My girl just told us that my buddy, Hercules the Aireboy, is sick and is staying at the vet today. He hasn't been eating, his belly is tender, and the dogter wanted to get some fluids in him & do some tests. Stella and I discussed what we could do to help.

Since we already work for Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle, we decided to work the snuggling vibes today for my goober bud Herc.
Of course, our brand of snuggling is more a combination of snuggling and wrasslin'. More like SNASSLIN'!

We took our sweet time warming up for our snasslin' session.
And here we GO!

Don't fret. No goobs were harmed in this snasslin' session...

... though it may look like it.

Our snasslin' always culminates in a lot of trash talking...

... and exhausted crashing.

Today we are especially snasslin' for Herc and his tummy! Go by and give him some love if you can. We are also snasslin' for Sunny & Scooter and their mama Jamie, and for Bogart and his mama Lulu.
Goober love,
Stanley & Stella
I don't recall ever seeing you make that snasslin' face before. Very impressive. I think if Stella isn't careful she might fall right down your snallin' gullet.
Oh Stanley! This is high-quality snasslin' you & Stella are doing! I just know Hercy will feel better soon! Keep up the good work!
I like the photo where it looks like Stella is standing on her head! Her whole body is the same size as your head, Stanley. Either she's getting smaller or you've become the Relentlessly Huge Aireboy!
Your pal,
P.S. I'm taking much better care of the second ball. It even still squeaks!
Ciao Goobs!
NEWS FLASH: Lakie Stella Bean Latifah loses noggin in snasslin' smackdown with brother, Stanley ...!!
Oh, er -- wait [awkward pause of shame-faced embarrassment] -- THERE'S her little noggin in the next picture. Santa vacca, I feel like an enorme idiota...sheesh....
I'm glad you two kids are back, and I'll definitely keep my paws crossed for your buddy, Herc.
Tanti baci!
keeping paws crossed for your buddy Hercules..and just a bit for Stella-mozarella too...some of those pictures are downright scarey!
We just love your trash talking picture! It's the best!
We're sending lots of AireZen for Herc! We hope he feels better soon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Snasslin' looks like what Hootie & I do. Now we have a name for it! We'll dedicate our snasslin' today to your buddy Herc so he'll get well quicker!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie
What a cool terrier word. Snasslin'!! We've been doing it and didn't even know what it was. Kind of like speaking prose and not knowing it. Now we'll tell mom so she can tell us, "You boyz, stop that sasslin right this minute!!!"
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
You can rest assured we will being doing some serious snasslin this evening for Hercules, Bogart and his Mummy and also for Sunny and Scooter.
Better be careful with that trash talk, but snasslin looks like a magic formula for cheering everybody up!
You are realy a great friend for us...and a good brother for me !
Kisses, Faya
We're rooting here for Hercules to feel better soon. You and Stella sure did a fine job of working for his health today - hope you got a good snooze in later.
Woos, the OP Pack
I dunno...Stella looks pretty serious when she snassles. Glad you can hold your own with her, she looks like a handful!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
you guys are snasselin' wide pupper fights...gOOOOoooo aireeeedales...and just make that little mouth a tad bigger goobetter...goooooo LAkeeeeZ..
this will surely help poooor herc feel a bit better. I hope he doesn't have what ms.Blue's an ouchy kinda thing -- but we will stop by and leave a whole bunch of blue dog zen for him to be well again.
theBUSTER,Ms.Persephone, & Ms.Blue...feeling better but still not 100%
Snasslin...I like it! I don't like that Herc is sick tho'. I'll be sending some BT lovin his way for sure!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow - snasslin' looks awesome! I wish Fig would snassle with me!
Poor Hercules - we're sending Boston and Chinese healing vibes his way.
Dawlingest Goobs
That snasslin' is going to weally catch on..I see you've stawted anothew faboolous twend. I think wif all the snasslin going on evewyowhewe(I twied wif Myrna-she's not vewy good at it) I'm suwe Herc will be making gweat stwides towawds eating nannas and feeling well again..I'm cwossing my paws!
smoochie kisses
I might give Tanner a little bitey face lesson in honor of those fine dogs and humans. Good job guys. Stella cracks us up.
We are very proud to know you and Stella. You are very giving pups. Always looking out for someone else. You are a great example for all of us.
I hope Herc feels better soon!
Kisses and hugs
Keeping our paws crossed for your friend. Some of those photos look like shark attacks lol
Simba and Jazzi xxx
I love the 2nd photo. It looks like Stella is kissing Stanley's head
~ Bae
Wooo, now that's some snasslin going on! Am amazed how you've both managed to hang on to the edge of the bed ... !
LIcks and Wags
Tuffy of Dog WOods
I love your trash talking face!
keep spreading the goodwill you mighty ambassadors you.
Yall are such sweeties for snasslin'! What a set of chompers on miss stella!! Stanley, you are so adorable!!! My mama just loves that face of yours.... it always makes her smile!!
WE hope your friend gets well soon
Seems like snasslin with you Stan is a no hold barred game...jeepers my admiration for Stella has risen ginormously....
Wiry ones, Eric xx
Snassling...hmm...those were the most terrierfying pix I've seen in a long time...good heavens Stanley...don't bite Stella's little head off....
How is Herc?? Have ya heard anything? He has a tender tummy? Wonder if it's his pan cre is? Oh my...I'm so worried about him...let us know when you hear anything, OK?????
Love to you two Goobs!!!
Hi Stanley,
We are so sorry we haven't sent you 'that' package yet. It's all ready to be mailed out but mom hasn't been well and doctor ordered 'bed rest' (not sure why the bed needed to rest when she's the one who isn't well), therefore we didn't get to stop at the post office. I promise you we'd send it out on Mon by hook or by crook.
Hope that Hercules is ok.. prayers and pawsitive vibes are on their way to him.
Snasslin' is new to me - I think it totally rocks!
PeeS: Has Merv been behaving himself?
That's some expert snassling!
On Monday next week, I wonder if you can do some snasslin' for me. Mom is sending me to the groomer!!!!
Stanley man,
Blogger ate my words last night.
I have to tell you that your snassling face does send the chill down to my spine, man.
Have you ever showed that expression to Asta?
You two never stop wrestling eh? Hehehe!
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm goin to hav a blog pawty this weekend to sellybrate my 500th post :@} wud yu like to pop by?
Festivitys kik off tomorro at noon UK time an larst till midnite Sunday!
Pleez come by!
Leev sum jokes in the comments sekshun ov Friday's post fer evrywun.
Weel be havin cayke, ginger beer, scooby snaks an a serprize speshul gest!!!!!
Pleez come it won't be the sayme wivowt yu!
Oh I hope Hercules gets better soon. Oh that was some impressive snasslin'! That goes on at our house, too, though I don't have enough teeth to get a shark face going myself.
Your snasslin' made ME feel better.
wally t.
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