Always In Our Hearts

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Baseball? Are You Kidding Me?

Last night I went to the ballpark with my girl.

She said there's nothing finer on a cool summer evening than to kick back, grab some sunflower seeds, and watch a baseball game. Hmmm. Balls. Parks. Sunflower seeds. Sounded promising.

I soon found that this ballpark was a great place to be seen and admired. Turns out that baseball fans of all ages stopped by to shower my curly and generally cute self with love and affection. Snippets of conversation floated by as the more timid hoomans passed... "Look at that big cutie pie!" "Whoa! That's a big boy!" and "Hey, is he an Airedale?" There were two toy poodles on the scene, but they camped out and slept under their hooman's chair. Amateurs...

Hey. Have we met yet?

I did find, however, that while the atmosphere of the ballpark is intoxicating, the actual game of baseball is not at all what I was expecting. First off, they cut you off from the balls with a big wire fence. (Something about having to be on the team to play). Then when one of these so-called team members gets the ball, they get rid of it as fast as they can, and don't seem the least bit interested in sniffing, licking, or chewing on it. I just can't abide by that kind of disrespect to a ball. So I found other ways to amuse myself. After inspecting my girl's bag, I discovered the most amazingly tasty nuggets of salty goodness... SUNFLOWER SEEDS!

A guy can only take so much admiration before he gets a little peckish. I rummaged around a bit more and found my girl had a couple of lonely fortune cookies in her bag. I put on my sad face, lovingly placed my paw on her arm, and presto! Instant gratification (with a personal fortune to boot).

My first ever fortune cookie.

Checking out my fortune.

Here I'm trying to get a different angle on the fortune. My girl keeps getting in the way.

Oh yeah, my lucky numbers are 9 11 46 41 30 and 3.

The kid I went to see play baseball is my friend, Noah. He's a cocky 14-year-old hooman pup who thinks he's already a grown dog (he's almost there). I have absolutely no photos of him here - he's entirely too fast for the camera. But, he has a teammate who has the greatest name. GOOBER! Yep, that's right. I think his original name was Cole or something equally boring, but his hoomans and teammates all call him Goober. If you look really closely in the photo above you can see a kid in the upper left corner. THAT'S HIM! Obviously, there are loyal subjects of GooberStan wherever you go.

Despite my disappointment with the game of baseball, I had a relaxing evening of good snacks, sweet affection, and comraderie with my people. I still don't get it though. They should rename this game "Standing-around-scratching-ourselves-until-we-have-to-get-rid-of-the-ball-ball, instead of calling it BASEBALL. Sheesh!

Loving life in GooberStan,



Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

You certainly made a meal of that sunflower seed! Yum! We don't get baseball over here in the UK much. I think it looks kind of dull. J x

Asta said...

my sentiments exactly about baseball...ho hum....but all the rest seems to make up for it.

I can't show you pix of the painting cause B&S haven't seen it yet..if they like it, I 'm sure they'll show all the doggies

Thanks for saying I sound gwonup when I gwowl..pwetty soon I'll be 9 momfs
smoochie kisses
Asta(your loyal subject)

Bogart H. Devil said...

Love the fortune... anything with the word "cookie" in it always gets my full attention (baseball, with no "cookie" in it anywhere, would get far less attention obviously).


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Yeah, as Jackson says us Brits don't have bseball, but seems like we're not missing much.

Does one little sunflower seed really need that much chewing?! Or is it just me who inhales all food?

Oscar x

Peanut said...

Your fortune was very good. Oh my mom likes baseball but i think it's boring too.

Ruby Bleu said...

That game looks stoopid...not chasing the ball??? How silly. Fortunately you made the most of the evening Stanely and showed off your handsome self!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Koobuss said...


I read your story about the baseball game and it sure sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe you could get season tickets, and at a discount yet, since you have to take your own chair -- or pillow. I see baseball on TV sometimes. It's a good cure for insomnia. Works every time for my grandpa. They say that basball is more fun if you can see it in person, I mean dog. You seem to have proved that.

Glad you like my flower story.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

wally said...

That's a smart cookie.

At our ballpark they have HALF POUND HOTDOGS. Seriously. Also a dancing piece of celery but I think the apes are more impressed with that than I am.


Suki & Joey said...

Hey Stanley, thanks for visiting my blog.

You are one handsome Aireboy ;) I've never tried to play baseball before. I'm pretty sure I'd die of heat exhaustion or something.

Puggy kisses!

Boo Casanova said...

hey stanley, i'm sure everyone adore airedale! glad there are hooman that recognised you coz most hooman might thought 'that's not a dog, that's a stuffie toy'! hehehe.

wet wet licks


Liberty Doo Dah said...

Oh Stanley!
How I would LOVE to go to a baseball game! I've heard that there's ALL kinds of food there plus I just LOVE hooman watching! Well, I'd go anywhere mum, beach, over to the neighbors....yeah. Oh!
I like how long it takes you to chew that sunflower seed up! Looks chewy! heehee!

Balboa said...

Hey Stanley,

I added you to my cool dog list.

I've had fortune cookies before but never sunflower seeds, I'm going to get mommy to give me some.

Yeah, I agree with you. I've been to games before and they don't have any fun with the ball, silly humans.

Frenchie SNorts

Joe Stains said...

ooh my mom and dad are watching baseball on the tv right now, the game IS stupid. I never had sunflower seeds but it looks like you had a hard time chewing it!

Duke said...

I've never had a sunflower seed before! Do you think if you eat enough you might chirp like a birdie? hummmmmmmmmm

Love ya lots,

Sunshade said...

What's a baseball game without sunflower seeds right???? You looked so adorable trying to locate the little teeny seed in your big Aire-mouth!!!

Hehehehe... so those fortune cookies really DO tell fortunes??? Gotta try my luck next time!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Ferndoggle said...

Can't go wrong with any kind of COOKIE!! I'm gonna have to get me some of those seed thingys. They look tasty!
