So. It was my birthday a week ago, and after 1 week of being 2 years old I've decided that birthday hats are WAY overrated. (This psycho deli hat comes from an era in my girl's life I don't even want to KNOW about.) My girl calls it the Groovy Hat, and breaks it out for birthdays.

Here's one photo of Sherman's Stinky Salmon Treats that my girl made for me. (See the cheesey "S" on top? It stands for Sherman, but it also conveniently stands for Stanley.) Let me tell you, Sherman KNOWS all about stink & treats!

The rest of this post is an embarrassing chronicle of the birthday bomb that exploded, and all the presents that were found in the aftermath (an INDECENT amount of presents, my girl says). Each one represents pups who love me and whom I love. So, enjoy, and please don't hate me...

As we all know, package demolition is one of the BEST parts of opening a present.

This lovely duo of gorgeous pink flamingos made their way to GooberStan weeks in advance of my birthday, but were given in love! The cute one on the left came from Moco's mama, my sweet Grammie! The larger leggier one on the right came from Lacie, Scruffy, and BabyStan's Mumsie!

A goob can NEVER have too many flamingos.
Thank YOU, Grammie & Mumsie! Your ever-lovin' goober smooches are in the mail to you NOW! You sure know the way to this goob's heart.

Weary from package demolition, this photo shows me redolent, reading Asta's birthday card and getting to know Orange Smoochie Chicken. (She said he's a timed release Smoochie Chicken. Every time I squeak him he releases smoochie kisses.)

Her card is an X-Ray of her. It proves that I am the goober in her heart!

Along with the X-Ray she sent the keys to her heart. Stella likes to play with them ~ she says they smell sweet. But, they don't work for her. They only work for ME, Asta's Goober Boy!

Obviously, she had to send her heart to GooberStan if I'm the one with the keys!
I found this bootiful silky scarf in the package and tried it on. We weren't sure WHOM it was for, but it definitely wasn't for me. Not my style.

It's definitely NOT for Stella either. It makes her look too much like Mother Teresa.
Merv liked it, but we decided to give it to our hoogirl.

There was a sweet & saucy smell eminating from this tiny box. I had to investigate.

No wonder! Look what it was filled with ~ Asta Fuzz!! THANK YOU ASTARONI! You really ARE my Sweetpea Fuzzbutt, and you know what I like! I LOVE you and will safely guard your sweet heart!

Not only did all of that super gooberlicious stuff wing its way to me, but I also received a package full of bodacious Boston goodness from my pupgirl, Ruby Bleu.

First off, I must direct your attention to the gorgeous portrait above. She sent it to me for Valentine's Day, and it graces the side of our cold eatables box, just above where my food bowl is.
Now, look at this haul of lovin' I found in Ruby's package!

I first went for this fabulously funky chicken. He is made from totally recycled materials, per my Ruby's GREEN DOG New Year's resolution!

I first went for this fabulously funky chicken. He is made from totally recycled materials, per my Ruby's GREEN DOG New Year's resolution!

But of course, this bone filled with bacony goodness caught my attention RIGHT away! There was even a Stella-sized one.

Ruby Bug! This bacony filling tastes just like your kisses! How perfect is THAT?

Stella took hers to the relative safety of her bunker.

... and my new rubber flying frisbee! I'm a fool for anything that I can tug or anything that flies (just ask my pink flamingo). There was even a present in the box for my girl, but we can't find the photos of the funky flip flops you sent! My girl's feet say, hey, thanks Rubinator!

Merv had to read Ruby's letter to me, I was wiggling too much from BEST (Birthday Excitement Syndrome & Trauma)! Thank you, Ruby Bug! You are the only "Bug" I love, and you are always way too good to this goob!

Those hoofers look menacingly tasty. I can't wait til I get my gnashers on them!

Ruby Bug! This bacony filling tastes just like your kisses! How perfect is THAT?

Stella took hers to the relative safety of her bunker.

