Sorry for our lack of posts. Our girl has been more attentive to her job and personal life than to our blog. We are not happy about this. Stella keeps getting all dramatic, throwing tantrums and talkin' trash. (She's got a REAL potty mouth, this one.)
Me? I just chill. It's hot out and it's been pouring rain. Why should I work up a sweat?

The girl promises that she'll post the rest of the scoop on Stella's birthday celebration soon. Until then, stay cool, pups!
Goober love,
Stanley (& the Drama Goob)
Stanny, your girl has a personal life? Can she call my Mom and tell her how to get one - LOL.
I miss you my love!
Lots of Licks, your Ruby Bug
Stan Mah Man! Isn't it amazing how the girl pups can turn on the Diva juice? Teka can do a lot with a winsome look and a sigh..I can tell Stella is a killer in that division too.
Muzzer says thanks for the Playgirl shot, whatever that means.
Staaaaanley! You missed my birthday, baby. On a whole other note, go check out Jackson's blog. He's been cavorting with the Lakeland Terrier of Belle & Sebastian. Some might call him a star humper, but it sure wouldn't be me!
p.s. I'm not the least bit surprised about that potty mouth on the little one. It's always the way it goes.
Stan my Man!
I can just tell by Stella's pictures and her eyes how much of a drama queen she is! Must be hard to carry on a normal life with her, eh? But I suppose it's totally worth it!
What kind of personal life does your girl need if she has the two of you?
Grammie wanted to let you know that she donated some money to the Columbia Humane Society for your and Stella's birthdays. She is just senile and it takes her forever to get anything done.
Your girl really needs to pay more attention to her dogs & their blog! Hehehehe...
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
Stella is so cute showing her paws there. Stay cool you doggies
~ Girl girl
It sounds to me like your girl and my human have the same problem. What's the deal?
Dude, I sent out your rainy day birthday present today! Hehehehe! Woohoo! It should be to you by the end of the week! WEeeeeee!
Don't forget to post pictures of your goody exchange package!!! Go to Chef's blog and post it in the Album!!! Woohoo! Can't wait to see!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
We always throught you were her personal life?!
Somehow we just can't believe that Stella has an HBO mouth!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my, such talk from such a sweet face. So sorry you are being ignored. Must be going around. I haven't had walkies in two whole days.
Gooberstan, just wanted to say congrats from the SNPM team!
Personal life? What does a human want one of them for, when they have us?
Simba x
Stella looks like she could throw a good tantrum......I have been chillin is so hot here...well you goes from 50 to 90 in one day here in KS....crazy I tell ya
Those storms last night were scary
It very hot here too. I have been trying to find ways to help me cool off but its still toooo hot here.... bummer... I can't even have a nice nap and I wonder why you can still lay on the couch. Isn't it hot? I prefer the cool cool floor...
Hahah drama goob. Cute pictures! Hope your mom is having a fun time with her personal time and her job! Sometimes moms need to do stuff like that...
Bye for now!
Love Clover xo
Hi Stanley manley! Heehee...our mom used to actually know a man by that name...Stanley Manley! He was a goob too, but nowhere near as cute as you. What's up with your girl having a personal life? Doesn't she know that you and Stella ARE her life? We're just sayin'...
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I've missed you, man. My ma ape has been especially busy with work and is totes pissed. She has no personal life, though, so she can't use that as an excuse. Well, I hope your om has totes awesome stuff going on. Then I might forgive her for keeping me from my StanMan.
I'm glad you two are taking care of yourself while you're being so neglected. It's pretty hot here, too...
My Stanny love and little dwama goob,
Mommi istotally wilted fwom the hoomidity and doesn't even want to take me to the that's cwiminal...I just think she's too hot and tiwed..Mommi used youw Ruby fow the inspiwation, but the pictoowe was just fow fun, not fow anyone..
Myrna was so happy you wote to hew(she's easiuly pleased) me..I want to heaw some declewations of love!
smoochiest of smoochie kisses
youw Astawoni FB
Oh Stan... that photo of you relaxing is making me tired. I think I'll have to pull up some sofa myself.
