Sometimes, when I've had enough of the Stellanator, I need to commune with nature and recharge my AireZen. When my girl sees me looking a little haggard she knows I'm in need of some Stanley Time ~ just the two of us. Alone. No annoying sissies.
So we went to do a little hiking, and look what I found. A spa. (I didn't know I was going to have a spa day! Hope I'm not getting waxed.)
You've got to lower yourself slowly.

If the mud is to your liking, then it's time for a little head dunk.
If you see the puparazzi, then motor on out of there...

...refreshed and ready for adventure!
After hiking through a meadow and some woods, we came to this cool spot. I had to consider my options.
Before I knew it, I was in the water relaxing.
My girl was having a minor heart attack because she noticed how close I was to that waterfall. (Of course, she wasn't so worried that she dropped the camera and came to rescue me. Nooo! Couldn't miss the photo op.) It was only 3 feet high, so it was no big deal.
But I came running as soon as she called me. (She had that tone.)
All in all a pretty cool afternoon of Stanley Time!
In the interest of fairness, and to give Stella a chance to have some experiences on her own, my girl decided to take Stella on a very different kind of outing. She went to Auntie Brenda's farm to meet Porkchop the pot-bellied pig and other assorted residents. Here Stella & Porkchop face off.
They found they had a lot in common and loads to talk about.
Here, Porkchop and Stella join forces to plot against Izzie, the LabraGirl.
As a thank you for her valuable help with Izzie, Porkchop volunteered to give Stella the grand tour of the farm.

Stella went NUTS when she saw the horses. You can tell by her body language that she's trying to get them to go along with one of her little schemes.

Once she had their attention she started barking out orders. (I think she's trying to help them organize a union or something. She said they're going to call it HAUL ~ Horses Against Uncompensated Labor.)
The horses all lined up to get her pawtograph and a word of encouragement after her inspirational talk. (If she becomes a motivational speaker I'm going to make her live in a van down by the river.)
All in all a pretty cool afternoon of Stanley Time!
In the interest of fairness, and to give Stella a chance to have some experiences on her own, my girl decided to take Stella on a very different kind of outing. She went to Auntie Brenda's farm to meet Porkchop the pot-bellied pig and other assorted residents. Here Stella & Porkchop face off.
They found they had a lot in common and loads to talk about.
Here, Porkchop and Stella join forces to plot against Izzie, the LabraGirl.
As a thank you for her valuable help with Izzie, Porkchop volunteered to give Stella the grand tour of the farm.

Stella went NUTS when she saw the horses. You can tell by her body language that she's trying to get them to go along with one of her little schemes.
Strangely enough, they listened to her. They were practically eating out of her paw.

