WooHoo, puparoonies! It's my birthday, and I've already been celebrating for 3 days! We decided to get the party rolling by breaking out our pool. Here, Hairy Stanley is instructing me on the finer points of swimming.

He said that head dunking and bubble blowing are what all Olympic level swimmers do.

If only my hairy beast of a bruzzer would let me actually get into the pool I could try it out for myself.

He said I had to wait until he drip dried and got out before I could get in.

Ahhhh. Alone at last in MY pool.

I remained ever vigilant, scanning the horizon for possible threats to our good time, even while I was enjoying my swim.

Then my buddy, Lady Bug, arrived and I went to the gate to greet her.

Like any good hostess and birthday girl, I introduced her to MY pool and invited her for a swim.
Lady, however, is not fond of swimming, so we found other ways to amuse ourselves.
She wasn't too interested in being my friend at first, but she's slowly coming around.
And now, let me show you my FAVE place in the backyard... MY hammock!

It's like a giant puppy swing, and sometimes I even let my girl ride with me.

It's also a great place to take a snooze after some good swimming.

Here's a little video excerpt of what Stanley calls my "Hammock Dance". I think it's more like surfing than dancing, but whatever. (Ignore the pastey white legs in the vid ~ they're not important.)
Now, let's compare photos. Here's one of the first photos ever taken of me back in September when I was rescued with my brothers from the hog farm puppy mill in Florida.

And, here's a photo of me on my birthday with my new "mature" haircut. (I'm missing my puppy 'fro curls.)