Enjoy :)
Ha Ha !! We are not surprised at all that she is a potty mouth!!!!!! Love A+A
Hey there buddy, glad you can remain cool with all the b**ching going on...
It's still chilly here, darn, when will we ever get summer!!!
Oh Man...Babystan and I soooo feel ur pain...Lacie doesn't talk trash to Mumsie...she's all sweet and cute with her...but 'round us....HA!! It's she flies around here just gettin' us into trouble....
Check out that blond or red Lakie on Jax's bloggie...cute...probably sassy like the rest of em...least that foxy that's chasin' her with his mouth open has the RIGHT idea...
Missin' ya Stan...
Chillin' Barks...
Scruffy and Babystan
Don't you just hate hot, humid and wet totally messes up my fur and I can't do a thing with it.
Hugs and tail wags
Willow xx
HOoman are always full of excuses but glad to see both of you still pretty & handsome as always.
slurpy licks,
oh goooooooober! all the typist are busy it seems. :(
wet wet licks
Personal life schmersonal life, we say! Boycot! Start witholding your delicious stinky farts and goober slobber and they come around!
wags from the whippets
I took an Ice Cream Personality was neato.
We are supposed to get tornados today, so I need to go dig a bigger hole for me to fit in, just in case. Maybe Stella should take the test....having a potty mouth and all...hehe
I simply can't believe sweet little Stella is a potty mouth, I'm shocked!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Stella talkin' smack, huh?
My kind of girl!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
W miss you Stanny, but we understand!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry (via the Heron-cam)
Stella hunny a potty mouth???
puppy breath,
Happy Friday Stan and Stella
Its supposed to be sunny and warm this storms thank Dogs
Black leather is always cooler than fabric. Do you let your Stella up there with you? Love,Neko
Stanley my Love
do you mean it???? even wif all the polka dotses showing thwough my skin???
Thank you fow those juicy summew goobew smooches and the kissie fow Mommi and the nuggie fow Daddi..
I hope you get sweet sneep tonight , and nice weathew fow youw outing tomowwow
smoochies of smoochie kisses youw
ASTAwoni Fuzzbutt
Whoooaaa that Stellas' got a mouth on her....Maybe you should feed her some pineapple...
What's this nonsense about your girl's got a personal life...We thought she signed that over to you when she signed the adoption papers.....
You might need to have her look over those papers again....or better she might need to go to the vet and have the memory checked out.....YOU and STELLA and MERV are HER life....
Bad wrap Stan time for you or 2 leggeded is the same lately..I feel your pain..
OMdoG.. Stella looks so cute in the pic.. I love her little paws!!
hey Stanley & Stella, so your girl is neglecting you? we understand that humans think they need this "personal life" business, but we're telling you there's no such thing. humans only need us and it's our job to train them properly. they just get confursed sometimes. hee hee
We love the two pictures. Is Stella giving 5s there?
Boy n Baby
Deawest Staanley Love
I would love fow Nicky to meet you too, so he could see what a wondewful boyfwiend I have and bbff's always nice to know that youw family does well and has gweat fwiends and lovews, hehehe
I hope you had the pawsomestest time on youw mountain climbing-mud-sliding advetoowe wif youw Giwl..I wish we could go swimming togethew
smoochiest of smoochie cooling kisses
Stanley!!! I am so behind on my reading that I missed your graduation, prom, gooberversary, your birthday, and Stella's birthday. I am a terrible blog friend and not worthy of the company of the residents of GooberStan. THanks for all of the great pics and reporting on them, and I hope they were all gooberlicious!!!
Your friend, Lenny
Hewo Stanley!!!!!
Dilly come over giv ear hugs.
Stanley goin be in party fotoes?
Stanley wear hat?
Stella wear sessy hat like Dilly's?
Those are the greatest photos of Stella and you...
I go and look at them everyday
Bet Stella would have all of us taking orders in no time!
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