And so, my barkday continues! Not only did I have an amazingly gooberlicious time ON my actual birthday, but I continue to celebrate the goober essence that is ME. Here are some cool cards I got from some buddies!

Thanks Rocky, Angel LacyLulu, and Balboa (whose goober name is Boober)!! I LOVE the cards, and I love YOU!
As if that gorgeous pink flamingo from Mumsie wasn't enough, look at this funky rubber tug clover I got from Lacie, Scruffy, and BabyStan! (Actually, it's for mine & Stella's birthdays, since she turns 1 at the end of this month.
My plan was thwarted by the scheming of the Stellanator! Can you see her eyeball peeking out between my jaws of death?
After that, it was ON!

That clover tug can s t r e t c h!!!!! I was flinging Stella all over the place!

But of course, she'd always spring right back at my face!
We tried going for a rugby scrum type of tug technique.

Here I'm reading my birthday greetings from the Terrier Three. Scruffy must have picked out the card... he was on the cover!
Thanks from the bottom of our goober hearts!!!!! You're the BEST, and you definitely know your tug toys!
We also had a package waiting for us at the post office from lovely Singapaw! Our buddy Huskee Boy and his sissy Moosie the hammie girl sent us the most deliciously funky combo of presents! Here I'm sporting the gorgeous blue bananadana they sent me while chewing on a Stella-sized tug toy they sent for her.
We also had a package waiting for us at the post office from lovely Singapaw! Our buddy Huskee Boy and his sissy Moosie the hammie girl sent us the most deliciously funky combo of presents! Here I'm sporting the gorgeous blue bananadana they sent me while chewing on a Stella-sized tug toy they sent for her.
Here's a juicy goober smooch for YOU, MOOSIE GIRL!

And, to insure that I knew part of these presents were for Stella, Huskee & Moosie put this cute label on the stuff for her. (It didn't keep me from stealing her tug toy, though.)

Once she got the bananadana on, we couldn't get Stella to take it off! She thinks she looks like Audrey Hepburn.

We found this FABULOUSLY squeaky soccer ball in with the other loot!
I finally stopped moving long enough for my girl to get a shot of me with the squeaky bone Huskee & Moosie sent for me. Naturally, I allowed Stella to investigate her own tug toy since I had finished with my safety inspection.
What YOU lookin' at, Stella?
As much as I tried to be good, I couldn't stay away from that cute little tug toy of Stella's. I like cute toys, so SUE ME!

However, the Singaporian goodness does not stop there! Oh, no sir! We found some Puppyman dog treats.....
... and this super yummy salmon jerky in with all of the other cool stuff!

Thanks, buddies! We love you!
... and this super yummy salmon jerky in with all of the other cool stuff!
Bow Wow salmon jerky totally ROCKS MY WORLD! I may give up all rights to the Puppyman treats if I get to keep these to myself.
You guys WAAAAAY outdid yourselves. I'm definitely feeling the love all the way from Singapaw, and so is Stella! We LOVE you guys! Thanks for sending some of your love our way!
Here's a "roachin' goober" shot to illustrate how MUCH I'm feelin' the love!