... and my new rubber flying frisbee! I'm a fool for anything that I can tug or anything that flies (just ask my pink flamingo). There was even a present in the box for my girl, but we can't find the photos of the funky flip flops you sent! My girl's feet say, hey, thanks Rubinator!

Merv had to read Ruby's letter to me, I was wiggling too much from BEST (Birthday Excitement Syndrome & Trauma)! Thank you, Ruby Bug! You are the only "Bug" I love, and you are always way too good to this goob!
As if those presents were NOT enough, you'll have to see some of the funkilicious treats I received from my Connecticut Dale buds, Maggie & Mitch! This is just a sampling of a FEW of their gifts!

Those hoofers look menacingly tasty. I can't wait til I get my gnashers on them!
And, we got new cow snouts!

Here we are modeling the MOOZLE! (Is that not the BEST treat name you've ever heard?)

As if the fantastically funky treats weren't enough, M & M's mama sent this Stanley spoon that she MADE HERSELF for my girl. (Looks to me like my girl is cleaning up on the prezzie front as well.) Thanks, Maggsie, Mitch, and your mama! Your birthday efforts on my behalf have already garnered me hours of pleasure (and Stella too).

As if the fantastically funky treats weren't enough, M & M's mama sent this Stanley spoon that she MADE HERSELF for my girl. (Looks to me like my girl is cleaning up on the prezzie front as well.) Thanks, Maggsie, Mitch, and your mama! Your birthday efforts on my behalf have already garnered me hours of pleasure (and Stella too).
Bet you're wondering how these 2 porkers got to GooberStan. (The larger one is already marked with my goober slime, thank you.)

My sweet honorary Swiss Dale Sissy, Faya, chose these gifts for me and Stella with love and care. When you snuggle up with them and squeeze them they say OINK like real piggies. I'm welcoming Big Porker with a goober smooch.

Well... maybe a few more goob smooches are in order to make you feel REALLY welcome.

No offense, Taffy, but I think Stella is IN LOVE with Little Porker. She totes him all over GooberStan. When she and I are both at it, it sounds like a little porker choir is rehearsing right in our kitchen. THANK YOU, Sweet Faya! You have given us another tool in our arsenal to drive our girl bananas! And, thanks for all the sweeeeeet tasty treatables you sent. There are still a few left!
My girl wanted you to see one last photo of me in the Groovy Hat. Because she is the one behind the birthday eatables and the one to clean up the debris from the Birthday Bomb, I accomodate her wishes.

My sweet honorary Swiss Dale Sissy, Faya, chose these gifts for me and Stella with love and care. When you snuggle up with them and squeeze them they say OINK like real piggies. I'm welcoming Big Porker with a goober smooch.

Well... maybe a few more goob smooches are in order to make you feel REALLY welcome.

No offense, Taffy, but I think Stella is IN LOVE with Little Porker. She totes him all over GooberStan. When she and I are both at it, it sounds like a little porker choir is rehearsing right in our kitchen. THANK YOU, Sweet Faya! You have given us another tool in our arsenal to drive our girl bananas! And, thanks for all the sweeeeeet tasty treatables you sent. There are still a few left!
My girl wanted you to see one last photo of me in the Groovy Hat. Because she is the one behind the birthday eatables and the one to clean up the debris from the Birthday Bomb, I accomodate her wishes.

