Always In Our Hearts

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mixed Media Asta

Something extremely cool showed up in GooberStan yesterday, in honor of our hooman girl's birthday.

Is this not the most bootiful thing you've ever seen?! It's an original painting of my lovepup, Asta, by her mommi Amarillis Kroon.

Ami told us that the painting is goober-proof and impervious to goober juices, but it is NOT impervious to goober teeth. So, even though this painting now belongs to our girl, she let Stella & I check it out.

I was trying to catch a little whiff of Asta smell, but couldn't seem to find her booty.

Then I noticed that Asta was not alone in the painting. There was a bootiful lady in a gorgeous red dress and red shoes standing there behind Asta. Hello. Is that you, sweet Ami?

Yes. It must be Ami. Even though you can't see all of her, it's obvious the lady in this painting must be a fashionable and cosmopolitan sort of woman.

My girl has not yet decided where to hang it, so I told her I think we should leave it where it is. It looks like it's done to scale, so if I lie down like this Asta & I are almost eye-to-eye.

Since it's a portrait of her BFF, Asta, Stella was dying to check it out.

The first thing Stella did was give the oil painting Asta a goobery kiss.

Then she too tried to sniff Asta's booty. hehehe We goobs are SO predictable.

Since Stella tested that the painting was smooch proof I decided to plant a big juicy one right on Asta's face! Ahhh. It's good to have you here, sweet Asta. (Not as good as the real thing, though.)

Ami, George, and Asta, thank you THANK YOU for making our girl's birthday so special yesterday. She was BLOWN AWAY by her special present from you and still can't stop talking about it with anyone who will listen (and even with those who won't)!

We love you Ami, George, and Asta, and we're so stinkin' glad our girl was born so we could adopt her and celebrate our life with her everyday!

Goober love,
Stanley & Stella


Dexter said...

That is such a pretty painting of Miss Asta. I can see that even Stalla was impressed. I agree that it should be hung at Goob level.


Noah the Airedale said...

Oh wow Stanley, that is a fantastic painting of Asta. Ami is such a wonderful artist.
We want to wish your girl a very happy birthday from the leuradales and their pinky.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Gus said...

Happy Barkday Stanley's girl from Gussie and Teka Toy.

gussie and Teka toy.

Finni said...

Oh Wow Happy Birthday to your girl Stanley. That is a brilliant painting - what a great present!
Headrubs and Nibbles
Finni & Nelly xx

Lacy said...

w00f's pups, happy late birfday to ur girl...what a fantastic gift she got from Asta and her mommi and iz bute ti ful..

b safe,

Deetz said...

What a special gift that you can treasure forever and ever!
Paws up for Asta's mum! What a magnificant painter.

Asta said...

Stanny My Twue Love
Thank you fow those goobew smooches..I pwomise some day it will be in pawson..I'm so gald youw giwl was happy and liked hew pwessie, and I love that the painting of me was kissed by my bbff Stella Bean too..sowwy that my bum bum isn't on thewe..we'll just have to wait a little mowe..we love you all in Goobewstan and awe so glad that you'we in ouw lives
smoochie kisses
youw Astawoni sweatpea FB

Duke said...

What an awesome pressie! Happy birthday to your girl, Stanley! You know have Asta in your life forever and ever! It's such a beautiful painting of her and her mommi!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Oh you lucky goobs!!!! You HAVE to hang that at Goob level!!! What a wonderful thing for Auntie Ami to do!!!!!! Frankly, Stan, I'm thinkin' you should just carry it know...go outside...carry Asta...go for walkies...carry Asta...OH MY!!!

Oh..little Goobette Stella...come and see my postie...I did some Lakeland education on our bloggie today...and I have that fab pic of you displayed with your bikini abs in all their glory!!!

Love ya both and more Birthday Smoochies to your Girl!!!

Love and lakie kisses...Lacie!

Lucia said...

Ciao, Gooberstanians!

First: Buon belated compleanno to your girl, and may the coming year bring her lots of love and happiness.

Now, as for the bellissima painting from your cara zia Ami, what a talent she has, and how dolce of her to do such a kind thing. And of course, no one makes a better model than the the always stunning Asta!

Tanti baci!

Unknown said...

We love the painting. The pooch is beautiful and the red shoe is tantilizing. What a thoughtful and creative gift!

