Welcome to Gooberstan!
It's nowhere near Pakistan, Uzbekistan, or Afghanistan, but it's the land of Stanley - one goober of an Airedale. No passport required.
Always In Our Hearts
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Birthday Prep
I've been getting ready for my birthday.
I'm multi-tasking here, Randi. See, I'm tugging and getting ready to give a smooch.
And, here's a scary Alien Eyes photo for Deetzy'scontest.
Duuuude, now those are scary eyes, Stanley! Actually the picture made me laugh. The expression on your face is too funny!
Your birthday's comin' up so fast! You and Stella's teeth look super white and sharp. Did you clean them to look good for your birthday?
Oh, and I like your Tigger stuffie. You seem to be taking good care of him! I hate to say it, but if that Tigger stuffie were mine, he'd probably be dead by now...
Oh my dog this is some awesome burpday prep! I hope you are practicing lying around with bloaty belly after eating all your burpday snacks! We are planning what we are going to do since WallyT and the dogs of the SPCA get to celebrate the GooberBurp!
ps. Your ape is TOTES COOL! I can't believe she saw the pandas! So much cooler than my ape!
Hey my Stanny... You shouldn't need to be doing prep...you should make Stella do all the work. Oh and BTW, please tell me she didn't wait you from that nice little nap you were taking with Tigger? If so I'm going to have to have a talk with her!!!
I'm so excitered that I'll get the chance to chat with you on your barkday...that makes me so happy! Oh and a special box filled with Ruby Bug love is winging it's way to Gooberstan!!!
hey Stanley, we can see you have very scary eyes too! we almost had to run and hide when we saw that picture.
we heard that your barkday is on Saturday, the 26th. that's the same barkday as our mom. she says that's her favorite day of the year. we think our barkdays are the best days too! barkdays are the bestest. we know you will have a good one, cuz you are a good dude! happy happy goober day!
Looks like you are well prepared for your birthday! Mom LOVES tigger, by the way. ALSO, if you take a look at my post today, your McDonalds order nearly fried the Doofus's pee-brain.
You could never look totally scary, Stanley - you're too sweet! One more day to go and the big day will be here! Any really exciting pawty plans? Stella is baking you a cake as we speak, right?
Woe, Stanley, you might just win with that scary eye photo...lol...Thats a good one. Mum got it all saved for the contest. She loves tigger too and oooo'd and awwww'd at your pictures. Deetz
WHOA that was a freaky alien picture..Archie went flying out of the room until I told him it was you and he said he knew it was he was just practicing sprinting.....That looks like a lot of prep for the big event! Love A+A
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Have a super day and Taffy is impressed with Stella's social skills, he realises she only has eyes for him.
Stanley I think that is a cutie , funny, not scawy pictoowe..you just dont scawe me evew..cause I know what youw Heawt is like I'm happy you'we pwepawing fow the Stanley fest! I love youw Tiggew..he looks like a good pal..I wish I was him, heheh smoochie kisses to you and tiny smoochies to Stella..have a gweat adventoowe today! smoochie kisses youw AstawoniFB
It's almost your bithday! Wooo Hooo, how exciting! I was all prepared to go shopping with Mom for a Stanley-perfect gift, but after your PSA, Mom and I are going to do something that hlps out needy dogs, we'll clue you in later. He he! I'm so excited that your birthday is just about here, and I don't even get to celebrate with you. Remember to hold back some excitement, you don't want to be drained by the time the big day gets here!!! Woo Hoo!
Woohoo, those are SCARY eyes! Tigger seems to feature heavily in these birthday preps...hmmm. And Stella. You look pretty happy about being a year older Stanley. Mum was going to play 'Happy Birthday' on her tin whistle and have me howl to it (because I do when I hear the way she's playing), but it all failed miserably because she can't get the high notes... Never mind! Have a fabulous birthday Stanley, and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate... Bye for now. Finni xx
Wow Stanley...that's one scary eye picture...and here's hopin' yer birthday is a great one and that lots of presents come yer way....now yer wonderin' what I, Toby, am doin' writin' here...well, Dewey is sick and so he sent me around the blog world for him. Suits me better anyway ta be here...'cause I look more like ya all anyway...don't ya think?
scary eyes! I hope my eyes dont turn out that way..have a great birfday Stanley! That toy looks tastey..maybe I should ask for a toy just like it for my first birfday!
wooofiessss Stanley and Stella...dis iz angel lacylulu, me misssses u sooo muchies, but not to worry me iz up here watchin over u...me luvs ya bofff bunchiesss..heehee u eyes didn skeered me none, behind the eyes iz a heart as big as texas...
b safe, angel lacylulu;)
ooo yeah and rocky and bear...mama madeded me say dat last part...
