Always In Our Hearts

Monday, July 16, 2007

Brush With Greatness

A couple of days ago I met my friend Hercules at the dog park. He's an 18-month-old Aireboy I met through Dogster awhile back, and he lives pretty close. How cool is that?

We were also waiting to have our audience with Her Royal Highness, Princess, the Newfy. Being the commoners we are we got there a little early and had some time to spare before HRH Princess arrived with her entourage.

Of course, once we found a theme we liked, we had to do a variation on it.

It was stinkin' HOT out, and at one point I found Hercules hiding under a picnic table. What a goob job he is. (I like the way he thinks). That's Herc's mom holding on to me. She can't seem to get enough of me. (I sometimes have that effect on the ladies).

Herc catching some shade.

Then we got the summons from the Royal Social Secretary that Princess had arrived at the park! (Her social secretary doubles as her dad). We headed up to the main gate to greet her. (Ignore the audio. My girl was rudely talking about something else while our meet-n-greet was happening).

Did you notice Princess' Newf Flag flying high? Her social secretary said she was sporting her summer cut. She has the cutest white pom pom on the end of her tail. And, in true Newf fashion, she slimed me within minutes. See the Princess juice on my side?

Once she heard there was a pond nearby, she headed straight for the water. She sure is a bootiful girl.

Princess was so pupular with the other dogs at the park, all Hercules and I could do was sit back and watch her work her magic in the water. She was pure poetry.

Here's a great face shot of Princess. I'm the one on the left looking clueless.

Hercules found out what it was REALLY like to swim with the BIG DOGS! He and I weren't getting up that steep bank as easily as Princess was.

After the aquatic stylings of Princess came to an end, it was time for WRASSLIN! Let me tell ya, Princess is no lightweight. Girl knows how to throw down!

Since it would be bad form to put my best moves on Her Royal Highness, I, *ahem*, moved on to another worthy wrasslin opponent, Hercules.

Princess then humored us by pretending to be a Roman Empress who was judging the gladiators in the ring of battle. (Our Score: two thumbs down).

After almost two hours at the dog park we were hankering for a little cool aire. So, we escorted Princess back up to the gate where she got into her Royal SUV and headed for home.

Even though I run my own country and should be used to these things, Hercules and I knew that we had both just had a brush with greatness. That Princess is one class act. I told her she could make an official visit to GooberStan anytime.

Here's hoping she does.

The Royal Goober,



fee said...

o that IS so nice!!! i wish i was there playing in your giant mud puddle too! mommy says your playing videos makes her very happy because you boys looked so happy in them. :)

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, what agreat time you had at the park. That water looks so nice and muddy, and Herc and Princess loko like they enjoyed their visit to Gooberstan with gusto!

Oscar x

Amber-Mae said...

Now isn't that FUN! You got to meet new friends too... That Princess kinda looks like Wally, hehehe! I'll bet we'll have together there, playing in that cooling waters. If only I lived there... *sigh*

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ruby Bleu said...

Should I be jealous of HRH Princess? I'm feeling a little jealous. I know I have to share you with Suki and Asta - which of course I don't mind because they're my peeps, but I'm not so sure I can compete with a Princess.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S - Hercules was a cute boy too!

Dandy Duke said...

OMG what a great couple of hours you had! I hope you get to play together again soon!

Love ya lots,

Murphey said...

We have a Newfie that comes to our dog park too, I LOVE her. I follow her greatness around and stare and stare. I'd like to bring her home, slobber and all. Her name is Babar (isn't that a boy's name?)


Tadpole said...

Look at all the Big Dogs!!! I want to play with you - I love big dogs! *sigh* What a wonderful day.

Putter said...

Hi Stanley!

What fun you had!!!!! Super duper cool!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Joe Stains said...

wow, you guys did get to see such a pretty princess. All that water sort of scared me though :(

Asta said...

I have to agwee with my fwiend Ruby ..are you cheeting on us with a slobbery pwincess??hmpf....ok so she's bootiful and can swim fantabulously, but I thought you loved US..sniffle sniffle sob

Asta said...

I have to agwee with my fwiend Ruby ..are you cheeting on us with a slobbery pwincess??hmpf....ok so she's bootiful and can swim fantabulously, but I thought you loved US..sniffle sniffle sob

PreciOus said...

You had such fun! I never get the chance to play unleashed unless in an enclosed area.


Huskee and Hershey said...

OMG.. you were having so much fun.. I am so envious!! Princess is real pretty too.. I can't believe she left her saliva on u.. awesome.. it's such an honour..

Ume said...

oh oh Stanley...
seems like u had gotten into a little trouble with Ruby & Asta.

Peanut said...

Oh how neat you got to meet a princess. Looks like you all had fun.

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Stanley! (Princess bats her eyelashes) We had so much fun that day! Too bad it was so hot! Just so you know, newf slobber is an anti-aging treatment. I usually charge $345 but you were so great I gave it to you free. Can I have a copy of that video of me pushing you over? That was fun! It adds to my Xena image! Let's make plans to do it again! Or even walk around Petsmart.

Your friend, Princess

Emily and Ike said...

I think you are in love with the princess and Herc is in love with you - not in a platonic way either.

Suki & Joey said...

Princess sure is pretty *sigh* More competition...just what I need!

Oh, I wish I could play with you at that park, Stanny! I would gladly show you how I "throw-down"! I'm pretty strong for a wee pug ;)

Puggy kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Princess sure is a pretty doggie. You doggies all look like you had great fun

~ girl girl

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Great pictures and vids. You all were having so much fun.

Tail wags
Scrappy and Pebbles

Putter said...

Hey Stanley!

It was not just a brush with greatness! You are great! The greatest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Faya said...

You realy have nice friends... you had a great time. Kiss, Faya