Once she had their attention she started barking out orders. (I think she's trying to help them organize a union or something. She said they're going to call it HAUL ~ Horses Against Uncompensated Labor.)
This video clip is not that long, but you have to wait until about halfway through before you get to hear Stella's orders. The hooman in the vid is Auntie Brenda.
The horses all lined up to get her pawtograph and a word of encouragement after her inspirational talk. (If she becomes a motivational speaker I'm going to make her live in a van down by the river.)
Now it's back to thesis duty.
That was some spa day, Stanley! Thank doG you weren't swept away downstream in that waterfall!
Look at Stella go, wouldja! She could sell anything to anybody! hehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Stanny, we would have had so much fun rolling in the mud together...I just know we would have. And Stella...I'll come visit you down by the river...promise.
Porkchop is just SOOOOO cute!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
woofies and burfs, watt a pawsome time u all had...loved da picturs of u in dat muddy water...and dat stella never quits...she's fiesty as ever...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
Wow ...Stanley that was some mud you got in..brilliant!!! Then you had us very scared by that water fall! yikes
We love th piggie that Stella met..we have never met one!
Thanks for the great idea about writing a letter to the toy people to offer our services on testing their goods. LOL
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2
Gosh, both your walks looks fabulous. I am so jealous of Stella meeting all those horses. Cassidy wants to know if she got to eat their poo, while I would have been playbowing just like the Stellanator.
Toodle pip
Harry x
I am happy that you can spent some hours with your girl....
One question : is there something on earth that can resists Stella ? .... Kisses, Faya
Stanny: You look great after a day at the spa. We should all look so good. That Stella is a pistol. She pretty much tells it like it is.
Stanley, you must have been so refreshed after your spa treatment. Lucky boy to have some alone time with your girl.
That little Stella's got some spunk in her, I tell ya! No wonder I find her so appealing.
Sir Stanley and Sweet Stella
What a wonderful day! Spas, Waterfalls, and inter-species interaction! You guys have a great life.
Wow, you guys sure have fun places to go for your retreats. I'm glad you were safe, Stanley, in the water; that looked scary to me. And boy oh boy, Stella was sure in charge of the horses and Porkchop!
Wow, such adventures...I am very glad you did not go over the waterfall, I am sure you were paying attention and mum was just being paranoid. My mum said she would have freaked if I had done that. Stella is kinda bossy uh? Girls
That spa looks amazing. Not sure about the pig. He looks very odd.
Simba xx
Goobalicious Stanley man! I want to come live with you. I want to go to the spa with you and go over that water fall with you. I haven't seen water like that in months! But it is beautiful here today and our snow is melting, so soon, my goob, soon.
Looooooooooooooooooooove it!!!!
Hey pal. Brilliant day! Deluxe Spa, Whirlpool Dip followed by free entertainment - all for free. My Mom pays a fortune for days lke that!
Keep woofing. Wiry wags Eric
HA! Loved that picture of you dunking your head, Stanley. It must have felt splendid! I'm glad you didn't fall over the waterfall!
Looks like Stella had a fun time, too. I wish I could visit some of those animals. I've never met a pig before. I HAVE met a horse, though. Actually, I've met a few. But we don't get along too well, no siree! Ever since that first horse snorted in my face, I have taken an instant disliking towards them.
Wow, you had a soooper fun time at the lake! I bet that mud spa was gooooood...Stella sure can bark! I think all the horsies came thinking what's wrong with her. Hee!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
SPA DAY!!! whoOOoooo looks like fun in the mud stanley! you almost took the water fall ride though.. i'm glad you got your gurl out and about!
is IT almost done?
oh and my little stellinator.. a pig??? a pot belly pig??? ah well the horses that you were talking to were very cute!
have fun..
theBUSTER & ms. sephie too
What a pawsome Spa day you had Stanley!
Stella sure is great with the other animals. Pork chop and the horsies just love her.
~ Girl girl
Hi, Stan!
Sure you were happy to have sometime for yourself! The Spa Day sounds wonderful!
And Stella was happy there too! I love the video where she is barking at the horses!
Kisses and hugs
You have thesis duty too, eh? BTW, I've never seen a dalmatian who was that fat!
licks & slobbers
Awwwwwwwwww STANLEY!!!!
Dilly LUV foto ov Stanley!!!
Foto ov arfter Stanley get owt ov spa mayke Dilly larf!
LARST foto ov Stanley be vewy vewy hansuM!!!!!
Dilly send ear hugs!
Crikey Stanley, you nearly gave our pinky heart failure too. I Noah have actually gone over a waterfall in the past so please be carefully matie. It's not what you'd call a pleasant experience.
Your day out looked like heaps of fun and so did Stellas. What lucky pooches you two are.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
I just woke up from a nap and came to a very disturbing realization! I haven't said hi to you for ages!
I'm glad you opted out of a waxing after your spa treatment...I will be honest, I don't think you would look all that great naked!!
You're great with getting around nature! Maybe you should start your own business and be a trail guide! You could lead all of the four legged humans to the best times of their lives!!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Stanley,
OMdoG.. the spa looks awesome!! I have only heard of it, I can't believe you got to try it out!!