My name is Stanley too! Well, it's Stanislaw, but my nickname is Stanley. I'll respond to almost anything if you have a piece of cheese on hand. My brother and I also came from breed rescue groups. About 8 months ago my puppy brother showed up at my rescue's adoption day with his humans and out of all the other dogs there he picked me! I've been one spoiled brat ever since.
Well, here's to having humans with a good taste in names...
I miss you, thank you fow the bootiful note..I'm just welaxing wif my fwiendses..they will be leaving ,cause they awe busy wif theiw new movie pwoduction..I'm not in this one..Iope you awe still wollowing in all the love evewyone sent you fow youw Birfday!!! all my faithful love fowevew youw Astawoni fuzzbutt
Hi Stanley Did I miss your Birthday? Happy Birthday if I did...I am sorry if I did, I didn't mean too at all. I am horrible with dates. My mum is the only girl I know that is also horrible with dates. Yeah, Buster I don't think wants to mess with me. I have had a little growth spurt and this time it was taller and not longer.... Deetz
Did anyone ever tell you that you just radiate awesome! Well, if they haven't...I just did! Wooooo!
You make me laugh...lots, sometimes so much that I gotta let my tongue hang out!
I bet your nose is what gets all the ladies huh? I'm still working on mine, I have a brown stripe across the top of it...but it's nothing compared to yours.
go Gooberstan, it's your birthday! I hope you party like it's your birthday!
I'm nuwsing Mommi , and with youw goobew smooches assisting I'm suwe she will be bettew soon..she's seeing a dogtow tomowwow..maybe he can help too, but I twust Goobew smoochies and love mowe..BTW youw sissy Faya weally wants to heaw fwom you about youw Birfday,she's wowwied all my love and smoochie kisses and tiny ones fow Stella youw Astawonidolcepeafuzzbutt
Can I just say that you make me laugh so much that I almost cry! I can't let my human see the water welling up in my eyes...gotta be sure the human doesn't see that...or I'm gonna get another pink pill.
How much does it cost to get to the Republic of Gooberstan? Deetz and I were thinking about making a National Dog Day where all Dogs come to one central location and play ALL DAY!!!
STANLEY !!!!! Please tell me if I did something wrong....in that case I am so sorry..... You go and say hello on every blogs except mine...it is terrible. My english is not correct and I hope I didn't write something bad.... Faya
Stanley Dude - you have that Pooh Bear's friend in your mouth...that's the Tigger thingy.....whatchamacallit dud.....Oh my dog....did you take all the stuffing out? What's up, what's up 4 paw alarm!!!!
Hey. I'm Stanley the Airedale Terrier. I was 1 year old when I started this blog. I came to live with my hooman girl when I was 10 months old and she adopted me through Airedale Rescue. She said she promised her cat, Merv, a puppy and that I belong to him. (You and I both know that's just a cover for the fact that I am a surrogate child for HER). She thinks I'm a bit of a goober (she's right) and nicknamed me Gooberstan. Since I sometimes seem to live in a world of my own, I thought I'd make this blog about MY world from MY perspective. My little sister, Stella (who is a Lakeland Terrier rescue) occassionally shows up.
Duuuude, now those are scary eyes, Stanley! Actually the picture made me laugh. The expression on your face is too funny!
Your birthday's comin' up so fast! You and Stella's teeth look super white and sharp. Did you clean them to look good for your birthday?
Oh, and I like your Tigger stuffie. You seem to be taking good care of him! I hate to say it, but if that Tigger stuffie were mine, he'd probably be dead by now...