So much has happened to me in just one year! I went from living with four itty bitty bruzzers to living with one giant hairy goober bruzzer. I went from a tiny crate on a hog farm in Florida to my princess bed in GooberStan. And I went from having no friends to having all of YOU! I'd say it's been a really good year!
Special love & goobery smooches to all the people at Florida Terrier Rescue, and especially to my foster mama, Kathleen, and Miss Lynn the Terrier whisperer, who taught me how to be a dog and to get along with hoomans!
I'll post the poems and cards I've already received in StellaFest Part 2! I can't wait to show you!
Happy Birthday to ME and my 4 Lakie bruzzers, and goobery love to all of YOU,
A very happy & grateful Stella
Happy Barkday my bootiful sister princess Stella...I can call you my sister since you ARE the sissy of my very special Stanny.
I am just putting the finishing touches on your special paw-em...hee hee hee!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
P(ee)S - I LOVE the new 'do!!!
Happy, happy barkday, Stella! Today is our new sissy, Patches' barkday too! It looks like lots of great doggies were bornded today! Woohoo for all the rescue people! Thanks to them, we have great homes! Love your pool. I wonder if we could have one with all the water restrictions we have!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Happy Birthday, Stella.
I hope you have a pawsome time.
Oh Stella I wish you a nice birthday with a lot of surprises... I wish I could come and play with you (but not in the swimming pool...)...
Kisses, Faya
It is hard to believe that you are a year old. You have had quite a busy year. We are hoping to get a pool like that this year. We all wish you the best of birthdays with lots of goodies and well wishes from your all your friends.
Happy Barkday Sweet Stella...so much has happened in your first year in blogland. We loved the hammock Dance, bet Stanley only makes fun of it cause he would fall right off!
Have a great second day of Stella Fest.
Happy Barkday Stella. That pool and hammock look like loads of fun. I'm glad you're life is great now. I was rescued to but not from a puppy mill.
HAPPY BARKDAY MY SWEET STELLA! The girls & I will be sending you & Stan a big package for the Goodie Exchange and I'll make sure there's a special barkday pressie in there just for you!!
Your Big(Boned) man,
Looks like you had so much fun in that pool!!!! I have to get myself a hammock!!!
Frenchie Snorts
Happy Barkday Stella! Now you are one year old, like me! I think you are a very cute and mature one year old. I hope you had a fun time in your pool!! And your hammock looks SUPER fun!
Love Clover xo
I'm so glad you had such a good Birfday my little bBFF STella!
You look bootiful wif youw gwownup haiwdo..but you've always looked bootiful..it looks like the hammock is the bestest place to be..does Stanny get to get on too??
love you
smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi and Daddi
w00f's stella, u iz toooo cute fur words, mamas slow but ur ecard will b coming..
b safe,
Happy birthday Stella. We're really glad you've had a good year and that you found a good home in Gooberstan. The pool is excellent.
Here is a poem for you (it's not very birthdayish though):
There was a young dale named Stan
Who needed to go to the can
But Stella was first
Stan thought he would burst
She said pee on the ground like a man.
Happy birthday
kiss kiss kiss
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Happy birthday!!!!
Happy Barkday Stella. I am so glad you came to live at gooberstan
You are the luckiest girl in the world. You get to live with STAN and those white legs. I hope you had a FAAAAANTASTIC burpday. I'll even give you---WALLY SMOOOCHEROOOONIES!
Cuz you're a big girl now!
Happy Happy Birfday Stella you cutie! What a fun day look at you! Enjoy it sooo much!
puppy breath,
Happy Birthday sweet Stella!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Barkday Stella and your litter mates too!
Aww.. how fun that you got to have a good time in the pool and that you got to play with Lady Bug! The pics are pawsome!
We wish we were there to celebrate with you!!
Have a pawsome day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
happy happy barkday, miss Stella. you are so cute and happy! we did not know that you were rescued from a puppy mill hog farm. that's disgusting and it makes this barkday even more reason to celebrate. you have a good life now.
Happy Birthday Stella! I'm so happy that in your first year you found such a wonderful home and became such a good sister to Stanley.
I hope your celebration continues on for days, if the weather stays cold here, I'm heading down to Kansas and gonna swim with you all!
Have a wonderful birthday filled with treats and fun!!
Your pal,
Stellaaaaaaaa! You deserve the best and most biggest birthday ever! You are too adorably cutie pie for words and you almost have the same birthday as me so how much cooler could you possibly get? I am most impressed with your bravery on that disasterously unsteady looking hammock. I would not be caught dead! But you are clearly one brave girlio. Rock on sista!
Oh Stella Stella Stella! Happy 1st Barkday to you! Looked like you had a pawsome time. Wooh, pool pawty! That is fun.
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Birthday to you Stella, that pool sure is nice. I think you look really cute now. I'm glad you're living with Stanley and your girl now.
I did a poem for you today in my post. I hope you like it
~ Girl girl
you are the big kahuna on that hammock, it looks scary to me. I am glad you got to hang out in the pool, but I would not go in there with you either!!! sorry, water is scary!
Hi Stella,
Sorry I am late but here's wishing you a HAPPY BARKDAY!!
Moosie and I wish we could take a dip in your pool..
Happy barkday to you. Wishing Stella all the best for her first barkday.
Simba x
Feliz Cumpleaños/Happy Birthday, Stella. Have a wonderful time.
Happy Barkday Stella, use sore had fun in the pool, I hopping Nanny gets me one too, but the Hammock oh no to scary, but use sore are bwave. Have a gweat day.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
you do have an awesome pool to play in w/your very own resident goober. we'll come splash with you too! i, ms. persephone, would like to try out the lounging hammock..i need to reeeelax.
happy day to you ms.goobette
the 3 irish blue dogs!
The happiest ever birthday wishes to my dear Stella. Your pool party looked brilliant, if only I could have been there with you..sigh.
PS Would there be room for the 2 of us on your hammock by any chance? XXX