Hmm.. see, I told you, your little sissy is really something. She had those horsies eating out of her little paw!! Don't underestimate the power of Stellanator!
OMDog Stanley-
SPA day - with a whirlpool OMDog.....Mud Bath with a facial you're the "DALE"
Stella & Porkchop - kinda like Batman & Robin - super heros???
That spa treatment looks very refreshing, Stanly! Stella sure was telling those horsies who's boss! It looks like you both had a really great day!
Poppy & Penny
Pl2 had a heart attack when she saw the water fall,we said HA he laughs in the face of danger. Nothing like a good mud spa to revitalize you.That pig kid looks like a lot of laughs and Agatha said she is very proud of the Stellanator......bossy supreme, you go girl......Love A+A
What a wonderful magical funifull day you both had! Does your servant hire out?
wags from the whippets
That spa looks amazing. I have to come and visit you!
Stan, we can almost smell the bouquet of pond water now. Our pawents would never let us have a trip like that to the day spa.
Stella is great at barking out orders. She must have had a blast.
And we're in love with pork chop!
Now get back to writing that thesis :-)
the Fleas
Oh My! What wonderful adventures both you & your little sissy had! Your spa day looks fabulous! & Stella looks like she's finding her calling as a motivational speaker! Loved all the horsie pics too & the piggy!
Love & Licks,
Whaaa HAAAAA, living in a van down by the river, now that is funny, brings back those old SNL memories....
Looks like you all had two great outings, but maybe not the mud...
Stanley boy and Stella girl!!
Wow, Pawsome!! You guys had such a fabulous day separately!! :) I (Momo) wish to go to spa with you!! That sounds so much fun and refreshing.
And Stella... a little girl. :) Look at those horses. They all listened to you. :)
Have a great weekend!
Momo & Pinot....still trying to unpack our stuff.
That looks like two wonderful trips. Super mud and water. And the pig looks cute. I like barking at horsies too and eating their poop treats. That makes my humans mad.
Nice mud bath. I wouldn't do it but hey your a goob so it suits you. Stella is quite the little gal isn't she.
Mud spa, waterfall, motivational speech and DEAD RAT SMELL!! Some doggies have all the luck! To bad it had to end with that darn thesis!!! Fear not my barking friends that thesis will end one day and when it does the world is your DEAD RAT!!!
Dale Snaps,
Willow the Black Dale,
Goobs and Stella-Gal ~
Kool Outies! had a ball...Nice wittle spa you found...we tink you had the most dale fun and koolio that iwas just you and your Mum...'d you wike dat Piggy? You challeneged him GOOD! What a bwave wittle Sissy you arwe!
Goobers - have a pawslappin' weekend! G-Dales are hopin to bounce and pounce and get a few outies wiff ouwr hoomans...
Big Nose Pokes at 'cha!
The G-Dales
both of those adventures put a chill down this city dog's spine. I dont think I could ever ever ever be that muddy and I certainly could not get that close to a waterfall! those horses were HUGE, how could Stella just control them like that, I am jealous of her bravery!
What great outings! You didn't even have to wear any bizare hats. We can't wait till we go swimming!
Hey Stanley, looks like you had a great day! I'm pretty jealous of Stella getting to meet a pot bellied pig though. How pawsome is that! Can you ask her if he smelled like bacon? Or ham, maybe? J x
Stanley I must get Nanny to takes me to a spy that sore looks likes fun, did use have to have a tubby after or did use girl let use just chill? Stella is bwave I nevers goes near biggy animules, I is a scaredie pug. But I might reconsider if I coulds meets porkchop, eyes loves bacon.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Aw man what great fun you guys are having!! Can I come live with you?
Oh My Goodness! I don't even know what to say-I am rolling out of my chair! Where on earth did you find that spa? It looked marvelous! I can't believe your momma let you indulge like that! Did she make you get a bath?
Your sissy sure had a great time with that piggy! I've gotta be careful around her-she is always trying to talk me into something-she is quite the talker!
Love you both!
What a fun day we came to visit! Loved the photos of you in the water -- and Stella with the pot-belly. Mom tells us that, if we don't stop asking for seconds and thirds, we'll turn into roly poly porky pigs -- so it was good to see one!!
Is your girl spending more time with you 'cause she's finished with her thesis? We need to catch up.
Lots of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Wow, that sure sounds like great spa that we dogs wish to have :P
Stella is so cute. We just cant resist her. Were she sniffing porkchop butss in one of the photo..haha
Boy n Baby
What a great spa day! I'm gonna start looking for a river to play in, myself!
- Charlie
I wonder wat she an the horses wer talkin abowt!
This is one of my favorite posts EVER! Damp Goober! Porcine butts! I would like to visit your spa. And that farm with the pigs and the what not. Gooberstan must be the greatest place on EARTH! I want to go on vacation there. Can I bring three foot monkey stick? And NO SISSIES ALLOWED!
hi S&S, you two had really fun outings! we loved seeing you, Stanley, in the spa. you looked like you were having a wonderful time. and Stella with the pot belly pig and the horses looked like a lot of fun too. what fun adventures the two of you had.
... must ... join ... HAUL ... Do they accept Dales as members? Your sister is GOOD!
The dunking your head in is new to me. I have managed half my head but will try the whole head dunk. That was a great walk. I like getting away from it all too.
Finni xx
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