Can we talk?
Stella's diva mentor, Sophie La Brador, just announced that Stella has graduated from her diva development program, and, well... Stella's been getting a little snooty with me.

On top of the snooty patootiness she feels the need to challenge me at every turn.

What's a guy to do?

Well, I opened up a can of SMACKDOWN, and whipped my sissy into shape. (Believe me. It sounds a LOT worse than it really was.)
Did you see how she finally took off? I know that's not the end of it, but it's the beginning of the end. hehehe
Stay tuned for further developments.
Stan my man,
I watched the clip twice, I saw a huge man fighting with his lovely little sister, hmmm, I hope you won't treat Asta that way or she'll whip your bum bum.
Just kidding, I know you two brother-sister love each other too much, muahhhh!
Have fun in Paris, GooberStan. Say je t'aime to my dear Asta.
Oh Stanley...I been trying that type of therapy with Teka too, and all it gets me is a nip on the butt when I turn my back. Good luck man, you and I both need it.
that is some serious smackdown. it just cracks us up to see little Stella and big Stanley playing beastly games like that! you definitely are both beasts and you make us proud!
You need me to come take her down a peg or two Stanny? I can take her you know!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby Bug
She is just like Sharkie.....
I try and try and try to tell him to stop acting so tuff, but does he listen.....of course not.
Loved the video
You gotta' teach 'em when they're still young! HAH!! I've been trying that with doofus boy, JH, since he came into my life -- and all I still get is taunts.
Actually, the only thing that seems to work is a well-placed body blow, or a chin lifted to show I'm not interested in childish games.
Ah, the things we do for love!!
Stella is definately the winner in that smackdown. The Judge,Hootie
Are you kidding? No fair! You little brats take sides with each other. Stanley was the most cool-pawed and by far the winner of that match. Aireylove, BabyRocketDog
At least Stella will play with you. The two spaniels are big old duds. Edgar the cat plays with me more than they do. Count yourself lucky.
Hi Stan!
Looks like you still can show her! I hope she realizes that she shouldn't be such a diva with her Gooberbrother now.
Love Gooberclove xo
Oh dear... Let me tell ya man, there's nothing worse than a snooty sissy in the house! You whip her into shape good, okay? You're doing an excellent job so far in that video!
I hope you have a grrrrEAT weekend!
OMG, what a spitfire she is, Stanley! That girl has way too much energy! You seriously need to knock her down a couple of notches! We totally feel for ya!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That made my day! You are the Man!
All I want to know is...
Who deflated that soccer ball in that first pic? Now THAT's a beast!
Madison is thinking she could lend a little HEFT to the situation and tip the scales back in favour of the girls ... GIRL POWER!
Boy, Stella sure has some fancy footwork there, but woo showed her who is boss (we think).
Tail wags, the OP Pack
stanley, i always enjoy the competitiveness among you and stella. it's getting more and more entertaining.
wet wet licks
Hey, we're pledging our allegiance to the Republic of Gooberstan and the good citizens who sent those wonderful balloons to Bogart and his Mom and Dad.
Mom is threatening to hop on a plane just to plant a big sloppy kiss on your Gooberhead.
Well done. You truly are the Best Terrier in our group!
Your pal,
We hear that Vince MacMahon is interested in syndicating Stone Cold Stella, the Diva of Death! There's gold in them thar fangs...
I put Buster in his place in a similar fashion tonight--the dust-up got so loud that Primate-Mom put us all to bed! Luckily, I snuck back to the Jurassic Macintosh to tell the tale...
Thank you - your thoughtfulness to Bogie's family is so wonderful.
We are all praying for them - and am so glad that you were able to brighten Lulu's day - I can't imagine what she must be going through :(
lots of love,
Brooke & Opy
Those were gorgeous, happy balloons that you sent to Bogart's mom and dad - good on you guys for being so thoughtful!
By the way, Stan, I noticed that Stella seemed to have the high ground most of the time... she definitely kept you off the couch. But it did look like good fun.
