We here in GooberStan have been working hard and snuggling a lot this week, as per our orders from our snuggle boss, Eduardo. I was more than willing to document said snuggling with my girl.

Stella even agreed to be photographed mid-snuggle.

I guess my girl included a nice neck scritch in with Stella's snuggle... obviously.

Then we thought we'd try to get a group snuggle shot. Let me just get this camera timer adjusted.
Okay. I think we're ready.
It's pretty obvious that I'm the only serious snuggler here.

I'm in primo snuggle position, and I guess my girl is attempting to snuggle, but she's a bit distracted trying to wrangle Stella into position.
My Gowgeous Goobewstanian snuggle bugs..
Cleawly my Stanley Sweetheawt is the BEST!!! but I think all the inhabitants of goobewsta awe pawfect snugglews..it's the camewas fault not youws if you didn't get evewyone at the wight moment
Mommi is sooo jelly of youw giwls pawfect , gowgeous haiw..Stanny, do you, ow my bbff Stella do hew haiw..can you come fix my Mommi's??? Pleez???????
She's a weck
I'm looking fow the same miwacle ..I'm suwe it's coming
smoochie kisses
I think your mom needs to try a Boston snuggle!
That Stella has a mind of her own. You are one great snuggler, for sure.
I think you are perfect snugglers - the timers on cameras can be pesky things and never go off at the right time!
Still sending Bogart and his family all our love and positive healing vibes,
Lots of licks
is the first few snuggle pics taken in auto mode? wow! i'm impressed!
stanley, relax! you are too serious for the group snuggle pic.
wet wet licks
You're the best snuggler. Will you snuggle me?
~ Bae
You are both great snugglers! We're sure Eduardo is proud of you!
We're still hoping and praying for that miracle too!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Thank doG that your girl and Stella have you as their anchor, Stanley! How could they ever survive without you?!
Those are super great pictures!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hee hee, we liked your comment about the firefighter speaking a funny language. One of the reasons that momma keeps watching that movie is that every time he talks in Bawston speak, she finds it very comforting regardless of what he's saying.
I don't think that Stella will ever figure out the advantages of snuggling. More for you, big guy.
You have obviously been putting in a lot of overtime this week snuggling for Eduardo.
Excellent work. I have to say working with a houseful of females is a demanding job.
I just love to see you snuggle, although I notice, Stanley, that you're not so focused on snuggling that you can't work the camera. You are clearly a master multi-tasker.
P.S. Mom says to tell your girl that she met with her advisor last night and might actually be on to something. He showed up with two pages and notes and then made a bunch more, so she figures all she has to do is take him out for beers and he will eventually write the whole thing for her.
Stanley - Sweetheart - Darling:
Have you forgotten - your trying to work with "DIVAS" - Where's Merv, he needs to be WHIPPING those girls into photo opt position.....
Remember what Lulu sang - quoting DEVO
"When you've got a problem - you must WHIP IT !!!!"
Get the stick!!!!
Hee hee! We love how serious and focused you are in the group shots, Stanley, while chaos is erupting all around you. Your two girls are laughing away and you're so stoic!
Well, that's what plenty of experience in front of the camera will do for you!
Paws still tightly crossed for Bogie's dad.
Your pal,
oh very funny pics! We have loads of family ones which look a bit like those with the timer!!!!!
We are hoping and praying for the miracle, let us know if it what you are both seeing outta the window?
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
Holding for the miracle here too.
gussie n teka
Those were great snuggles....I really like "always in our hearts" slideshow, I saw my lil Gizmo there. That is a really cool slideshow!
Ciao bella, Gooberstanians!
First, that Eduardo sets such a good snuggle example for everyone, doesn't he? Extra baci his way!
Second, Stanley, your camera vogueing is spot-on, amico, and there's no question my piccolo pal Stella is a diva ... so ...I'm thinking your girl ought to set up a catwalk (playbows to Merv!) in your backyard where all of you can strut. Work it girls and guys!
