This is what Stella looked like when I found her in front of the mirror saying in a pitiful voice...
"... spare some change for a dog in need?"

She asked if I knew where she coul find a shopping cart and an oversized purse. See what I have to live with? What a drama GOOB!
Goob love,
More on my FAB birthday in my next post.
Oooooooooooooo poor Stella! Stanley help Stella!!! Help get cleen an pwinsessy agen! MWEAH!
OMD - what happened to her? I sure hope she wasn't looking at some early pictures of me playing in the mud!!!!
Lots of Licks, ruby
Holy Cow! What happened to Stella?? I'm sure she's got a pretty good story to tell! Put her on the phone, Stanley!
You've got mom and Mitch's favorite toy in your mouth, ya know!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, poor Stella looks so needy! Did you give her what she asked for, Stanley? And did you throw in a treat, too?
oh Stella ! Stanley just told me about all the rain you got and how mudy is your backyard but I could not imagine it was so awful....yirk.. Ok but if you remember, Cinderella started like this...and then a Prince came know...
Kisses, Faya
OMD, I bet your Girl just LOVED that!
M & I
Stella, look at you, tee hee! Me thinks you beed having some real fun before mummy finded you! Me be quite jealous actually cos me has to stay all nice and clean for my show now, boo!
Cassidy x
Did she get a bath? She looks pitiful for think its kinda funny, but I luv you Stella...your cute even wet
Hey, Goober man
Its time to vote for the scary eye contest...hope you have a playful weekend.
Charles Dickens would be proud.
Wow, did the mud puddle win, or did Stella? But she could make a lot of money with that sad, bedraggled look.
Oh stella looks so cute.
Stan! I totally missed you in the chat. I was so sad that I didn't get to say Happy Birthday!
Stella looks like she might be working on a career as a grifter.
how in the WORLD did she end up looking like that?!?!?!!!
Looks like Stella have a mahvellous mud mask at the spa!
wags from the whippets
Oh my, she's a terrible mess! Was she accidentally locked out of the house? I hope she's cleaned already...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
ooooo... poor little Stella, what is she up too??
I am not so sure why but I am thinking she had lots of fun before those pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Was she practicing for a role in 'Les Miserables'? She's GOOD!
Finni xx
Oh my goodness!
What has happenend to my Stella? Are you alright my girl? I am on my way to rescue you from this dreadful trauma that seems to have befallen you.
Hang on in there I am on my way!!
Was Stella laboring in the Dark, Satanic Mills? Did she run afoul of Uriah Heep? Was it the Ghost of Barkday Past? There's definitely a certain Dickensian drama afoot! We'll stay tuned for the next installment in the London papers...
Buster and Bailey are off to Sheep-herding today! And all I get is this lousy keyboard.
Teee-heeee, heeee-heeeee, we laughed and laughed....What is that girlei tinking? She sure wooks siwwy! Sissie needs a tubbie - Goobs, maybe you shouwd cawwy her to the tubbie for your hoomans!
Oh Stella, you wook vewy GOOB!
Well bark at cha us how you wook after a tubbie Babe.....
The G-Dales
My kind of girl there, Stella! Not afraid to get a little dirty. It all comes out in the wash, anyway.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
BOL! That Stella! She really is full of drama, isn't she?
Man, I think she's ready for a bath. What did she do? Dive into a mud pool? Probably.
I hope you all have a grrrrEAT weekend!
She looks like a monster! Did she recover?
You sure have it rough there with Stella. She can wear you out!! But she's got to be one of the cutest things on four legs.
My mom's glad that she wasn't the one who had to give Stella a bath. hehehehe
Love and Koonuss Kisses,
pee ess Good job, Stella! I'm proud of you. I wish that I could do that.
Blimey, what happened to Stella matie??? She looks like she's been in the wars.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Those pix made me and mama laugh out loud!!!!!!
Stella, you look like you had some FUN gettin' your hair and makeup did like that...
Now that is one very sorry looking excuse for a pooch!!
Did it take long to clean her up?
We looked just like Stella on our walk yesterday morning! We hope there's no bath in the future...
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Pooooooor Stella Girl!!!! What happen to you?? Was it pouring outside??? OMD!!!
Momo & Pinot
Sissies--what can you do with them.
ps. My ma ape is going to stock up on toys for the tots at the SPCA in your honor. The Gooberstan Fun Fund is what I think it should be called.
Whoa - OMDog !!
Stella do you know how much chicks pay for that look at the spa ???
You'll be rich....Stella's Mud Pack???
STELLA......I have made an appointment for you at Chez a la must change stylists the one you have now is NOT for you..Love Agatha
Goober- blimey Stella. Did the mirror crack when you looked in it? Ha, ha!!!!! Wiry wags, Eric
Did she just roll in the
Boy n Baby
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