Woah, that's some crazy wrestling! That Stella diva sure is an energizer bunny!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
So is this how gooberliciously large hairy terriers treat small little girl terriers? I think you got off lightly my friend, she is small but seems quite mighty!
I liked the Balloons you sent to Bogart's family - you are 'luverly' !
Lots of licks
Stella has a lot of bounce in those little paws of hers . She certainly is as tenacious as Taffy just a little more springier!
You pups sound really fierce when you play! I think you are being quite gentle with little Stella the Diva.
First, we want to say thank you for putting a smile on Mama de Bogart's face! Second, Stanley, you better keep your snooter out of the little white box that arrived in GooberStan. Yes, it's for you, but no, you can't play with it! Third, what a great job of diva smackdown!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
We too want the Thank you for brighting Mama de Bogart's day....
What a beautiful gesture....billions of Thank you are not enough...
And for Stella you might want to look into a graduate finishing school - maybe with a princess in training program. That girl got some spunk...
You get to wrassle on the furniture? Wow, are you lucky!
Stanny! I may have to get Stella in here for some upgrading. Some professional DIVAlopment courses. On the other hand, maybe you would like to take my Profesional DIVAlopment course too. Who said a manly man like the Stanley man couldn't be a diva too?
HAH! Stanley....smackdown huh? well, I saw a whirling dervish flying all over that couch....and man...I hate to say this but the little goobette..well, she owned that couch! PSSST just between you and me...her and sephie could be sisters if that tan color was blue.. ya gotta watch these little bi†¥¨∆¬Ë†s....they can control the WORLD!!! I mean REALLY! so you've just gotta get more lessons on "Smackdown"....i've found the best way is to just turn your back end towards them and walk away from the goobette.... just like nothing occurred.
your friend (i feel your pain, i've got two "2" of them to deal with...
If you'd like I could give you grumpy old man lessons. Even though I am the most diminutive member of the family, NO ONE messes with the Wally. Oscar has been known to run away screaming.
I am a bit of a dude diva, if you will.
wally t.
As a completely unbiased observer...and an experienced one from watching Stan and Lac...
You did NOT smackdown the Lakeland. Nope, Gooberboy...she smacked you yeah...she retreated from the sofa...probably so she could run and text her friends bout how she smacked ya down. Sorry... the preceedin' tuggie of war post...YOU TOTALLY DOMINATED. That ferocious terrier Dale headshakin' actually had Mumsie shakin' in her boots...Stanny does that to Lac..she's afraid for Lacie's vertebrae...or however ya spell I can tell the score is 1-1.
Better than here where the Dale usually loses. (Um and so does the foxie if the truth be told...)
So...did you really call every hospital in Oregon lookin' for Bogie's dad???? YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!!! We BOW TO YA DUDE!!
Talk bout sendin' zen...we love ya Man!!! And that little pip squeakin' Lakie Stella girlie too....
Mumsie sez it's a priviledge to belong to DWB's...and then she cried. I will never get hoomans....
I enjoyed a lot your video!
Stella is full of energy!
Kisses and hugs
Ooh, dis looks like a lot of fun! Can we join woo next time?
Gus and Waldo
We watched you strut your funky stuff at Mango-Minster....we saw your holiday snaps from your double date in Gay Paree....and having just been to Bogart's blog and seen the balloons you sent for Klaus...we think we're in guys rock! What a lovely thoughtful thing to do :o)
Slobbers xx
Oh man I feel your pain..All that happens to me when i try that is that high yipped bark in my ears....women...Your pal Archie
Sheesh dude, you THINK she'd give up, but I guess that is not part of Diva training at all. Good luck buddy.
Dude, we have smackdowns like that too. Sometimes people who are visiting think it's a real fight, but we just like to make it look convincing!
Murph (who's feeling beter)
Wow, you really showed her. Chips used to show me when we first moved in. Now I don't push it too far at all. Stella will learn. It's just not worth it *shakes head*
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