Always In Our Hearts

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Foster Sister For One Day

My girl went out of town yesterday. Usually I go along for the ride and to be her navigational co-pilot, but I didn't get invited. She knows I'm not the kind of guy who loves staying at home to catch up on my lounging or for special alone time with Merv. So, I thought she'd feel sorry for me and bring me back a little something to make it up to me. She did. She brought me this sweet Airepup.

Her given name is Ariel, but she doesn't really answer to it. So, I'm calling her Gertrude for now ~ Gertie for short. She's nine months old and my girl picked her up for Airedale Rescue. It seems her hoomans didn't know how to treat her ~ her dad beat on her & yelled a lot. Her mom wanted to make sure she found a better home before her dad really hurt her. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Who could ever raise a hand to this Sweetpea!!??

When she got to my house, we did our little AireDance around each other, exchanging greetings and introducing ourselves.

Gertie was not a bit shy with me, though she took awhile to warm up to any hoomans who were around.

Best of all, she didn't waste anytime getting right down to WRASSLIN'. My kinda girl!

I heard my girl say Gertie liked to swim, and did that every day at her first home. So I set up my pool and tested it out before inviting her in for a dip.

Wait a minute. Was there another Dale here or was I just imagining it? (I got a little carried away with cooling myself down. Where'd Gertie go?)

After swimming together for awhile, we repaired indoors to investigate the WRASSLIN' possibilites there. I had to give her a rundown of the house rules first. Basically, it's MY HOUSE, and I RULE. Other than that, we're pretty easy around here.

Today we met Hercules out at the dog park. He took a real shine to Gertie. I think the feeling was mutual. (That's Herc in prime humping position).

We also made a new pupfriend. This is Nero, a Bouvier des Flandres who just moved here from Quebec.

We all took turns wrassling him, but it was Herc & Gertie who really tore up the park with their wrasslin' prowess. Watch for Herc's signature move & see if you can guess what it is.

After parkin' it with Herc, we came home, had a bath each, then resumed our wrasslin'.

I've gotta tell ya, this girl Gertie is pooping me OUT!




My good buddy, Lady Bug, and her family are going to adopt Gertie!!! Lady's mama went with my girl yesterday to pick Gertie up. She loves Lady, but is not as crazy as my girl is in the way she expresses that love. As soon as she met Gertie though, something just clicked inside her and she started talking puppy talk to her. Gertie felt at home with Lady's mama before she even felt comfortable with my girl. So, after consulting with Lady and the hooman pups in the house, it was an unanimous decision!!

WooHoo!! Hercules gets to keep his girlfriend close, and I get another buddy to play with here in GooberStan!!


Joe Stains said...

I cant believe that guy could be mean to that beautiful girl! I am sooo glad she found a furever home and its close to Gooberstan, she sure is lucky!

Ruby Bleu said...

I go away for 3 days and a new girl moves in?!?!?! That was so nice of you and your girl to take care of Gertie. How could anyone be mean to that sweet girl! Oh and I like that she's all sweet on Herc and he feels the same way too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Luckie Girl said...

I am soooo glad Gertie found her forever home. She seems like a FUN doggy to be around!! :)

Unknown said...

I am very excited to hear that Gertie found a good home. This is very exciting.

Randi said...

AWWW STANLEY! I was rolling & roaching & ruffing just watching you & Gertie play like crazzies! My mom calls that kind of play RUFF-HOUSIN' & usually I end up breaking something...*Phhh*...her fault for decorating anyway! But I'm so glad you have Gertie close to play with! She looks like a wonderful friend! When is her blog going to go up???
Love & Licks,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

so gertie will be ur new family member?? or ur mum juz fostering her only??

hope u'll be a good brother...

did u introduce hercules to her???

Asta said...