Boo Casanova said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your girl!

i wonder what other presents she got?

wet wet licks


Hollie and Janie said...

What a beautiful painting of your sweet Asta! How fun to always have her around now!!Her mommi is certainly talented! Give your girl a great big goober smooch from me!

Koobuss said...

What a tremendous birthday present for your girl and also for you guys. It's gorgeous!

Happy Birthday to the Caretaker of Gooberstan!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,

Sally said...

Happy Birthday to your girl - I hope you also helped to open all other present and eat her cake. Humans need help doing these things.

I LOVE the painting - Asta makes a great muse. It should be kept at Goober level - so you can enjoy it fully.

Lots of licks

Joe Stains said...

That might be the very best present any one has ever got in their whole lives. Seriously, the painting is fantastic and the subject is even better! You guys are lucky over there in Gooberstan!

Murphey said...

That is awesome, and yup, gotta sniff the hind end, even of a painting!


Faya said...

Waouw it is a very beautiful painting. And please give your girl a big kiss from Switzerland !
Faya & Dyos & Véronique

The Black and Tans. said...

Many Happy Returns to your girl Stanley.
We can see she had a lovely birthday receiving such a special gift from Asta and her Mummy.
It is absolutely gorgeous.

Molly and Taffy

Eric said...

BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!! That's the most special uber coolest present we have EVER seen!!!! Your girl must be over the moon and all the way back down again, Stan too. Isn't Ami the bestest and kindinest and cleverest??, Asta too of course.Gooberstan is sicerely blessed!!! And pawfect to stand at Goober viewing height.Enjoy!

Wiry wags, Eric xxxxx

Murphy Dogg said...

Happy Birthday to the GooberMom!
That painting of Asta is seriously cool.
Murphy Dogg

The Airechicks said...

What a beautiful picture of Asta and her Mom ....

It will be like having Asta there and you guys can look dreamy at each other.....

Did your girl send Asta a poster of you???

"Happy Belated Birthday"for your girl...


Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!! That is soo soo coooooolllllll and of course HAS to be hung at Goober leverl!!! Then you can kiss it whenver you want!!! Happy belated birthday our main man!! Lvoe and ksises A+A

Moco said...

That is for sure the bestest birthday gift that your girl could habe gotten. How nice to have a reminded of Asta that you can gaze upon daily.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan!
Happy Birthday to your Girl!
The Asta's painting is beautiful!
I am sure you all are enjoying it!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to your girl, Stan and that is a beautiful painting of Asta. We know woo will all enjoy it.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

That painting is real piece of art and should be in a art gallery next to the Mona Lisa!!
Your girl is very special! Happy Barkday to her!!
And YES, I think it should be hung at your height so you can look into those loving Asta eyes.

with wagging tail,

Amber-Mae said...

Ohy wow! I think that painting of Asta is just fantaboolous!!!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Awesome painting...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

the many Bs said...

that is a beautiful painting of missy Asta. her mommi is a very good doggy painter artist. your girl is a very lucky human to have such a special friend and to have you two goobers too! we wish your girl a belated happy birthday and congrats on your lovely painting. we know you will choose a very special place to hang it.


Persephone and Buster said...

Happy birthday to stella and stanley's girl!!! hope it was a happy one and they got you a great cake (leeever cake?)
very nice "asta painting"....
best to you,
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms.Blue too

Bae Bae said...

That's a really nice painting from Asta and her mom. ;)

~ Bae

Life With Dogs said...

Immortalized on canvas - how fortunate are you!

BenTheRotti said...

ooohh Asta's Mommy is so talented. What a truly beautiful painting of Miss Asta.
Can you give your Mommy some slobbery belated birthday licks from me?? It was my Mum's birthday on the 19th and I gifted her a day of Rotti Drool.. from head to toe.. I know, I'm way too generous!

smoochies to you and Stella too,

Ben xxx

PS.. think I have the commitment thing sorted out with the secretary, I said if she got so lax again I would treat everyday like it's her birthday.. that did the trick BOL!

Petra said...

How BEAUTIFUL! And Stella, friend, you are so smart to know that Asta needed a kiss.

Happy Birthday to your girl!

Princess Patches said...

What a bootiful painting! Please tell your girl that we are sorry we're late, but we hope she had a very, very happy birthday!

Poppy, Penny & Patches