Tanti baci!
What GREAT family photos of the snugglers! You guys are awesome!
Stella snuggles like me...only when we want to, right, Stella?
PS -- yes, I sleep under the covers each night with PA and Motch. Sometimes they get in my way, but I've never had to push them out of bed. Yet.
Looks like you three had a good snuggling time. I hate snuggling!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
what expert snugglers, to all wrangle in and take the picture too? I am envious of your skills. Stanley you must be doing a good job teaching those other lesser snugglers in your home. Thanks for spreading the word on Bogart's dad.
-Winnie Woo & editor
What a snuggler woo are, Stanley - woo look so happy doing it too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
G'day matie
Goodness Stella looks like a vampire in the last snuggling photo. She looks like she's ready to pounce onto someones neck hehehehe.
We just love the snuggle pics. I think we should give it a go.
Great snuggle pic's made Caz pounce on me for a snuggle I was asleep so i just let her get on with it.
Ludo the cool dude
Stanley, you have the snuggles down pat, but poor Stella! She's just not a snugglebunny, is she? Gotta love her, anyway. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
IF you don't mind I'm going to photoshop myself into a snuggle pho-to because I sure do love snuggles. Though I confess I only let my ma ape snuggle with me. I'm quite particular.
wally t.
In that first photo Stella sort of looks like a vulture ready to swoop in on you guys! YIKES. I think you should stick with the solo snuggle shots.
Stanny my Love
I'm so wowwied, today was the fiwst day thewe is no news of The Papa de Bogie..I'm scawed fow them..hold my paw ..I wish you wewe hewe to snuggle
smoochie kisses
Stanley, I love seeing your girl's pretty face! What good snugglers you two are.
Also, I remember Suki and Joey too! She is such a pretty girl and I really miss her a lot. That painting definitely looks like her too!
Hi Stanley,
You are obviously a great snuggler!! Our mom says she'd LOVE to snuggle with you if given the chance...
Hmm.. don't think Stella is that into snuggling though! Hershey is a terrible snuggler too.. she pushes you away with her legs!!
(I think those 2 girls don't know what they are missing!)
I love photo number 2 (where it looks like Stella has grown long human hair overnight, and the one where Stella's head is actually growing out of your back! Plus the one with you posing and Stella diving off the back of the settee behing you. In fact, I love ALL your photos
Nelly is a great snuggler and, I have to admit, I have started to appreciate a bit of a snuggle myself (something I have NOT been prone to in the past). You guys are obviously well experienced snugglers. We love the B&W photo!
Finni & Nelly xx
You really were the only one who could get it together! You are so photogenic, my friend! I snuggled with my mom last night, too! I would have thought Stella, being the little diva, would be all ready for the paw-parazi! :)
Yall are too cute!!
Stan. Wow. Your girls head furs is as stunning as yours. Seems like you are def the alpha around the house Stan keeping those giggly girlies in order. Good to see you are taking the job so seriously.
Paws crossed and barking for Bogart. Eric xx
OMD...we know you know...Penelope and soon to be Linus...another Dale/Lakie combo!!!!! We heard you helped set up their bloggie...
Stella...we lakies are takin' over blogland!!!! I so can't wait to meet Linus...I wonder if he dates???
That pic of you with the big Goob is amazin'...Stan has the longest Dale legs we've ever seen!!!!!
Love you buckets...!!!!!
Happiest Barkday ever to Stan and Stella's Girl!!!!!
Scruffy, Lac and Stan adn Mumsie
Um...it is your birthday today isn't it???
Stanley! Tell your mom that my mom met with her advisor and she's all excited again about her project. Wooo Hooo! She's doing work on the HighLine and the area in NY where Asta lives, so she's wondering if you guys really truly are all going to NY this Spring and if you are, when.
Isn't snuggling one of the best things goin! You guys are very good at it. You're just not well coordinated.
Love and Koobie Kisses,
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