Our hooman girl seems a bit obssessed with photographing our booties.

Hey, once in awhile is okay. We've got some fine booty here in GooberStan.
Welcome to Gooberstan! It's nowhere near Pakistan, Uzbekistan, or Afghanistan, but it's the land of Stanley - one goober of an Airedale. No passport required.
Butts are good but nashers are even better.
Great photos maties!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Our mom is into butts too so your girl is not alone, Stanley!
Those are sure some fierce teefers!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I woof you booty Stanny...I really, really do!!!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby Bug
Woo Hoo Stanley...I think we are onto something here...cause you know muzzer? Yup, the short one. She thinks you and Stella have some fine looking booty shots there. And so what is it with human muzzers here, huh. You are wise, you figure it out. I'm gonna try to figure out how to turn a profit while it lasts.
Well just show her who she's dealing with.
Man, that last picture of you really shows those teeth... Looks like a wolf's mouth! I agree, I'm sure your girl really doesn't know who she's dealin' with...
By the way, the booty shots are grrrreat!
Tomorrow's Friday, which means the weekend is comin'. I hope you have a grrrrEAT one!
Stan...are you a Dale or an alligator?...those teeth in that last pic are pawsitively terrierfying....poor little Stella....I'm sure she never fights back at all!!!!!
Those booty shots are sooooooooooo eye candy....I'm hangin' ur booty on my crate wall as I speak....
Hehe theyre cute butts! I loved playing bitey-face too, its so much fun, especially with good competitors ;-)
puppy breath,
Woah, showing us some bootay!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
My eyes, my eyes! and me so young. Some mean looking teeth you have there.
Simba x
You 2 have cute fuzzy butts
~ Girl girl
Hi Stanley,
Moosie is too shy to say this to you herself but she wants me to convey the message to you that she thinks you have got the sexiest booty she's ever seen (I'm not sure how many she's actually seen and I am too afraid to even ask her!)..
Manly Stanley, That looks like some rockin' good times in Bootyville .... I mean Gooberstan.
You so clearly love Stella to bits. Do you even remember life before Stella?
Also, where's Merv at these days? Has he retired from coiffuring your curls?
what is it with mommys & doggie butts??????
Can we use the fifth pic down for a future caption game. We just love that picture.
Frenchie Snorts
Jeez, Stanley, could you open your mouth any wider?
If you must suffer bootie shots at least its nice to know you have good lookin bootie.
Your bootays are very nice. My Mom is fascinated with my butt too. Weird. Love, Martha
Stanny, you are so bootylicious!!
Woe Stanley you got some teethies for sure...I roached just for you..hehe
I will miss you and Stella next week, but will bark at you when I gets back....
Butt bumps
Your pictures make Motch laugh!
That last pictures really looks scary to me!
Nice bootys! You are just toooooo funny, Stanley!
Poppy & Penny
If your girl wants to smoochy kiss my hairy ears, I will let her, I will. My beard is getting really long...it looks silly too. I think my mum is going to hog tie me and give me a bath and brushing this week....I am not a hog...what is she thinkin...She is crazy I tell ya
I hope she doesn't try to put her arm in your mouth.
My girl was laughing at my bum just yesterday! What's up with that?! I agree - wrasslin' and taking pictures of us wrasslin' is MUCH more fun.
"I like big butts and I cannot lie, you otha brothas can't deny when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you sprung!!"
Hehehe, Gooberstan...I will make you a deal. Have your human girl e-mail my human at amy.holstein@gmail.com and inform her of your address...and go to www.needlenoseapparel.com and pick out a collar that you like, along with your neck size and I will send it along with your "birthday" present...and it will be your rainy day package!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Wow...butts, butts and more butts...nice shots guys...especially the fierce ones....we play like that here too....teeth are meant ta be displayed...oh, those pearly whites.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Happy birthdays Stanley and Stella! Sorry we're late but we didn't know your girl finished her masters of the universe thesis. We're glad you got all those great pressies!
Fna,Fan,Fan,...I'm vewy faint hewe...someone get me some aiw and a dwink of watew..oh Stanny
smoochie kisses,
Our mommy tells us that, in airedales, the butt is the Seat of the Soul. Is that true? You guys have beautiful tushes!
Have a great M-Day weekend!
Sephie & Bozo
Whooa Stanley:
Dude - Playdog will be calling in any minute....make sure Stella's shots are blocked she might be a little too young .....
Hi, Stan!
Your butty shots are great!
Kisses and hugs
You two have wavy bums just like Paris!!
Stella is just absolutely gooberly precious.
Did she win that game of Bitey Face?
Our Mom is wacky like that too, she has no respect for us. I suppose that at least when photographing our behinds our eyes don't have to endure that endless flashing!
Yes, you are right, Stanley. You have a very handsome face, my friend. Why does she choose to show the other end?
Those last couple of photos were quite frightening. I don't think I'll mess with either of you guys.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hmmmm...exactly who is in control in the last photo? you may be showing your toothie pegs Stanley but it is Stella who seems to have you in a wrestling hold.
Very nice teeth you have...do you floss them ????
Molly and Taffy (XXXXXX for my Stella whose birthday is very soon. Special birthday wishes to you from your Taffy)
Nice Butts Mutts!!!!!!!
Wagging, Eric
Butt your ape is on to something! Those bums are glorious!
Hi Stanley and Stella!
BOL! Great butt pics! We really like the last picture! Your mommy caught it at just the right moment!!
By the way, we know it's Stella's barkday tomorrow! (It is, right?) And we wanted to give her a little something we made fur her a day early in case we didn't have time to drop by tomorrow and congratulate her:
Happy Early Barkday Stella!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Buddy!
Just wanted to pop by to say hi. :) Hope you are doing okay and yes, I happen to think you have a mighty FINE looking butt!
Great butts!
Is Stella winning on the last picture? We wanted to send Stella an e-card but wee do not have your pee-mail so we will post it on our blog tonight.
Boy n Baby
Well with booties that irresistible, we can understand why your gal likes pics of your bums... we do too, BOL!
M & I
Hey that's wun goobermoon! HAHAHAH!!
ur bootie is sexy....
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