
Momo & Pinot
Dude, you were looking pretty ripe. I sure am glad I get a biweekly bath and no brushies or hair cuts!
STANLEY!!! I know for a fact that tomorrow is your birthday and I really hope you have the bestest birthday ever. I miss you my giant snuggle man.
NOT A BARTHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh, I bet yu ar still gettin over it... yu paw ol' Goob. Tayke it eezy, old frend!
Peter Gabriel would be proud!!
Much Love,
Woofs and Hugz,
Josie and Blues
Stanley and Stella, you are both so cute in the photos. We are glad you survived the doggie bath that your mom took you too. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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