The other day our girl let Stella & I out into the yard to take our top o' the morning whiz, but had to run back inside to grab the phone. When she came back out she couldn't find us until she investigated a little. She did not know Stella & I had found a GooberToad, and that we had him cornered behind the garden shed.

After I coaxed him out from behind the shed we spent some time getting to know one another. Stella & I named him Tito (we love the Jackson 5 ~ what can we say ~ and Germaine just didn't fit him, ya know?).

We kept trying to pick him up but we couldn't get him into our mouths because, evidently, Tito excretes something that makes us doggies drool big heaping piles of bubbly goober juice. So there sits Tito all calm & happy, covered in goober slime, and we can't pick him up no matter how hard we try.

MAN! That Tito is sly, I tell ya! (See him in action below? He's actually FLYING! I'm so stunned I can only stare in amazement.)

Goober love & toadly smooches,
Wow that toad looks pretty "hoppy!" Watch for those guys ... in Florida we have Bofu toads and they are actually FATAL. Any dog that picks one up will probably die. It's pretty scary. My Mom and Dad are worried all the time now that it is rainy season, looking out for them. They are huge, so they are easy to find, thank goodness. I try to tell them, I'm not stupid. I don't have any interest in those ugly guys, anyway.
My mom hates frogs or toads. I laugh when one comes in the yard and she has to try and get it away from us.
Oh my're always making friends! I like your summer haircut...makes you looks so handsome...swoon!
Lots of Loving Licks, Your Ruby Bug
I have never come face to face with a frog or toad before. Are they good for chasing?
Oooh, becareful not to put it in your mouth. It has a terrible disgusting taste! I'm warning you now...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Cool friend you got there. So u guys finally let it go?
Boy n Baby
Did you get to taste it? I hear they taste a bit like chicken.
Simba x
We've never seen a toad! We have lots of bullfrogs though! Tito is a perfect name! Mom loved the Jackson 5 too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Stanley and Stella
We have toads and frogsin our garden. There is nothing quite like a good game of hop and chase is there? Tito is a very good name for your toad.
Have a good weekend
Molly and Taffy XXXXXX for Stella.
Oh I love those little frogs....they are so cute....I don't know why but VĂ©ronique always try to kiss them.....what is she expecting ? A prince ?....
Kisses, Faya
I am jealous! I wish I could produce a slime when mom tries to kiss me!!
I'd say Tito is a pretty lucky goob to have landed at your place.
Have a great weekend maties.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Stanley, would you beleive I got a toad yesterday too!!! It made goober up big time too. Mom put it in the pond garden. She is sending your mom a photo of our toad.
Hi Stan and Stella!
Those are some great pictures with Tito the GooberToad! I have never seen one of those before.
And I loved reading part two of Stella's barkday posts.
I never even got my mom in line to send over a barkday limerick. I wonder if it is far too late? I am going to get my DAD to help me this weekend, since mom is being useless.
Have a great weekend, friends!
Love Clover xo
What a lovely blog. Having got an Airedale my self I might be biased but I'd like to think I'm not. Our Roxy is just the greatest living creature - you ask her.
Hi from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
Stanny! Mom sure hopes that you didn't send Tito's brother Germaine. She is not so good with the slime.
I'm all over it. If you can't pick him up, try rolling on him. Well, as a general rule of paw, I roll on all stinky and/or slimy things. It's particularly interesting if the stinky and/or slimy is of unknown origin.
Still waiting by the mailbox. Had a great nap!
We had Tito's brother at our house! They are cool to play with aren't they...but they don't seem to want to play back, what is up with that?!
I'm impressed with your mama's photographic skills... I can just see my mom running inside in her jammies trying frantically to find the camera, making sure the memory card is in it, running back to the computer to get said memory card, hoping that the batteries will hold up... while the toad would have, of course, hopped away and I was already on to something else.
Not that this has ever happened...
It is always nice to make new friends other species.
We have frogs EVERYWHERE!!! The rain has washed them all into our yard, froggies here froggies there....crazy
My Dawling Love
Ihad the bestest time wif you at Ascot...I was so pwoud to be sitting next to you and my bbFF Stella in the woyal cawwiage of Goobewstan..I think the Queen was vewy impwessed by you...I danced wif a few fwiends aftew you left, and dweamt that I was in youw paws...
Tito is silly looking..but he sounds like a fun guy..don't bit him my stanny, you might get sick fwom his slime(it's not Mango quality)
smoochie kisses
Oh yeah we had a friend that ate a Tito like character and white froth stuff kept coming out of her mouth..WHOA!!! Don't do it dudes and dudettes..Love A+A
OMDOG Mom would have screamed and yelled and had a hissy fit. She totally hates frogs and toads and thinks they are totally gross and creepy! You guys are brave!!
I have never caught a frog or toad but I will heed the warning about frog slime, YUCK! I prefer to terrieroize birds and rabbits.
Luna Licks
Stan -
Have your girl get some shots of you & Tito & Stella lounging in the pool .....
But be careful Tito just may hop off ...Toads can't be trusted ...
Oh's my very favorite time of the year...TOAD HUNTIN'...
Hmm...ya couldn't catch him?? You could try the sneak attack of invitin' him to play poker?? Just make sure he's on a plate before ya start...ketchup or Heinz 57 goes well with them....
I'm not sure a frog or toad would live to tell the tale if Cassidy found one in our garden!
Toodle pip
Harry x
My Sweet Sweet Dawling Goober Boy,
You can lick the gelato off my licowice nose anytime...I wish you would my Sweet...You do look vewy handsome in youw summew haicut...I hope it lets the bweeze cawess you even mowe..hope you and my bbFF Stella awe not missing Tito too much.
Stanny Thank you Thank you ..all of you fow the gifts!!!
smoochie kisses
Astawoni FB fowevew
Tito sure looks pawsome. So are you doggies keeping him as your new pet?
~ Girl girl
I think Goober slime might be more potent than toad slime, but I still wouldn't eat him! Besides, toads and frogs just can't be trusted.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh, does that look like fun!
Last night I found lightning bug in our yard! I swatted at him and he fell in the grass and I spent lots and lots of time trying to figure him out.
Summer is a fun time of year!
wow, a goober frog toad thing! now that looks like a really fun toy! that's so extremely weird that he has the power to make you drool so much slime that you can't pick him up. was he a special kind of flying frog/toad thing? he sure looks like fun!
Whoa! Tito looks pretty cool...Those hoppy-slimey things kinda freak me out man! You are a natural with them though! Want to go on a walk this weekend?
Let me know, okay?
Love, Herc
PS Please tell your sista I have her ball and am holding it randsom until she comes to roach in MY yard again...
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