My Auntie Darla found this creepy, yet funny photo and sent it to me. If I'm looking at it right, you could take the guy's temperature and the dog's at the same time.

Anybody want to paint this on their face??!
I think most folks would rather see me pucker up this end of my body!

Have a great weekend, buddies!
And these are the creatures we let run the planet? Huh.
That's pretty sick, Stanley! hehehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Whoa! I had to look at that a bit too long to figure it out. Yikes!
Hey, check out my blog today - it's dedicated to my wonderful new tennis ball!!!!
Your BEST pal,
Oh, Stanley, I don't know what to say! I just hope that guy washes his face before he eats his dinner or he might upset someone - you know how sensitive these humans can be!
licks & slobbers
That is just not right.
Lots of Licks, your Ruby Bug
ooooo.. wat is happening here.. y hooman can be so..erm.. I don't know which word to use.. sigh....
Stanny My Love
While I loooove youw bumbum, I would love to puckew up wif youw juicy snout!!!
and that guy is weally weiwd, hehehe
smoochie kisses fwom youw vewy sad Astawoni FB
we've been cwying all day
we lost thwee fwiendses today
Tee hee hee.. That's one gross and funny picture, Stanley! And yes, we do prefer your handsome face!
Its gives a whole new meaning to kiss my *** lol
Simba x
Stanley -
We thought this was a G rated blog... your selling you
butt for ad space...
HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! o o stoppi I've gotta stitch now... HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA owch..
Man be gustin!
That picture is very disturbing...and yet funny! We would rather see a pucker on your juicy snout!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Woah Stanny, That moving eye is too weird. That guy might get more than he bargained for if some amorous pup mistakes his face for a real dog.
p.s. That bully stick was sooooo great.
that is creepy
That one-eyed monster is kind of scary!
I like the pictures that Asta's mommi paints better than this.
Creeeeepy! I'd rather kiss your face! (In a friend way, don't worry Ruby & Asta!) :)
Have a great weekend!
Love Clover xo
What a handsome face you have. Some people have more time than sense.
I am speechless!
Sure I love your face!
Kisses and hugs
That picture is CREEPY, Tanner is hiding now. Why are humans so WEIRD!
My Stanny Dawling,
I'm soooo happy that we wewe able to save at least one pup wif out pwayews..I know thewe awe thousand million othews, but at least one gets a chance..I hope you'we haveing a supew wondewful weekend wif youw giwl and Stella bean
all my smoochie kisses
youw Astaroni FB
(I looove my chicken)
omg thats gross! haha Stanley!
puppy breath,
You are cute from either end Stan. Love,Neko
That guy looks creepy!!!
The painting on the face was quite good.
Have a great sunday!
that's a pretty weird picture. it creeps us out.
um...we love the pix of ur south end facing north....
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