Thanks, buddies! We love you!
Secret Squirrel Announcement about Stella's Birthday:
Shhhhhh. Don't tell Stella anything about this, but since her first birthday is coming up on May 27th, I want you guys to know what she REALLY wants for her big day. If you want to show your love for her, she loves silly poems, haikus, limericks... pretty much anything you want to write to tell why you're her friend or what you love about her. The GooberStanian post office is complaining about all the packages we've been getting, so we want to give them a break. Remember, keep this secret until that day. We'll put a post up on her birthday and you can leave your "gift" in a comment if you'd like!
The JOY!!!
All those fabulous pictoowes of you enjoying youw tewwific gifts fwom youw fwiends and admiwews..they all know how to pick gweat gifts...and I'm so jelly that I can't be tugging wif you and the Stellanatow cutie, hehehe
You bof look divine in youw bananadews...Stell does have an uncanny wesemblance to Audwey Pupbuwn
all my smoochie kisses
youw ASTWONI lovepup
What a haul! That tug toy looks like so much fun! We'd love to see a video of you lifting Stella off her puppy toes and sailing her around! heheheh
We just love the bandanas on your heads! You guys are too funny!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It is completely a secret, my mum can help me with a poem or something...She does kinda look like a movie star with that bandanna....
Stanny the Manny!
nips Stella in da fanny
Cuz he aint no nanny
Bussie Kissies
You must really be feelin' the love, man! That was very nice of Huskee, Moosie, Scruffy, Lacy, and Baby Stan to send you all those gifts!
I must say, you and Stella look awesome pawesome in your new bandannas!
That clover tug toy looks like so much fun, especially because it's stretchy! I bet it must have been hilarious to watch you fling Stella all over the place. You should get that on video, hee hee.
I didn't realize Stella's birthday was coming up to fast... I'll have to think up a special little poem just for her!
I hope you all have a grrrrEAT day (looks like you're having a great day already), and don't steal too many of Stella's toys!
you TOTALLY scored holy cow. We want one of those flexible tug toys, it looks like fun. I could lasso tanner with it I bet! Stella sure looks like she keeps you on your toes! We got some of that salmon jerky and it is AMAAAZZIIIIIIING!!!!!
shh we are going to try and come up with something for stella.
What pawsome stuff you got for your birthday. And you 2 look really cute in those cool bandanas. ;)
~ Girl girl
Hi Stanley and Stella,
We are so glad you like your presents!! I love the photo of Stella in her 'Audrey Hepburn' moment!!
Oh those are my fav treats too.. hope u like them.
Holly Molly! Your barkday celebration isn't over yet? How lucky you are! Those are some pawsome pressies you got Stan.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Holy Doodle Dogs Stan! You got so many pressies. Stella does look amazingly similar to Audrey Hepburn, but the most exciting thing of all is that stretchy clover. Holy Doodle Dogs, am I envious!
p.s. shhhh. I am working on my haiku right now.
What great cards and presents. You certainly look like you are enjoying them all. I'll have to get to work on a message for Stella.
Simba xx
Look at you matie, you're in your element with all those toys to play with. We love the pic of Stella doing her Audrey impersonation, tres chic!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Isn't it great when barkdays go on and on and on? You both look great in your bananadannanananas! That's a bunch of really cool toys ya got there!
Poppy & Penny
Stanley and Stella!! We love looking at these photos! It's so nice to see you guys enjoyed lots of toys! We really like your new bandanas..... :)
Momo & Pinot
ps: We're excited about Stella's barkday.
What a great barkday. You are so loved by all. It is no wonder that you have your own country.
My mum helped me write a poem for Stella today. She sent it to you from her email
Let me know if you don't get it, okay.
My, my Stanny. I can't read very fast and so it took me a very long time to read your post today because you got so many wonderful gifts from your good friends!
Stella is a strong and determined gal to hang on while you were flinging her around!
And I'll TRY to keep your secret about you-know-what...
Oh my dog you are so LOVED!!! :-) What terrific gifts you got! I especially like the stretchy clover you and Stella were playing with - I love stretchy toys to snap back in Fig's face!
Oh no!
We furgot your barkday Stanley... we're so sorry... :'(
But we'll try really hard not to furget Stella's! We even marked our calendars!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Oh my...we thought you'd like that crazy tug toy...after Mumsie saw how much fun we three have with it, she had to get one for ya Stan...and obviously Stella, since it's no fun without a partner...sorry about disobeyin' the pressie request...we just HAD to send we figured you'd kill the flamingo in bout 3 look um like an old lady in her babooshka, ya should be doin' errands with a shoppin' bag...and Stella looks um...
I need her to come here so I can dress her and try some makeup on her so i can see what I should buy...sorta like havin' a virtual computer program to try new haircuts, but in the flesh...she could be my twinny...scarry!!!!!!
So glad you had a great Barkday...Stella's barkday is 2 days before Mumsies...she's gonna be 134!!!!!
PL2 is shaking she is alughing so hard at you two in your bandanas...Audrey Hepburn(she really does!!!) Love and a thousand snoochies A+A
Wow Stanny you totally scored. Oh and I like the Stella idea...I'll have to puts my thinking cap on for that!!! I can't believe she is going to be a year old already!!! WOW!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hey!!!! You guys totally wear the bandanna's the same way I do!!! The right way! Before my haircut (that Stella reasurred me, looked marvelous) I sported one around my ears like a rocker, a homemaker and even like a mother Teresa! Hehehehe!
Those toys look awesome! It's always the ones that aren't really meant for us that are the best. I woulda stolen Stella's toy too. But only to ummm break it in for her! I wouldn't want her to hurt her teeth or strain her nose...nothing like that! Hehehe
Have a good weekend in GooberStan!
Pee human got a new camera this evening! Woohoo! The Chronicles of Bease shall continue!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
OF COURSE YOU CAN PLAY!!!!! I have you all signed up!
Oh that roachin' shot is fantastic! And I can't wait to compose some haikus for you-know-who!
Hi Stan and Stella!
Stanley - GooberFest seems so fun! I hope you enjoyed playing with your ME-toy! (your clover tug, of course.)
Love Clover xo
Fab photies of you and Stella,specially the bandana shots. Not sure if blue is your colour Stan, maybe swap with Audrey?
Wags, Eric
HI Stanley!!! Tell Stella hi for me too! Whew, things have been busy around here! Sure looks like you loaded up BIG time on the birthday buddy! Nice!!!!!
Have your people give my people a call...
Love, Herc
Wow - your birthday celebration just keeps on going!!
And rightly so. I would celebrate the entire month if I were you!!
I am not at all a good poet like you Stan, But maybe between me and mom we can come up with something for you know who's you know what!!
Keep partying dude!
Wooohoooo! Happy Birthday Stanley (and an early birthday for Stella!) You were having sooo much fun in those photos, and no wonder!
ps - our mum says to say thanks for the message and to say that she and her bump are doing great thanks. She looks a bit funny now, and we keep having to sniff her all over to check everything is going ok.
Love Molly and Gertrude xxxx
Those are awesome gifts!
Hmmm, let us think about Stella's bday secret plan. Do you have a pee mail so that we can send what we come up with. You can tell us at
Boy n Baby
hey Stan & Stella, we think it's hilarious that your barkday was the same as our mom's barkday and yours is still living on while hers is dead and gone. that just proves what we have always said - that dogs are more popular than our mom. hee hee. (didn't John Lennon say something like that too?) so anyway, we like all of your pressies and cards and toys and chews and bandanas, although you've got an unusual way of wearing them. **giggle** we like your secret plan for Stella's barkday and we'll put all of our creative ideas together for the best limerik ever. of course, i, Bailey, am a limerik champion, as well as being a pure genius of a schnoodle. i'm not quite a goober, but i'm a schnooder, which is a pawsitive thing too. hee hee
Okay--that rubber tug-clover is totally cool! The Jaws-of-Death pic should get an academy award in its own right. We're wondering if the thing is truly airedale-proof (is ANYTHING airedale-proof?).
What an incredible birthday--and STELLA's NEXT!
Sephie & Bozo
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