Today this Goob

Wants to wish his pupgirl, Ruby

the most Gooberific 2nd birthday EVER!!! Just look at her! Isn't she a cutie? (And, she doesn't look a day over 1 if you ask me.)
Stella & I are raising our voices in song to honor the birth of Ruby Bleu!

But you're also wild and wacky
And you have some gorgeous thighs!
Here's a little ditty we wrote for Ruby, to the tune of "My Darlin', Clementine".
Oh, my Ruby! Oh, my Ruby! Oh, my little Ruby Bleu!
You're my brindle Boston love pup
And I'm singing cuz you're two.
Rubinator! Rubinator! You are witty, bold, and wise!
But you're also wild and wacky
And you have some gorgeous thighs!
You're a pilot! You're a poet! And your eyes are brown as stew.
You're a sweet & saucy girlie
And I sing cuz I love you!
Stanny & Stella
Whooo hooo..what a fabulous song you wrote and sung for Ruby!
Way too go you two!
Fanks for dropping by to see us all!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets +2
Happy Barkday to Ruby!!!!!! How old is she now?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a pawsome song for Ruby the barkday girl. :)
~ Girl girl
Ruby is just going to LOVE the song you wrote for her birthday, Stanley! We hope she's having the best time at her Auntie's house for her special day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a lovely birthday tribute for Ruby. You are a great pal any pup could wish for, Stanley. I love the pic of you signing Ruby the Birthday song.
Stanley, great song matie. Ruby is gonna looooove it.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
You sure are a good composer. I see you scored one of those corn cob thingies.
That is a great song and Ruby will love it. :)
Dearest Stanny...
OMD a song...for me! It is bootiful! I'm going to make my Mom print it out and post it on the wall so I can look at it everyday! I woof you!
Thanks for being my boyfriend!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh Stan and Stella,
What a great song! I know Ruby will be very happy and honoured that you wrote that for her!
Love Clover xo
Wahaha... Stanley you really are the best! That song is great and I bet Ruby lurrrrves it! My fav part is - 'And you have some gorgeous thighs!' Now I can't stop singing it and mom is threatening to lock me out tonight!
Wow Stanny, What does a girl have to do to get a birthday song like that from you? That was so great!
P.S. I love that photo of you with your corn shank. Have you been talking with Tanner?
woofies and burfs stanley and stella, pawtastic song fur ruby...she will luv it....
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
She does have beautiful thighs doesn't she??
A Standing OVATION to your Ode to Ruby Bleu.
A Standing OVATION to your Ode to Ruby Bleu.
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This song is FABULOUS! I just wish your mom could get it on video; I want to hear your lovely voices!
How could Ruby Bleu have a better gift than this!
You guys rock!
Love the song, you old smoothie you!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Stanley my Love
That is a bootiful Birfday message and an inspiwed gowgeous song fow a fabulous pupgiwl!
Happy Birfday Ruby!!!!
I hope it's a wondewful day fow you
smoochie kisses
Hi, Stan and Stella!
I know Ruby is going to be happy when she reads your special post for her!
Happy Birthday to her!
Kisses and hugs
mmmm Stew! wait, I mean this is a great tribute to a GREAT boston terrier. NOt that I ever met a boston that wasn't great, but you know what I mean. RUBY ROCKS!
A song just for Ruby. That is so thoughtful.
Simba x
Whoa, Stan...what a composer you are!!! That pic of ur gums er teeth was inspirin' to say the least!! It was an amazin' tribute to a fab girl!!!!
Barkin' at ya, Stanny!!!
Hullo GooberStan! :) Nice to meet you. I've got to pug puppies named Napoleon & Rukia. Come check us out sometime.
Btw, you're SO cute, Stanley!!!!
What a great song Stanley and Stella! Woohoo for having the vocals of an angel and the lyrics of a rock God!!!!
Hey!!! My human said that if you need a two headed snake she would be more than happy to send one to you!!! Then you guys can play all day with the head rattling, mouth squeeking Solomon the snake!!!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
We can hear you singing all the way here.
Thats a great talent for songwriting you have there!! Excellent.. though Mum just HAD to sing it since you gave her the tune to sing along to.. not that it sounded anything like it should have, to say she is tone deaf is a slight understatement!! So I won't thank you for your hand in the assault on my ears!!
Ben xxxx
Stanley, you are indeed a dog of many talents! What a great song for Ruby! We need to see if our personal servant can find us one of those corn thingies. I bet they are great to gnash on!
Poppy & Penny
OMdog that was such a great song! Mommy sang it to me and we are both very impressed with your song writing abilities.
OH MY STANLEY! You are some songwriter indeed! I think you need to start selling your songs for some jumbo bucks!
Love & Licks,
You should get a record contract!
wags from the catching up whippets
Have a great weekend Stanley and Stella.....Hey maybe when the weather gets warmer, we can meet at a park and play together or something...wouldn't that be cool...I need a playmate...Gizmo is too small, horses are too
That's a darlin' ditty you wrote for Ruby pal.
Good to woof around with you. Stan's a great name. I was nearly called that too but for some reason the 2 leggeds cracked up when they thought of calling me Eric instead. No accounting for hoomans wacky sense of humour.
Glad to add you to my squaries pals list. Wiy Wags, Eric
Great tune ... great words ... great singing pic - Happy Birthday Ruby. From a fellow 2-year old. It's good to be 2!!!
Finni xx
Stanley, ye are the true Poet of the Plains!
We're raising a glass o' Guinness to young Ruby, the wee lass. She's a cutey.
Sephie & Buster
Beautiful song, beautiful girl! Are the chicken frames to share with Ruby on her birthday? I hear they're good with ice cream on top.
Hey Stan,
I love your mouth shot. I love seeing your teeth, all so white and sparkly. You look so funny when you're singing the song to Ruby. My human mama was singing the tune in her head reading your lyrics and she smiled non stop.
Happy Birthday Ruby. Stanley I have a present for you, come over and check it out. Love,Neko
You give such great inspirational words! You are so wise beyond your years!!!
Woohoo for ultimate greatness!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
That was so beautiful, Stanley. I'm sure Ruby loved it. You are just so sensitive and caring. What a guy!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Wow,Stan! Great song!
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