My name: Stanley.
Famous Singer: Sade
Four letter word: Stop
Street: Sleepy Hollow
Color: Sienna
Gifts/Presents: Smooches
Vehicle: Scooter
Things in a souvenir shop: Shot glasses
Boy Name: Sasha
Girl Name: Snow
Movie Title: Strictly Ballroom
Alcoholic Drink: Sangria
Occupation: Safecracker
Celebrity: Samuel L Jackson
Magazine: Sassy
U.S. City: Sausalito
Pro Sports: Surfing
Fruit: Star Fruit
Reason for Being Late for Work: Soooo not wanting to go!
Something You Throw Away: Skanky clothes
Things You Shout: Save me some eatables!!
Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo
That is pretty much it. If you haven't been tagged yet and you feel so inclined as to play along, please do! Everydog, Girl Girl & Moosie, enjoy your weekend!!
Goober love,
Strictly Ballroom!!! We LOOOOVE Baz Luhrmann!!!
You are just so darn cute. Who else would be a smooching surfer that collects shot glasses and likes Samuel L. Jackson?
Neat list pal! S is much easier than J! J x
That Grammie is too funny!!! I think I'm going to do this tag because it seems fun.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Lot of Licks, Ruby
Mom remembers that magazine Sassy, she used to love it!
She also loves Sangria, but she won't ever let us try any so we don't know if we like it!
hey stan!!!!
i agree i think gooberlicous SMOOCHES are the best kind of gift!!!!
have a pawsome weekend GOOBER-boy!!
peace out
Hey Stanley,
There are some precious moments with my Aire-nose on my blog for ya...
Sweet S list Stan
Hi, Stan.
This game is fun and hard at the same time, right?
Thanks for playing and sharing with us!
Have a great weekend
Great list, Stan. Says a lot about you!
Be glad that your name doesn't start with K.
congratulations on the awesome blogger award, stan!
have a nice weekend too!
little miss pootsalot
ps: i've mastered the art of hearty burping too!
Good list of stuff Stanley! I have to do mine now...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Cool list.Stanley
If I ever threw a pawty it would be Indian food and some under the table stuff like(Chocolate).Thats contraband!!
Stanley, did you know I am white like my daddy and the brown spots like my mommy!
I haven't been tagged in like a million years. We need to play this. And I'm with Tad--Strictly Ballroom is pretty awesome. But I'm not surprised that you have incredible taste. I mean, you are my friend!
ps. My ma ape has a BIG ASS, too. Seriously, man. That thing is probably on Google maps.
Hey Stan,
Gee, this is a toughie. I don't think I can handle all the questions with L!
Have a good weekend!
Your package is on its way. I hope Mr Mailman isn't too slack.
Yoooooo Stan!
My ma ape went to college IN Iowa but not AT Iowa. (If you can't go to college go to Coe!) But she would hate the Hawkeyes anyway. She grew up in the Nebraska. Hoooooooooooooooskers! I really need to write my guide too the football.
Thanks for noticing how totally devastatingly unbelievably handsome I am in my jersey.
Ps. Yes they ARE the Delaware Blue Hens! WOOOO! (And the women's teams are called the Lady Blue Hens. Which, you know, is a bit redundant).
What an awesome tag Stanley! We might have to try that one if we EVER catch up! Vacation was the best but it's so nice to be home!
Love ya lots,
DKM* likes to Scooter around Sausalito! She's heading there this weekend for the art festival. Sandpaper Kisses - Sophia
*DKM = Diva Kitty's Mom
Stanley my Sweetie,
My Mommi loves Sienna the colow and the city and she had loads of fun in Sausalito when she was young,hehehe
Awe you cwacking safes so you can buy a jet and visit all of us, I hope?????
Your Suwfing,smoochie giwl with the imaginawy scooter,who soooo doesn't ever want to go to wowk
great answers, Stan! esp. Sangria! (this came from my Jiejie, of cos!)
Great list dude, you are so funny!
Frenchie SNorts
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