Hope you have a grrrrEAT day,
Oh my dog this is some awesome burpday prep! I hope you are practicing lying around with bloaty belly after eating all your burpday snacks! We are planning what we are going to do since WallyT and the dogs of the SPCA get to celebrate the GooberBurp!
ps. Your ape is TOTES COOL! I can't believe she saw the pandas! So much cooler than my ape!
Hey my Stanny...
You shouldn't need to be doing prep...you should make Stella do all the work. Oh and BTW, please tell me she didn't wait you from that nice little nap you were taking with Tigger? If so I'm going to have to have a talk with her!!!
I'm so excitered that I'll get the chance to chat with you on your barkday...that makes me so happy! Oh and a special box filled with Ruby Bug love is winging it's way to Gooberstan!!!
Lots of Licks, your RubyBug!!!
hey Stanley, we can see you have very scary eyes too! we almost had to run and hide when we saw that picture.
we heard that your barkday is on Saturday, the 26th. that's the same barkday as our mom. she says that's her favorite day of the year. we think our barkdays are the best days too! barkdays are the bestest. we know you will have a good one, cuz you are a good dude! happy happy goober day!
Whoa...accordin' to Gilbert, our Wheelie, we have aliens here in PA too!!!
Gettin' old Stan???
I'm two now, too. Weird huh...not a pup, but not really grown up either.
And ur right...gettin' older makes ya appreciate all we have....and all we have to put up with...like Lakie sissies.
Your lookin'good Stan...lookin' good....
You look totally possessed in that last photo!!!
Ah soon it will be the happiest day in all of Gooberstan... and we will all celebrate :)
Ya got to go to Prom Walk????
I am so jelly...and you got to meet all those hot boyz????
You looked fab Girlie....what a grin ya have on ur face all the time...plottin' the next devilment, huh???
So ur 11.5 lbs, huh? I think I'm around 12...need to go the the vetties soon...I'll let ya know!
Hey there manly Stanley, I am so excited about your bday, I can hardly stand it!
Sorry to be so confusing in my last blog post. It's just that we're moving from a loft to a place with wall and we really can't wait.
Hi, Stan!
What are you going to do on your birthday?? A big party??
Your scary picture is... scary and funny!
Kisses and hugs
Ooo, beaming eyes! I love your smoochie pictures. You look sooo cute sleeping with Tiger stuffie...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Looks like you are well prepared for your birthday! Mom LOVES tigger, by the way. ALSO, if you take a look at my post today, your McDonalds order nearly fried the Doofus's pee-brain.
I think you will totally win the scary eye contest!
You and stella look like you're having a blast.
IF you would rather that I keep your present, I can do that...I just think you will enjoy...it's kinda for you and Stella!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Those eyes are pure evil. I reckon you've won it!!! Pinky deleted all our evil eye shots...darn digital camera!
Have a great weekend. Is it your bark day this weekend?
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
u eyes look like diamonds to me...
Are you going to have a birthday pawty? I would love a smooch from you. You're so cute cuddling your tigger stuffie to sleep
~ Girl girl
You could never look totally scary, Stanley - you're too sweet!
One more day to go and the big day will be here! Any really exciting pawty plans? Stella is baking you a cake as we speak, right?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You aren't going to kill Tigger are you?? Even I couldn't bring myself to kill Tigger.
Simba xx
Woooohooooo I am ready too !!!!
Kisses, Faya
Stanley, you look possessed in that scarey eye photo! That's the scariest one we've seen, yet...also the funniest!
Poppy & Penny
that photo of you cuddling tigger had Mum melting on the spot!! I personally love the scary eyes one.. woah.. alien dog!!
Ben xxxx
Woe, Stanley, you might just win with that scary eye photo...lol...Thats a good one.
Mum got it all saved for the contest. She loves tigger too and oooo'd and awwww'd at your pictures.
WHOA that was a freaky alien picture..Archie went flying out of the room until I told him it was you and he said he knew it was he was just practicing sprinting.....That looks like a lot of prep for the big event! Love A+A
Hello Stanley
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Have a super day and Taffy is impressed with Stella's social skills, he realises she only has eyes for him.
