My buddy Mango is something pretty awesome. He's one hunk of burning Mastiff love, and he's one genius of a goober for hosting the first ever alternative to the wannabe dogshow Westminster... Mango Minster! For being the goob genius he is I'm going to start calling him Mangoober!

I am deeply humbled by the awards I received at Mango Minster. They were totally unexpected! Here you see me sportin' my award for Reader's Choice Best in Show. Whoa. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed here...

I think my award may be trying to strangle me.

Nothing to worry about. I'll get it under control here in a minute.

Sthorry bout the intherruption in the photo thoot.

And, here's my lovely award for winning the Terrier Group! I will proudly represent my fellow terriers this year (and a big hairy goob shall lead them...)!
It looks almost good enough to eat.

I'll just break off a chunk...
...from over here...

Seems my girl forgot to mention to me that it's not an edible award, but isn't it gorgeous all the same? I can't seem to take my eyes off of it.
Speaking of eatables, I got a sweet bag of pumpkin treats which disappeared so fast we have no photographic evidence of them.

Look what else I received for my win in the Terrier Group!
Aw yea, baby. That's right! I received some PAWESOME banana carob cookies from my buddy Murphy (that's him on the package) and his mama's Punk Rock Dogg store (it's WAYYYY cool)! MAN, those were stinkin' tasty too!
That's not all! The judges of the Terrier Group, Penny, Poppy, and Patches, sent me my very own felted wheelie from their mama! She even named him after me!

Check out his adoption certificate!

Do you see the resemblance? (He's one good lookin wheelie!)

I know Wheelie Stan is not edible, but I might just sneak in for a little taste...

I am overwhelmed with all of these FABULOUS awards! Thanks Penny, Poppy, Patches and Murphy!! Give your mamas a big juicy goob smooch from me. And Mangoober, I'm ordering up the biggest and best Atomic Booty Scritch for you from my girl, and sending the biggest and juiciest of goober smooches for your sweet mama! Viva Mangoober! Viva Mango Minster! Can't wait to see all the pups compete next year!!!

Check out his adoption certificate!

Do you see the resemblance? (He's one good lookin wheelie!)

I know Wheelie Stan is not edible, but I might just sneak in for a little taste...

I am overwhelmed with all of these FABULOUS awards! Thanks Penny, Poppy, Patches and Murphy!! Give your mamas a big juicy goob smooch from me. And Mangoober, I'm ordering up the biggest and best Atomic Booty Scritch for you from my girl, and sending the biggest and juiciest of goober smooches for your sweet mama! Viva Mangoober! Viva Mango Minster! Can't wait to see all the pups compete next year!!!
Goober love,
Well done! And what a photo shoot! We think a mastiff needs a stronger title than "goober." Master drooler, first class or some such.
--Sherry, Alanis and Miro Maybe
Our main man, We once again congratulate you on a job well done......And as our leader we know that all be will be right in the world.We have to tell you that PL2 is absolutley HYSTERICAl with laughter at this post and just about fell off of her chair......We can' get her to stop....humans...Love and kisses A+A
w00f's, heehee me likes ur trophy..and yummmm on the snackies...u sure tried to git that medal off, didnt ya..
b safe,
Congratuwashuns on yur awards, Stanley! Waldo tryed to eet hiz medal and trophee, too, but mommee stopped him.
Mommee iz no fun.
Gus and Waldo
Congratulations sweet Stanley ! You deserve all those great prizes !
Kisses, Faya
My Dawlingst Gooblove,
Congwatulations!!! I'm so vewy vewy pwoud of you!!! You awe and aways have been a twoo winnew!!! That medal is pawsome , but It looked a little twoublesome fow a while, youw awawd is too cool fow wowds, sowwy it isn't edible though. and that little Stanley wheeley is the spitting image of you(lucky wheeley)
Those cookies look scwumptious. Did Stella twy any?That Murphy is a lucky pup to have his own company , I guess he gets all the tweats he wants, wow.
sweet dweams my Sweetheawt
youw lovepup AstawoniFB
Woohoo! Your medal & trophy are sweet! And those cookies made me giggle! I bet they taste so good.
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Stanley my friend,
Congrats on all your lovely wins! We are soooo proud of you, and you totally deserved the win!
Wheelie Stan really has your handsome-ness and goober-ness.. Oh and the medal and trophy.. I am sure your girl will display it with pride!
Oh well done Stanley.
Your medals and awards are much deserved. We thought for a minute you were in fact going to bite a huge chunk out of your award! We sat here holding our breath while scrolling to see the next photo.
Now we are drooling looking at the bag of treats! If I had a bag of goodies like that you can rest assured Taffy would have it open before you could say "treat".
Have a good week.
What alot of pawsome gifts you got there. ;)
~ Bae
Wow, Stanley! You got lots of well-deserved awards! We sure are glad you like your Mini Stanley!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Geez matie, we were starting to admire that medal you got there when the evil thing decided to try to choke you.....Crikey, thank goodness you got the situation under control. Big congrats on everything buddy. Well deserved!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
WOW! I am honored to be an official goob. That is the coolest thing ever. Your photo shoot was amazing. The way you speak to the camera! That must be how you won.
I think the award is good to gnaw on. Who knows, you might be able to make some sparks if you bitey it enough.
P.S. Is it possible that the Stellanator has a wee crush on my Mangoness? Just askin.
Stanley! You are famerous! Look at all those awards just for you!!!
Tell your sweet sissy Stella I said thanks for coming to visit my bloggie! I think she and I might have a lot in common, as I am a bit of a goobery diva myself!
Momma was going through some old pictures this weekend and found the funniest puppy picture of me. I look SO gooberific! I am going to post it this week... and see if I can get myself a goober name!
Poobearl? Goopearl?
Hi Stan!
Great post! Congrats on all your winnings. You are such a pawesome gooberboy.
My blog is gone now, but I will be back soon and I will let you know where to find me.
Love Clover xo
Ciao Gooberstanians!
Honestly, it's so hard to decide which of you -- Mango or Stanley -- has the most memorable facial expressions. I think the camera just loves you both!!
Favoloso awards, Stanley, and richly deserved!!!
Tanti baci!
Despite the photoshoot incident, we think you look stunning with your medal on. Congrats again on your win.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Congratulations on your win, Stanley! What a wonderful medal and awards and even a mini-Stanley! Will you be letting him blog on Wheelie Wednesday?! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Stanley! I'm really hoping that at next year's Mango Minster, they have a Diva category. Or maybe even a Best Goobervillian category. I know I could win that ... as long as you and Stella don't compete.
Sophoober Bradoober
That is one cool wheelie.
Holy crap, I LOVE Wheelie Stan! I want a Murphy Wheelie! Then we could have Wheelie us races! It would be awesome!
Murphy Dogg
p.s. glad you liked our cookies!
Well said, as usual. You are one articulate goob.
Congrats Stan buddy, you really represented at Mango Minster this year! Too bad the medal almost got the best of you! Those punk rock dogg cookies are some of our absolute favorites, and we are not just saying that because our pal makes them.
We are honored to call such a well decorated dog our buddy.
Congratulations on the award Stanley!
Those are great looking medals and the wheelie tops it all. Love the resemblance!
Licks and wags
tuffy of Dog WOods
You look STYLIN' in your medal with your trophy. Way to go!
wally t.
Stanley, you really deserved these wonderful prizes and pressies. You look very regal in your award ribbon. Like a king or an Olympic medalists! Congrats!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
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