Oh Stella, Stella, Stella! Happy birthday to YOU! You are one cute girl. I am so happy that you aren't living on a hog farm in a tiny crate but that you are dancing on a hammock and enjoying life with your mom and brother!
AND I'm so glad that you are my friend.
Happy Barkday Stella!
That swimming pool looks like fun!
We can't believe it's been a year Stellanator! Looks like you are already having a great celebration! The pool looks like so much fun, even if Stan's a pool-hog, BOL! I, Izzie, personally love the pool... Moxie just likes to dunk her whole head in and blow bubble like Stan was demonstrating though.
And that hammock! We can't believe you get up on that thing! We have one, but it always moves when we try and get on it, it freaks us out! We will get on it if mum or pap are on it... but we don't let them believe we enjoy it one bit, BOL!
Do you have other friends coming over to party with you?! Looks like you had a great playdate with you first visitor!
Lots of love Gooberstress.
M & I
Happy, happy, happy birthday Stella! You paddling pool looks cool, me wants one. Not sure about the hammock though.
Cassidy x
Happiest of Birthdays and everydays to youoooooooooo!!! We LOVE your new haircut, Stella - it looks great, and what a super duper hammock dance - wooo-hoooo!!!
wags from the whippets
Sweeeet Stella, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Wow what an adventure this past year has been for you! I am so happy Stanly and hoomans found you.
What a great pool. I sure am glad Stan showed you how to use it. But I weally like your giant puppy swing. Is it just for giwls?
hugs and slurps,
Stella, my great friend
You're crazy to the end
And your face just makes me smile!
Barkday wishes to you I send
Yummy cake to you my friend
May your barkday last long awhile!
DARN....we're late...late for ur Barkday, Sweet Stella!!! Shame on us...
We noticed ur new mature "do"...careful in the sun..I can send you the exact combo of lemon juice and water for ur highlights!!!
Happy Birthday Stella,
You sure look Bella!
I just want tell ya-
Hope you barkday goes wella!
Wagging, Eric
Happy birthday, little princess.
- Ben, Robin, Blue & Shelby
Happy Barkday sister of our main man!!!!!! You are the nuts and the cutest thing ever. We are very happy you found a forever home with the goober and his girl,,,,We just have one comment..If Stanley doesn't ahem walk back and forth 800 times RIGHT BY THE SIDE OF THE HAMMOCK so you still do the dance??? love A+A
Sounds like you are having a great birthday, Stella. Happy B-Day to you! Love the pool shots!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Happy Birthday - but then you like like you've had a fantastic time! It's so cold here, I don't want to think about getting in the water!
Way to go - CLAIM that hammock!!!
Many big, sloppy Aire kisses to you,
Oh darn, I missed your barkday! So sorry! I hope you had a pawsome day. I hate to say it, but the pool water looked a little murky! Must have been Stan, right? J x
Happy Birthday, Stella!
Here's a little poem I made up for your birthday:
Happy Birthday Stellanator,
You may be small but there's no greater,
Happy Birthday Stellanator.
Happy Birthday Stellanator,
You're very cute, there is no sweeter,
Happy Birthday Stellanator.
As you can see rhymin' isn't my strongest side; now chasing rabbits is another matter...
Have the greatest Birthday Fest!
Lots of Love
Finni xx
Hehehe! Stella, you have inspired me to get a pool for the summer! It looks like so much fun!
My human is sending out Stanley's belated birthday present...she saved it for a rainy day! Pssst...she put some stuff in there for you too! Heheheh
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Stella and Stanley! I'm back!
wow! like they say.. you sure have grown..
Happy Barkday! and I sure love YOUR pool.. hope I can get one..
pretty hot these days..
Dear Stan,
It's a BOY!
Stella! You are totally the hammock dancer. Maybe they could add that to the dog agility events.
Happy burbday!
That looks like a wonderful pool and a wonderful party. Happy late birthday...
Gus and Louie
Happy birthday, Stella!
Oh boy!
I feel so bad now!
I dident kno it waz yor berfday, man!
I waz at Granny's!
Oh no!
Well I hope yu had a grayte time!
Gosh we cud hav had a joint party! Hehehe! Maybe next yeer, huh?
I do like that hammok!
Yu lookt very cewt as a pup. SOrry yu HAD to be reskewd, but very glad that yu wer!
Nose hugs an berfday cayke!!!
Oh! Oh! I mis-red it!
It's STELLA'S berfday, not Stan's!!!
Oh dear. Sorry!
It's 6am an I've been up all nite bloggin an catchin up an gettin my berfday video uploded (YouTube duzzent like me!!!!! An taykes ages!!!!)
Well, I hope yu had a grayte time, STELLA! An I'm sendin belaytid nose hugs to yu, an I'm shor Dilly will send yu ear-hugs, too!
Wow how exciting Stella....I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday and keep celebrating. I am so glad you were rescued. I love your lil white legs.....Stan Man....I am back!!!
My Sweetest Stanley Boy,
Of couwse Petey has heawd about you, how could he not???I talk about you to evewyone..constantly..I bow them stiff wif my stowies of the wondewfulness that is you! You told him You wewe one of my boyfwiends????that's wathew an undewstatement..well nevewmind..maybe it's all in my mind..
I wish you sweet dweams myu Love
smoochie kisses
ASTAWONI Fuzzbuttsweetpea
Swimming?! SWIMMING?! I'm with Ladybug, I don't like swimming...but it sure looks like you had fun!
Love the hammock.
Mum and I looked up the snake on the internet and it was either a Rat Snake or a Cottonmouth snake....I bet it was after the froggies.
Happy Bird-day to you! Happy Bird-day dear Stella, Happy Bird-day to yooooooooouuuu! (I always like to howl a bit on the last part!) Looks like you had a super day. You're so lucky that you have real grass to play on - here in New York, Mommy says it's like a Grass Museum - look but don't touch. (They'll give you a ticket! Seriously.) I love to swim so much. I like to do belly flops in the pool, get my tennis ball nice and mushy, and then plop down and "cool my tool." Hope I'm not being too bold with my language!
Hi to Stanley too!
Your pal,
Oh Stella - you are too adorable doing that little hammock dance! Does Stan get up there with you too? That would be fun. We want a swimming pool and a hammock now too. You are certainly a lucky little girl to have come so far in one year - what a big year for you. You must be so grateful to your girl for giving you so much lovin' - and to Gooberstan too of course! By the way, our mum is very well thank you and the little bub is keeping nice and warm in there. We can't wait until he comes out so that we can lick him all over - mmmm, baby smell, mmm! Love Molly and Gertrude
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