MOlly and Taffy XXXXXXXXXX
I think that is a cutie , funny, not scawy pictoowe..you just dont scawe me evew..cause I know what youw Heawt is like
I'm happy you'we pwepawing fow the Stanley fest! I love youw Tiggew..he looks like a good pal..I wish I was him, heheh
smoochie kisses to you and tiny smoochies to Stella..have a gweat adventoowe today!
smoochie kisses
youw AstawoniFB
Those are some scary eyes. You look like you could pop out of someone's stomach instead of a birthday cake.
You are busy having crazy fun, aren't you? Birthdays are so much fun; I'm glad you're starting to get ready for yours.
Good luck with the scary eyes contest. I'm glad I don't have to be the judge because there are way too many good scary eyes out there!
Looks like you're having a tiggerific time there old boy! I love the scary eyes photo, a classic!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hi Stanley,
Hope you get lots of great stuff for your birthday.
Have a great day,
He, he, so not scary, just funny pal!
You have a great day for a birthday - it's my Pop's birthday too.He's one of the best so you must be too!!
Have a goober sooper day Stan.I'll woof you special wishes over the big pee. Wiry wags, Eric
Yeah Stanley,
It's almost your bithday! Wooo Hooo, how exciting! I was all prepared to go shopping with Mom for a Stanley-perfect gift, but after your PSA, Mom and I are going to do something that hlps out needy dogs, we'll clue you in later. He he! I'm so excited that your birthday is just about here, and I don't even get to celebrate with you. Remember to hold back some excitement, you don't want to be drained by the time the big day gets here!!! Woo Hoo!
Your pal,
You are busy!
Those are some really cute pics! And the scary eyes ones are good too!
Wags and licks,
We furgot to say:
Hope you have a wonderful time and that you get lots of treats and belly rubs!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
I hope you are having the Gooberest birthday a pup can have!
May your special day be filled with cake, ice cream, an endless supply of bully sticks and lotsa Goobergreat naps!!!!
Oops Blogger is acting silly!
Happy Barkday Stanley BOY!!!
You had a fun barkday prep!! Hope you're having a great day on this special day!
Momo & Pinot
Woohoo, those are SCARY eyes! Tigger seems to feature heavily in these birthday preps...hmmm. And Stella. You look pretty happy about being a year older Stanley.
Mum was going to play 'Happy Birthday' on her tin whistle and have me howl to it (because I do when I hear the way she's playing), but it all failed miserably because she can't get the high notes...
Never mind! Have a fabulous birthday Stanley, and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate...
Bye for now.
Finni xx
You and Tigger are to cute.
Happy Barkday pal! Hope you have a pawsome time! Jx
Pssst Goob--are you coming to the chat this weekend?
woofies stanley and stella...happy barkday stanley, me hopes u gits lots of pressies and trweats...and has many many more bardays..
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu
Eiyeeeee! That is totally scary!
HAPPY BARKDAY STAN!! Sorry I am late - hope you had a great one! You deserve it!
Love Clover xo
Happy birthday, Stan! Pee.S. Those are PAWSOME scary eyes!
Those eyes are devilish :P
Boy n Baby
Happy birthday Stan!
Happy gettin' ready to you and Stella!!!
wags from the whippets
Wow Stanley...that's one scary eye picture...and here's hopin' yer birthday is a great one and that lots of presents come yer way....now yer wonderin' what I, Toby, am doin' writin' here...well, Dewey is sick and so he sent me around the blog world for him. Suits me better anyway ta be here...'cause I look more like ya all anyway...don't ya think?
Here's a Lakeland fer ya,
Terrific pictures, Stanley! Happy Birthday, old buddy!
Sorry if I'm late, but you know how it is. We haven't blogged in a few days.
Love that smile. What a nice dream you must be having. Also like the scary eye picture. It sure frightened me!
Love ya!
Koobuss Kisses,
scary eyes! I hope my eyes dont turn out that way..have a great birfday Stanley! That toy looks tastey..maybe I should ask for a toy just like it for my first birfday!
happy Birthday, Stan! We love your glowing eyes pose.
whoa those are scary eyes dude, I almost cried.