Stanley,my Goober Love,
you must be sneeping like and angel wight now..what a fabulous play you had with Gewtie and Hewc,and youw Bouvier de Flandredwes fwiend!
Your Giwl is mawvelous to help that sweet Aiwegiwlie !
Iloved watching you westle and heawing your voice..I LOve you sooo much
get some gweat west and play some mowe tomowwow
your sweatpea,fb

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa, Stan-Goob...ur Girl works fast..rescued and adopted in one post...Gertie is a cutie!! Looks like she'll fit right in in gooberland!! Feels good to stand up and, sorry about Lacie's little temper tantrum...she was mostly mad at me and she sorta poofed u too as a fringe bennyfit. I got her some TOTALLY appropriate flowers...see next post. Our mom is driving to OHIIIO tomorrow with a neighbor to bring home...not for us...for the neighbor..guess what! ANOTHER Lakeland. Sigh...I don't think I can stand 2 in our neighborhood. They wanted a lakie after they saw Lacie. Funny they didn't want a WFT. Hmm...will post pix...Scruffydude

Koobuss said...

Oh Stanley,

That's such a wonderful story!

How could anybody be so cruel to Gertie, or to any doggie? She is such a sweetheart and we are so glad that she was rescued. I thought for a minute that you were going to have a little sister.

Sounds like she found a wonderful forever home and will be very happy there.

Great job, all of you! And best of luck to little Gertie.

Koobuss Kisses,

Faya said...

I am happy for Gertie... she looks so sweet...
I have to talk with Goberique.... I want a sister or a brother.......
Kisses, Faya

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Gertie looks so bootiful. So happy that she found a pawsome furever home now.

~ Girl girl

Dandy Duke said...

What a cutie Gertie is! She's Mitch's age! How could anyone want to be mean to that sweetpea?! I'm so glad you guys got to spend the day with her and that she found her forever home! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Love ya lots,
Maggie & Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Gertie is sooo pweetty! You both look like you're getting along well. Oh & congrats to her! She already found a new home real fast he? Bet you're going to miss her.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Agatha and Archie said...

Our main man! We are SOoooooooooooohappy for Gertie.She looked like a lot of fun( how could anyone.....)We love the picture of you looking for Gertie,PL2 can't stop laughing. We are still in a state of shock that we saw you on the leather couch,ours has boxes on it and very hard to get on. We have some thinking to do...Love A+A

Ferndoggle said...

Ugh! I am sending a giant box of poop to that mean Dad. What a major Jerkface!

What a great happy ending though...nice work placing that sweet girl with a great family.


Kien said...

oh stanley... it is sad knowing someone would actually treat a pup in that cruel way.. but it also a happy thing that there is someone like ur girl n lady that willingly to adopt and care for Gertie..


Headgirl said...

A lovely story with a sad beginning, funny middle & happy ending! Gertie looked a great girl, so glad shes found a new good home & you get to remain friends


Moco said...

I agree with Penny. That Dad needs a big box of poop and then someone needs to make him stick his head in it. It seems rightful as his head is up his rectal vault anyway.
You all look so happy running at the dog park and wrasslin' in the house. Glad that Gertie found a good home in such a short time. You are the foster extraordinAIRE.
Where is my Stanley magnet for my cold eatable box?

Unknown said...

Ya, woo hoo, jump for joy! I am a happy boy! That girl sure is just my style! What fun we had at the park!!!! Every day is a perfect day if I get to play with my Stan-Man!

Booty Scratches and Wet Kisses,


Clover said...

Hi Stanley,
Great news about Gertie!! It must have been nice to have a foster sister for a day though. Looks like you had lots of fun! Thanks for posting the videos. :)
Love Clover xo

wally said...

WOOOOOOOOO! Good for Gertie rescuing those peoples! I'm sure she'll do a great job. We dogs are pretty good at forgiving the apes, even though they so rarely deserve it. I can't wait to visit GooberStan where the only apes that are let in are those who understand their place in the pack--the bottom! Aka, fetching snacks, rubbing bellies, and filming us rassling (with occasional breaks for humping--us humping each other, not them).


ps. Thanks for teaching me the USC song. Tee hee hee! I will probably need to sing it next week during the Hoosker game, though I'm sure they will be reduced to stunned silence by the BIG RED.

Suki & Joey said...

She is a bootiful Airegirl! She looks skinny, though...was her family feeding her?!? Or maybe she just looks small next to your muscular body...hehehe!

I'm glad she found a home so quickly. My Mom has been thinking about volunteering with Pug Recue of Florida so maybe we'll have another Pug in our house soon? :)

Puggy kisses

Sophie Brador said...

Wow! Great gads and Goober goodness going around over there. Gertie is such a lucky girl!