I understand that the birthday celebration is not even CLOSE to being over. There is a package waiting for me at the post office from Singapaw, and several of my buds have sent ecards and have sponsored homeless pups and kitties in my honor! I am touched to the core of my goober heart, and you can bet I'm feelin' the love! More on those prezzies in the next installment!
You guys, yep, YOU GUYS who are reading this post are the REAL gifts as far as I'm concerened! A goob can never have too many friends. I'm sending out universal goober smooches 'round the globe to all of you! Thanks for loving me just as I am.
Overwhelmed by love,
wow Stanley, you really cleaned up in the pressie department. you got some wonderful presents and it was so nice of you to share with Stella and your mom. you do look fairly weird in your birthday hat, but we understand that a goob has to do what a goob has to do.
Oh good heavens...before we can even comment on the barkday loot...Stelllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaa...where have you been????? Oh my dogness, Girlie...get in that shower this need a shampoo, a comb out, perhaps a trim and some highlights and a stylin' with a round brush and blow dryer unless you want to curl naturally like I sometimes do.....Just cuz you live with Goober mess...sorry Stan, but you are a guy, does NOT mean you have to be JUST LIKE HIM!! Actually, he's cleaner! are woman...roar all ya want, but roar cleanly!! That complexion mud only does so much before it starts to clog ur pores...perhaps you should come here for a day of primpin'....whoosh...I'm outta breath...
We're so glad ya like the flamingo stuffie...mumsie saw it at the dog barkday pressie is actually lyin' here on our counter...goin' out in the mail tomorrow...the flamingo was a goober special...just for being the head goob.....
We're goin' for a walkie...we all got bathed yesterday...took Mumsie forever and Stan got in mud at the dog park today and Scruffy rolled in somethin' either dead or should usual...he STINKS....
Happiest barkday, Stan...and hooge kissies to Stella...we loved her letter...Mumsie needs to call ur girlie...Stell and I are sooooo much alike!!!
Hi, Stan!
You know you deserve all those presents!
Our friends sent you very nice things!
Kisses and hugs
PS Cute hat!
Stanny, I think your girl and my girl might come from the same groovy hat era, because she's got one almost exactly like that. You got an insane amount of presents. Holy cadoodlebugs! I just can't hardly even stand to look anymore. I'm especially envious of those porkers, but also of how stinkin' cute Stella is. Your pretty darn gooberlicious too Stanny!
Sophilicious Bradorski
wonderful pressies Stanley, and a most wonderful recounting of part of your special day.
Stanley matie, hope you enjoy all the sensational pressies you got. They look great. How about those flamingos....very cool just like that hat!!!
Matie, love the pic of you and Stella on Roma's blog. She is such a sweetie that Roma. Aren't her and Neko such good pals and their little Boston friend too.
Can't wait to catch up with you and Stella at Willow and Putters barkday party.
Hugs and tail wags
Geat presents. You'll be playing and chewing till your next barkday.
What a lot of pawsome gifts your received Stanley. :)
~ Girl girl
STanley my Love
You can make even that offence to youw Giwl, but that has come and goooone, hehehe
You desewve all the love and attention and pwesents that you awe getting and awe a gweat fwiend and love and the wowld would be a tewwible place without you in it
smoochie kisses
youw Astawoni FB
You look absolutely sensational in that hat, Stanley and we love Mother Theresa in her scarf! It looks like your birthday is one to be remembered! You got awesome pressies!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my crap!!! You totally got the best presents ever! I still have your birthday present...but I think we will save it for a rainy day for you! Maybe for your unbirthday!
Also! GooberStan!!! Have I told you how much you make me and my human laugh! You look like you are always having the best day ever!
ANNNNDDDD!!!! National Stuffie Appreciation Day is May 8th! Bring out the best pictures of you and your favorite stuffies!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
I am happy that you & Stella like Mr. Piggie... he is one of my favorite...
Kisses, Faya
Ah our main man,another year older....YOU RAKED IN THE PREZZIES!!! How delightfull!!!! You look very 6o's in your hat(they are making a come back) and Stella as Mother Theresa is a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Barkday our main man and a million snoochies form us Love A+A
Holy Moley Stan! You hit the motherload. Looks like you had a great barkday and I'm glad I could share my stinky treats recipe with you.
Wow!!! We, the wordiest of all whippets, are speechless!!!!
wags of wonder from the whippets
Ooooh myyyy dogggness, Stanley, you are so loved! You got more presents than I can count! That Smoochie Chick thing scared me, though. It was too loud.