Frenchie Snorts
just found this blog...what a gorgeous looking dog you have!
love the pictures!
wooofiessss Stanley and Stella...dis iz angel lacylulu, me misssses u sooo muchies, but not to worry me iz up here watchin over u...me luvs ya bofff bunchiesss..heehee u eyes didn skeered me none, behind the eyes iz a heart as big as texas...
b safe,
angel lacylulu;)
ooo yeah and rocky and bear...mama madeded me say dat last part...
stanley, sorry! i didn't wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY earlier.
wet wet licks
We saw on Lorenza's blog that it was your birthday, so we wanted to wish you lots of treats and tummy rubs!! You're very cute!
Hugs, Kodak
My name is Stanley too! Well, it's Stanislaw, but my nickname is Stanley. I'll respond to almost anything if you have a piece of cheese on hand. My brother and I also came from breed rescue groups. About 8 months ago my puppy brother showed up at my rescue's adoption day with his humans and out of all the other dogs there he picked me! I've been one spoiled brat ever since.
Well, here's to having humans with a good taste in names...
Stanley, I don't know how to eat with chop sticks yet. Will you show me how? That would be much more fun than practicing the piano.
Wow those are some very scary eyes you got there...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
MySweet Sweet Stanley Love
I miss you, thank you fow the bootiful note..I'm just welaxing wif my fwiendses..they will be leaving ,cause they awe busy wif theiw new movie pwoduction..I'm not in this one..Iope you awe still wollowing in all the love evewyone sent you fow youw Birfday!!!
all my faithful love fowevew
youw Astawoni fuzzbutt
Glad to see you're getting ready for an excellent birthday!
- Charlie
Hay stan!
That evil eye picture is Extremely Scary!!!
O i want your tigger stuffie, he looks very comfy to snuggle up with!!
i know that you are going to have a pawsome barkday!
Oh Stanley, I'm so jealous of your Tigger Toy. When I play tuggers with a cat, I get put in the No-No Corner.
William Tell
Hi Stan - Such a handsome boy!
I really like your stuffie - I LOVE stuffies! Have fun preparing for your big day!
Eeeek! Scary eyes!!!!!
Hi Stanley
Did I miss your Birthday? Happy Birthday if I did...I am sorry if I did, I didn't mean too at all. I am horrible with dates.
My mum is the only girl I know that is also horrible with dates.
Yeah, Buster I don't think wants to mess with me. I have had a little growth spurt and this time it was taller and not longer....
Goober Stan!!!
Did anyone ever tell you that you just radiate awesome! Well, if they haven't...I just did! Wooooo!
You make me laugh...lots, sometimes so much that I gotta let my tongue hang out!
I bet your nose is what gets all the ladies huh? I'm still working on mine, I have a brown stripe across the top of it...but it's nothing compared to yours.
go Gooberstan, it's your birthday! I hope you party like it's your birthday!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
MySweet Sweet GooberBoyStanley Love,
I'm nuwsing Mommi , and with youw goobew smooches assisting I'm suwe she will be bettew soon..she's seeing a dogtow tomowwow..maybe he can help too, but I twust Goobew smoochies and love mowe..BTW youw sissy Faya weally wants to heaw fwom you about youw Birfday,she's wowwied
all my love and smoochie kisses and tiny ones fow Stella
youw Astawonidolcepeafuzzbutt
Can I just say that you make me laugh so much that I almost cry! I can't let my human see the water welling up in my eyes...gotta be sure the human doesn't see that...or I'm gonna get another pink pill.
How much does it cost to get to the Republic of Gooberstan? Deetz and I were thinking about making a National Dog Day where all Dogs come to one central location and play ALL DAY!!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
STANLEY !!!!! Please tell me if I did something wrong....in that case I am so sorry..... You go and say hello on every blogs except mine...it is terrible. My english is not correct and I hope I didn't write something bad....
okay stanley I did this huge comment and it didn't post. Grammie's favorite color is red. Need to know anything else let me know
Oh my dog, Oh my Dog!
Stanley Dude - you have that Pooh Bear's friend in your mouth...that's the Tigger thingy.....whatchamacallit dud.....Oh my dog....did you take all the stuffing out? What's up, what's up 4 paw alarm!!!!
The G-Dales
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