Now Stan, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I sent Nero out there to meet you and check things over before I arrive. I figured as soon as he said he was from Quebec, you'd know immediately. I hope he hasn't been going on endlessly about poutine and the bars staying open until 3 am. The French love their fatty foods and social outings, you know.

Bogart H. Devil said...

Awwww.. she's a cutie-pie.

So happy to hear that she's going to a good home!

And... it just gets me every time, pictures of you in your pool. Classic.


Juno said...

Hello Stanley! I am happy for Girtie to find a great home! And you have a new friend from Quebec? Nice!! :)

There were many wrestling matches! On the first video you gave us a bit of glance! I didn't miss it. :)That's so sweet of you.

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hey, Stanley! We're away one more weekend then maybe we'll see you at the park! Check this out and search for Cow:

Frasier said...

How can anyone be cruel to an animal ?
I dont get people like that at all...There is a special hell for them

Jake of Florida said...

What a happy story. The perfect way for me to finish Just Harry Day with the tale of Gertie finding a loving home -- and you having a new pal in Gooberstan!!

Loved the wrasslin' photos -- reminded me of the good old days when Jake and I would chase each other round and round the coffee table then round and round the bed.

Lucky dogs all!!

Just Harry

the many Bs said...

Wow Stanley, you have a new girlfriend and she is HOT. It's so nice that she's going to be in your neighborhood and you too can play and wrassle together often!

Lizzy said...

Wow, you 2 could play forever! I'm so glad that Gertie found a good home and that you can still see her often. I really enjoyed watching the videos and lookin' at the pictures!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Gertie is a lucky dog !!! Good to hear you were there to rescue her and help find her a good home !!!

Thank you

Boo Casanova said...

stanley, am glad gertie found a home so fast! you can't have all of them at home with ya rite?

wet wet licks


Simba and Jazzi said...

So many doggies to play with. Glad she got a forever home and so quickly.

Simba xx

fee said...

stan! i just had to come and check if you're ok. had just been to scruffy and lacie's and seen what lacie's done to you; boy, am i glad you are up and mobile!

will gertie get a new name once she moves into her furever home? isn't it sweet how she found her furever home? i just love happy tails!


Martha said...

I'm glad Gertie found her forever home so quickly! Looks like you two had lots of fun on your day together. Love, Martha

Anonymous said...

Oh Stanley that's fabulous! The Mom was ready to come get her for us! She looks so adorable! I'm happy she's found a home!

Sunshade said...

Heya Stanley.....

You are right the truth hurts, and my mum says she TOTALLY agrees with you, so I'm hurt.....

I'm even more hurt when ONE: I read about Gertie's mean owner, thank doG her original mom was sensible enough to hand her over and now she has a great home.

TWO: I see this picture of you - ( I still believe you are a Goober, but I think the line between a Goober and a STINKY is .. thin..

THREE: I don't know what you've said to STINKY, but he has been telling me he's growing up looking just like me while he happily land sharks me. However, you are my friend, I trust you to not have said such a thing and it was just his imagination.

FOUR: I used to live with a Bouvier des Flandres named Pharoh. He was mum's friend's dog, but mum's friend was overseas a lot, so he stayed with us for almost a year and a half. He was under a contract with the breeder, so mum showed him to his Championship. He was a great dog until he all of a sudden started having spasms where he would not recognize me and attacked me twice by the neck. Mum says it's because of the "inbreeding" since his parents were brother and sister from the same litter and two of his sisters got put down for biting family members. Mum had to send him back to her friend and he ended up back with his breeder - being used for breeding because he was a "champion".....

You can see Pharoh here: (

Lastly, FIVE: judging from the way you play with Gertie inside, you and STINKY would get along SOOO well. Sigh... yes, I still believe you are NOT a STINKY.

So that's it for my essay my GOOBER friend....

Love nibbles (only to Goobers),
Miss Sunshade

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan.
Your girl is an angel! Glad Gertie found a lovely home. I am sure she will be happy there!
Have a good night

Balboa said...

What a horrible human being to hurt such sweetie, but I am so glad she found a loving home where she will be spoiled and loved like crazy.

Looks like you all had such a great time at the doggie park!

Frenchie SNorts