I'm can't wait to see what else you got for your birthday!
Oh, by the way, to answer your question: the ring on Motch's finger says "I have loved you with an everlasting love" in Hebrew. She bought it on a trip to Israel.
woof's stanley and stella, wowzers stanley ur girlies shure love u..all dose goodies...u shure racked up.
b safe,
You got sooooo many cool presents! We really like your smoochie chicken! You got enough smoochies out of it to last a while!
Poppy & Penny
Can see all was groovy in gooberstan on your birthday Stanley. Way to go . .
Wagging, Eric
Wait a minute....hold the blogs!!! I didn't know it was your birfday Stanley. How old are you?
You sure did score on the presents!! Woooohoooo for you Stanley!!! I love the piggies. I bet they sound cool.
Slurps to ya,
Willow the Black Dale (ebony princess)
Stella.....please tell me you were able to hide from the bath monster!!!
Ah, Goober that is the most wonderfulishish birthday presents ever. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and Stella helped you eat cake and snacks and play with your new toys....
I am so happy for you
Stanley, I don't know where to begin. It must be like livin at the dog store at your house with all those foodies and stuffies and things. You are one lucky goober.
Happy Birthday. Great Loot! Love,Neko
You totally scored buddy! Man, you are so set with toys and treats for months. Just don't let Stella hog them all. Mom is still waitng for the confirmation email from ATRA, she's gonna email again tomorrow, in case they forgot her. Just wanted to say that everyone loves you. You and your girl are absolutely wonderful, so you deserve all the marvelous things that your friends do for you.
Your pal,
Wow, that's alot of pressies you got Stanley! I think I lost count of them too...Like your groovy hat by the way.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
holy crap dude, you got SO MUCH STUFF! I really like those pink flamingos! I think my personal favorite is that orange chicken because it is SO LOUD! Your Mom must love it, probably more than that scarf!
wat a goodie feast u had there, stanley..
time to enjoy all the yummy n stuffies and chewy..
Ola Stanley
That is in fact a pawgawita I'm having..would you like one??..OK open up..I'll pouw it in the pootew...did you get it??
I saw you said Ruby looked pawsome in hew sombwewo(which she does BTW) but I have to know(you know How insecoowe I am) do I look OK in mine too?
Sweet dweams my LOVE and tiny smoochies fow my Stella bbff
all my love and smoochie kisses Astawonidolcepeafuzzbutt
Goober Stan!
I totally can't wait to see you and all that is Gooberstan with some stuffies! I completely agree with's healthy to shake the stuffies so hard that they hit each side of your body. Did you know that you get extra points if you can get the stuffie to hit your butt whilst furrrociously shaking it!
I wonder what goes through those stuffies when they are receiveing a thrashing of a lifetime!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Hi Stanley,
GRRRREAT pressies!! I especially love what Asta sent you.. Hehhee... I guess you have not received the package that I sent you.. so sorry it is so late.. =(
Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a good weekend.
Simba x
Hi Stanley!
Happy belated barkday!
Wow! All those cool prezzies you got are pawsome! But you're totally right, the best one is furriends!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Ohmydog that's so much stuff! I'd say you're one lucky dude if you hadn't EARNED that wealth of riches!
Stanley, that is one funky hat! I think it totally suits you. But it must start to get tiring wearing it after a few days, eh?
Man, you got some grrrrEAT presents! The pink flamingos are just perfect, I'm sure you'll enjoy them. And all those yummy treats and food! Man, do those ever look good. I'm beginning to drool on the keyboard again...
Looks like Stella is enjoying the special presents for her, too! I can just imagine the two of you oinking those piggies away together. I bet it really does drive your human bananas! I think you guys should get a video of that.
I hope you have grrrreat fun with your presents, and enjoy all that love!
What great presents you got Stan Man
Pawsome gifts you got there! It is very sweet of you to share some of those with Stella and your mom.
Boy n Baby
Wow, what a fabby array of toys and treats, you lucky boy!
Cassidy x
Hi Stan!
Great gifts and excellent chronicling of your barkday! Looks like you had so much fun during your celebrations - that makes me happy!
Love Clover xo
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
I hope you had the most gooberific birthday a pooch could ever have!!!
Wow Stanley what a great birthday you had. All those are one lucky lad. The photo of Stella wearing a scarf is just too gorgeous for words.
Molly and Taffy XX
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