Hey, frens! Here is my third and final installment of StellaFest! Whew! It's been a full three weeks of celebrating ME, and while I've been loving it, I could have done without posing in the official GooberStanian birthday hat.

Most of the photos show how I really feel about the official birthday hat.

Now, onto all the gooberlicious goodness I received from my frens! All of the following goodies came from my buddies Momo & Pinot in Toronto! Here are some action shots with the pinky ball they sent me! 
As you can see, I'm LOVIN' this ball!
I even think this ball may be lovin' me back!
Momo & Pinot also sent a boatload of treats for me & hairy Stanley. Here is just a sample of the FABULOUSLY tasty treats they sent.They didn't forget Stanley, no siree! He got himself a tuggy Monkey Man!
Of course, I absconded with Monkey Man! He's cute and makes me giggle. Stanley's gonna have to fight me for him. THANK YOU, Momo & Pinot!!! These are such FAB presents! I feel the love and love you with all my goobery heart!
Now you might be wondering... "Hmmm. What could this be in Stella's jaws of death?"
Wonder no more. For it is the one and only Dufus Duck, from none other than Mr. T-Bone Beaseley! The Bease knows his squeakies, let me tell ya!

The Dufus Duck and I got quickly acquainted with one another. We speak the same language. (Stanley said he wasn't surprised.)

The Bease also sent this WILD 8-Legged guy to Stanley, but again, I absconded with him. Stanley gets visitation rights... when I say he does. Don't worry about ol' hairy Stanley. The Bease also sent him this rubbery ball (which we still haven't gotten a photo of) and a 12 inch bull pizzle. He's a happy goob.Contemplating the pizzle...

Possessing the pizzle...
Devouring the pizzle...What a goober boy my bruzzer is.
Sweet T-Bone Beaseley, you are such a stinkin' good pressie giver! Thanks for all the love you sent me & Stanley!! Now for all my Aussie presents from Noah, Willow, Tess, and Lucy! Here is my very own Mr. Carrot! He's a gorgeous shade of orange, don't you think?

They also sent me some Aussie fashion accessories. (Obviously they know that accessories are the KEY to fashion.) It's GORGEOUS! I can't wait to show it off!

Tons of Aussie snackables came tumbling out of the package too! They also sent some fun information on their part of Australia and some other stuff for my girl!
They also sent the sweetest card with their photos on it and the limerick they wrote for me about inviting me to their estate for a beer! I'm IN! You Aussie Dales are stinkin' sweet to me! Thank you for sending your love from down under!

