Always In Our Hearts

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bibble's Barnyard Part 2

If you didn't get a chance to read Part 1 of Bibble's Barnyard, you might want to take a couple of minutes to peruse it. If you've already read it, then READ ON!
My Auntie Brenda sure knows how to bring out the best in a guy. See the way she maneuvered me into prime booty shot position during my swimming lesson? My, I never realized until now what a wide furbutt I have. (Enjoy, ladies)!

After my smooch-fest with the hooman pup, Araydia, I was ready to hit the water... sort of. Auntie Bren used Araydia to lure me out into the deep water. I'd do almost anything for more smoochie kisses!

That didn't work so well, but Auntie Brenda is well-practiced at getting pups of all kinds to do as she wishes. I just couldn't figure out how to work the floaty thing.

Don't I look like I'm searching for something in the water? Really, I'm giving my snout a little rinse. Hooman pup smooches are sweet, but very drooly!

Finally, I decided to go it alone to see if I could get the floaty thing to do its magic for me.

If you were hoping for actual video of me swimming, you'll have to wait for my next swim lesson. I did actually swim in Auntie Brenda's pond... twice! My girl was guiding me both times, and kind of glided me through the deep water like I was superman (except as a dog, and without the camera trained on my every move). I wasn't loving it, but I wasn't hating it either. I was just having a hard time getting used to having my feet leave the ground. I kept grunting while working my paddle stroke.

After swimming I tried another go with the Butcher (Bibble). She must have had some time to reflect on how ill-advised it was to snub me, because she didn't dog me anymore and kept throwing me these awe-struck looks. Once I looked at her when her mouth wasn't flappin' it hit me what a very tiny girl she is (not much bigger than my life coach, Cricket Louise).

And, she can be quite cute and cuddly if she warms up to you. (Excuse the blurriness of the photo - she was wigglin' with delight at my presence in her barnyard).

Before I left, Bibble made me promise to come back to her barnyard soon, and she told me I could play with her Mama Araydia anytime I want. (She saw how much I loved her mama). This could turn into a beautiful friendship...

Once I got home my girl gave me a quick bath, and then I was ready to cuddle up with my Piglet stuffie.

I got sleepy pretty fast, and began to hallucinate about a new friend, Bibblet. (It was like a combination Bibble and Piglet).

Bibblet and I got real comfy, (*yAAAaaaaaawn*) real (*yawn*) fast.

I... had ... me ... some good.... slee..... p...



Asta said...

You are super bwave my Stanley, I'm still only sticking my head or max one paw into the kiddy pool at the wun..that looked like such fun at your aunties..and I'm glad bibble finally wealized how lucky she is to know you! I loove you all clean and sleepy with your piglet, but once in a while pleez dweam of me(I was so tall in my costume,cause I was weawing stilts,so I could weach up and kissie you better)now I've taken evewything off and I'm more comfy...sleep well my pwince,

Joe Stains said...

I would have never ever got that close to the water you are VERY brave!! I wish I had a big piglet to snuggle with

Sunshade said...

Good effort by your Auntie Brenda, but you know who you really needed right??????

I took my first plunge at 6 months old when my mum left me on a beach.... now you can't keep me out of water during the summer. STINKY hasn't swam yet, but mum and I are thinking *shhhhh* to abandon him on a beach too when it gets a bit warmer.

What a cute piglet you got there, it's in my favouritest colour!! Oh, and I'm so sorry you stared at my muscle butt for 30 mins... wait.. I'm not actually, it's a good sight. Anyway, sorry you waited so long before you saw your picture, I'm not sure how the computer picks his pictures. I swear it has NOTHING to do with the STINKYness of a dog, really!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, nice work on the paddling. I haven't managed to swim yet either though I love water. I think of I found a buddy to guide me, I'd be off off and away!

Why did you need a bath after all that swimming in water? Hoomans are so odd sometimes!

Oscar x

Duke said...

OMG look at you wanting to get on that raft and relax! Can I get you a pinacolada?! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Faya said...

