Always In Our Hearts

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Asta's Bikini

Who would have thought that this teenie weenie Asta bikini would cause such a stir?

Well, let me just clear one thing up. Asta didn't lose her bikini while we rafted together to Chilli's Adoption Day pawty. She lost it long before we ever left for the pawty. Before you get carried away, you need to know that she had been looking for her bikini for the last 3 weeks and never found it, so she decided to go au natural!

Speaking of Chilli's pawty, it was a BLAST!!! I got to spend all kinds of snout-to-snout time with my favorite pupgirls. I played volleyball and smooched with my Ruby Bug, danced on the beach and smooched with Suki, not to mention the cool raft trip to Singapaw with Asta (which included some smooching ~ hey, I've got a lot of Goober love to give). But, after all the fun, I'm completely pooped out. I've had to do a lot of this...

and this...

and sometimes I change it up and do this...

I have some news I want to share, but it's going to have to wait until I get more shut-eye.

Goober love,


PreciOus said...

Hi Stanley! I was completely knocked out too after the pawty. Glad that you enjoyed yourself! =)


Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Stanley,
Looks like you had heaps of fun at the pawty!

Joe Stains said...

oh boy, what news?! I have no patience?!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i was looking out for u guys during my waterfall trip too

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

You sure must have had some fun at that party.

Tail wags

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stanley,
The pawty sounds really fun!! :)

Amber-Mae said...

Well to me, the beach pawty sounded like it was a blast!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Chilli's pawty was tons of fun! I'm glad we all got to spend time together! I hope we can do it again real soon! Hurry up with the news, wouldja!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

Yes Stanley, of course we are going to trust you.....of course....
Kisses, Faya

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Stanny...
It was go great seeing you and 'playing volleyball' (I guess that's what the kids are calling smooching these days, huh?

So in between all that smooching you failed to mention anything about a tell my love, do tell!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Moco said...

You are quite the man about the beach. No wonder you need all those naps. Sleep well sweet prince!

Anonymous said...

It was quite a swingin' party! I never knew you were such an excellent volleyball player!

What's the news?? What's the news??

Ferndoggle said...

Waaaaaa..we missed the pawty!!! Hope you had enough fun for ALL of us!

News? Does it involve meat? That would be the bestest news EVER!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan.
It was a great party! We all had to do the same... naps.. naps.... naps....
I am curious now and I want to know the news!!!
Have a nice day

Suki & Joey said...

I feel your pain, Stanny. We make a great dancing duo, though, don't we? But, ouch! My poor wittle legs hurt! :)

What's the news? What's the news? I'm like Joe, I have no patience! Are you getting a brother or sister? Are you getting a FOSTER brother or sister? Are you going to move to Florida so we can live together?!? Ooops, sorry, getting a little carried away ;)

Puggy kisses

Anonymous said...

You look so cute when you are sleeping, Goob.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Yo, Goober, nobody got enceinte (sp?) this weekend did they?? If your French is bad that means pregos...ya know. I mean not to insinuate, but you did say you had NEWS. Patience is not a forte of terriers. Scruffy

Lizzy said...

I don't know if I can wait until you're done your sleeping! What's the news?


wally said...

Does your news involve a SISTER? Like, you're going to take mine?


Sophie Brador said...

Woah, Stan! You are one macho man. I was thinking of you last night while watching bits and pieces of Anchorman on the tellie. I bet you would have made an awesome 70s news anchor, especially with your styling moves with the ladies.

Sounds like I missed a great party!

Sophoober Bradoober

Frasier said...

Get your rest!!
That was hilarious (about Astas bikini)

Asta said...

My Sweet Goober Boy
Thank you fow cleawing that wumow up..a giwl has to keep hew weputation, but it suwe was fun wasn't it??
you awe the BEST!
smoochie kisses
Asta youw au natuwal sweatpea

Agatha and Archie said...

Wow we missed a hot one!!!You looked pooped!!1 We are looking forward to the next big evetn,,,,YEE HAW!!Love A+A