One of the last things I got to do to celebrate my birthday was to go to Herc's house for a spa day and play date. He uses fresh rain water in his spa and nothing but organic mud. It was SOOOO relaxing.After my whirlpool and Herc's hair treatment we wrassled and chased like crazies all over his yard. Here I am putting my world famous head-fart move on him. (My girl says I belch and fart like a trucker.) It momentarily incapacitated him so I could make a clean getaway! 
For those who like action sports, I did have a video of Hercules trying to catch me and eat my fuzzy head, but blogger wouldn't cooperate (stinky blogger).
Thanks, Herc, for the spa day, and for wrasslin, bitin' and chasin' with me! You're the best Hercy brother a girl could have!!
There are lots of buds who sent birthday cards to me, like Maya & Kena, Balboa, and my boyfriend, Taffy. I've decided to keep my card from Taffy private, but you all need to know that he is the sweetest Welshie Boy EVER! If I've forgotten to mention you and you sent me birthday greetings, please forgive me. This is all so new to me!
For all my frens out there, know that I LOVE YOU with all the love in my little goober heart, and I'm most thankful for YOU on my first birthday!
Goobery love & juicy kissies,
Dawling little BBFF Stella,
That is the most extwavagant Birfday extwavaganza I have evew seen..You awe one loved giwlie..with the best selection of pwessies in the wowld..those action shots of you playing awe gonna wawm the heawt of evewy fwiend you have..poowe delight!!!
Pleeze don't be so mean to my Stanny..don't steal his toys..you have plenty of youw own..he's the bestest Bwuvvew in the oonivewse and I love him so , that despite my love fow you I will come and bite youw toosh if you awe not nice to him.
love and smoochie kisses
pee ess..my Dawling Stanny..if you need me to come in my nuwsie oonifowm just say so..you needn't be sick, heheheh
youw Astawoni FB fowevew
Hey, Goobs! You guys are so sweet looking! Happy birthday, Stella, and hail to the chief exec, Stanley!
Stella, are you always happy & bubbly all the time? Every post that you're in, you're always playing, smiling & just being happy. Not once I've seen you sad. But I guess, being happy all the time keeps you young huh? Those are some nice pressies! I like those bullies. Yum!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thanks for sharing your Extra extravaganza with us!! Whew! We need a nap!
wags from the whippets
Stella, You are definitely a diva in the making. The new diva of the 21st Century farts and belches to her heart's desire, so I m very pleased to see that you are already perfecting those skills. I am a bit blown away by your birthday haul. Holy Doodle Dogs, you scored! It's like Goober Galore over there.
Give a giant smooch to you hairy Stanny for me, and make sure to tell him that I said that he is gooberliciously gooby.
Sophoober Bradoober
3 weeks of birthday. It doesn't get better then that.
What a glorious birthday......
All those toys and goodies to eat....I loved looking at all the photos and that Beasley can send some really cool stuff....
I got a surprise package from Faya and now I have a bandanna like everyone else....
Stella Prezella! Are you for real? Your pictures look like they came from a postcard; you are way way way photogenic, girl!
I'm so glad you had such a happy, happy, happy birthday!
Yay for Stella Fest!! Great pressies and pawesome looking spa day! Hope you enjoyed all your festivities! You sure do deserve it!
Love Clover xo
What awesome gifts you got Stella! We've never seen a Mr. Carrot with shoes on and we are extremely jealous! We also can't wait to see you sporting your new collar!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Stella you are so incredibly cute. Mom keeps talking about wanting a dog that looks just like you! I think you are cute, but I prefer bostons, NO OFFENSE :) You sure made out with some serious birthday loot my friend. I can't believe all that stuff you got, and the stuff you stole from Stan. Poor Goob.
Oh.. that sure look very pawsome. I bet you have a very wonderful birthday pawty Stella
~ Girl girl
Oh Stella, Stella...thank you soooooooooo much for coming to help out with Stuffie Stan...um...I hope ur Girl doens't mind if you gain a little weight here...when Agatha put an end to Stuffie Stan drinkin' beer...well...you did polish of the rest of the case. And burped. Loudly. We were all impressed.
You got a pressie from sweet Noah et al???? Oh my...I love Noah...he is one handsome doggie!!!!!
Um...Babystan is in HOOOOOOOGE trouble...ya better come and see what he did. It's um...well...it's like nuthin' Mumsie's ever seen a dog do before....
BTW, what kinda camera does ur gurl use?? Those action shots were a m a z i n g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my...I could use you for my stunt double if I ever decide to go into film.....
Barkin' at ya Stella Girlie...
If birthday one 1 was this great, I can't wait until #2 comes around. You are one lucky girlie.
Holy toledo Stella..what a celebration. You sure look like you were enjoying yourself. How about the cool pool at Herc's place. It's great. We need one of those.
Glad your first birthday was a blast.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey buddy,
Guess what - we found the "Chuckinator" comment you left from Charlie's post way back in May 2006 :)
What a nice surprise :)
Congrats on all your presents, Stella! That is quite a haul! We can't wait to see what birthday #2 will bring!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You've had the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! You are too cute in your birthday hat. I would have chewed on it too!! Your pressies look like so much fun. You'll be playing with all your great new toys till you turn 2!!
Your pal,
Those are great toys from your friends there. So sweet of them.
And Stanley is so sweet to let you steal his toys over and over again.
Boy n Baby
More happy burpdays Stella!
Good hunting I see, GoobStan.
You cleaned up. Happy Birthday Girl. Love,Neko
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