I had my 3rd lesson and.....I still don't swimm.....
Kiss, Faya

Allegra the Airedale! said...


You are so awesome and brave....
You are so super cool.
You always have such great adventures.

Both my mom and me just love your blog. Do you get all of the great ideas for it while laying in bed right before sleeping???? Well its awesome!

Tadpole said...

I felt so bad for you in that second video, Stan the Man! You were trying so hard... it just wasn't quite working out for you!

And I want to see a video of you paddling and grunting! :-)

Sophie Brador said...

I want your life! I want to go swimming! My mom is going to take me swimming next week. I can't wait.

Murphey said...

That would make your dream about Biglet (Bibble and piglet, BIGLET! I crack myself up.)


Putter said...


WOW, that raft looks really coolest! You rae gonna be a great swiimer!!!! Swimming is my favoritest!

I love your stuffie piglet! Problem with stuffies is that I eat them! I am impressed that you don't eat them!

Talk to you soon!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Balboa said...

Forget swimming on that thing if I was there,I would have ripped it to shreds. ANd they kept telling you know~the nerve of them.

Anyway, you look like you had a lot of fun and your family is so super nice.

Frenchie Snorts

Emily and Ike said...

Dude, why do they all want us to swim so badly? I don't want them to try to lick their butts, so what's the deal?

wally said...

That looks like a fun day! I never used to swim, either. I'd wade in the shallow end and that was IT. But then one day my best friend EVER was swimming and I jumped in after him and started paddling around like a seal. It's a great way to stay cool in the heat (not that I'm ever not COOL).


Suki & Joey said...

Stanley you are so sweet next to your "Bibblet" like that! Awwww!

I don't know why she wanted you to get on that floaty thing...that would scare me! You were very brave, indeed :)

Can't wait to see you swim next time!

Puggy kisses

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Stan! We *love* the water! We're in Kansas City - is that close to you?

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Stan,

Perfecting the art of the "fake wee".

When my human wants me to go to the toilet so I can come inside and snuggle near the fire - sometimes I don't need to go, but she will make me stay out there for ages until SHE decides that I am just mucking about and mustn't need to go.

Solution to the problem ?

The "fake wee".

On cue, when mum says "come on Opy, do a wee", if I don't need to go - I will squat anyway and just pretend. BUT, and here is the important part - you must squat long enough to make it convincing. Mum bought it for ages, until one day I squated and pretty much got straight up again - hence the "fake wee" ! It is a useful tool if administered correctly :) Although, may be alittle harder to perfect being a boy doggie - but worth a shot :)


Toby said...

You are SO brave. I am a chickendog. Water scares the you-know-what outa me. Hence my hatred for baths. Maybe one of these days you can give me a lesson. Actually, no, I change my mind.

Can't wait for your next swim video!!!


Casper and pals said...

We love your swimming pictures!

Ruby Bleu said...

Great swimming or almost swimming Stanley! I'm in such awe right now I don't know what to say!!! You are so very brave.

I'm also glad you made peace with Bibble too! That's if only those cowdogs weren't so scawie!

I love your sleepy picture with cute.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

PS - I love the butt have a very sexy butt!

Nessa Happens said... were so clever! Swimming comes very naturally to my breed, but we'd be very happy to go swimming with you anytime, you look awesome!

Luckie Girl said...

Ni Hao Stanley!! :)
I can't help but notice what a cute butt you have! *blush*

Peanut said...

Very good time it looks like

wally said...

StanMan--My ma ape sometimes calls me GooberButt (I don't know. She's crazy) but WooberButt is more fitting. I am the Woob.


PreciOus said...

Oh Stanley, you are so cute to rinse your snout in the water. Did you drink it? I did the last time I was at the beach and I drank lots of water after that. It sure made me thirsty.


Sir Chance-Lot said...

Oooo I Loved this post~I can come down there and teach you how to swim Stan..I am like a dolphin in the water..I even dive..yep!!
I have to make mamma take some video of me so I can show you.