Always In Our Hearts

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Bearded Buddy

My girl and I are friends with this very cool family, the Kratchmans. There's Terry, the mama, Mackie the AireGramps (he's 14), Sassy the Airegirl (she's 10), and Dovah Doo the AireClown (he's almost 8). Here's a photo of me and the Dovah Man a few months ago on grooming day. (His mama is the one holding our collars).

Two weeks ago, my Dovah bud left for the Rainbow Bridge very suddenly. He seemed like his old self right up until he left, but little did any of us know, he had a tumor silently growing in a sensitive place. One minute he seemed fine, and one minute he was gone. The vet said it was clear he died very quickly.

I had just been out at the park playing with him a couple of weeks before, and he was roachin' and chasin' and sniffing for all he was worth. Here's Dovah Doo (on the left) splashing around with his sister, Sassy, the last time I saw him.

That same day Dovah took some time out for a little solo roachin' after his swim.

Then, he posed for my girl. One thing Dovah was very proud of was his amazingly long and full beard. In fact, he was famous for it. Look at the juicy lusciousness of that beard (after a roach in the mud).

Here's a close up of his juiciness. At last count, his beard was 8 inches long when combed out!

Dovah was such a good boy! My girl and I miss him and his clownish antics terribly! It's just not right seeing Sassy and Mackie without Dovah trotting over to stir things up.

Just before Dovah went to the Bridge, I challenged Miss Maggie the Airegirl to a beard growing contest. Now, as an expression of my love for my buddy, I want to dedicate the Dogs With Blogs first annual Beard Growing Contest to Dovah Boy! If anydog could appreciate a fine beard, it was him!

This contest is open to any dog, hammie or cat out there who wants to grow their beard. The rules are very simple. If you want to play, peemail me or leave a comment on this post. Measure what beard you have now & include that in your peemail or comment. You can provide periodic updates on your blog with your progress if you like, but on January 1, 2008, everydog (hammie or cat) who is participating will take a final measurement.

There will be 2 winners. The dog, hammie, or cat whose beard had the greatest change in length from now until January 1st will win for greatest improvement. The second winner will be the dog, hammie or cat who has the overall longest beard. That way, if you normally don't let your beard grow & don't have one now, you still have a chance to win. There will be a prize for each winner!

Whatdya say? Are you going to throw your beard into the ring? Dovah, Maggie and I DARE YOU. Nope. We DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!

Goober love,


Frasier said...

I have no beard and tiny whiskers so I cant take part in this.
We hate it when dogs is so sad and always the hardest part in life.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Stanley,
Sorry to hear abt Dovah Doo... please give his family a kiss from me and Moosie.
Ok I am off to measure my 'beard' (or what's left of it now cos I just cannot resist a dare, especially a Double Dog Dare!!)

Huskee Boy

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Stanny, Very sad news about your friend. He must have been a fabulous pal if he hung with the likes of you. I can't actually grow a beard, but I'm wondering if you have any rules against extensions?

Ralph said...

Stanley Manley!

I'm Ralph and just wanted to say I'm sorry for your pal. Hang in there buddy.

I have a little bit of a beard but I want to play. I hope it grows longer, I think I'm coming up on my teenage years, well in doggie years. Yippee!


Faya said...

Hello Stan,
I am so sorry for Dovah Doo... He is now playing with my Oscar ...
Kisses, Faya

Dandy Duke said...

We are so sorry to hear about Duvah Doo, Stanley! You love a wonderful friend and that hurts! Eight inches is an awesome length!
You know I'm in at 3"! Stoopid beard hasn't grown any more yet! It's time for avocado treatment!
Mitch says he's game too! He's logging in at 1 1/2"!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said...

I am so sorry you lost your friend, Stanley. It is so hard to say goodbye to those we love.

Unfortunately, Joey and I can't grow beards, but if we could, we would! :)

Puggy kisses

Unknown said...

Put me on the roster...I bet Dovah is gonna laugh at my tiny beard! I will have mom measure tonight and blog an update.

I remember when we went to park to play with him. He had such a wonderful, defined face. Mom fell in love with him right away...

Run Dovah Run!

Much love to you Stanley,

Clover said...

Hi Stanley,
Sorry to hear about your friend - he looks like he was a lot of fun. Thanks for telling us about him!
I have a small white beard, (goatee) and I want to play... but I don't think it grows!! (And my mom said she hopes not...)
Love Clover xo

PerfectTosca said...

Wow Dovah was so beautiful. You must feel awful Stanley. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Collies can't grow beards. It would be like putting a beard on an aardvark or something. But hey I got enough fur everyplace else right?

Putter said...

Hi Stanley!!!!

I am sorriest to hear about the passing of your friend:( I am gladdest that you got to play so recently and that you two had so much funnest! Thinking of YOU!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Lizzy said...

Sorry to hear about your friend... it's always so sad when dogs die. But this sounds like a great contest! I can't wait to see everyone's beards growin'!


the Corgi Girls said...

Aw, what a wonderful tribute to your friend! Sadly, we don't grow beards... just bum hair... oh well...

Go stan, we're rooting for you!!! Are you going to take supplements and vitamins to get it to grow faster?

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Stanley, we're really sorry to hear about your buddy Dovah. We hope his folks are doing ok.
As you know, Willow and I are in for the beard growing challange. Here's to Dovah!


Russell said...

chin up pup


Agatha and Archie said...

Oh our poor little main man,We are sending you especially strong licks and hugs.....and what a lovely tribute to your pal....Archie may join in he has to go measure his. A million smoochies Love A+A

Lorenza said...

We are so sorry for your friend Dovah Doo.
That contest is going to be a great tribute for him!
I want to see all those long beards!

Kirby said...

Hi Stanley,

I told my mom I wanted to join the beard contest, to make Dovah Doo proud, but she is being quite the evil one and refusing. Apparently, I tend to keep a lot of water in my beard, that ends up on the floor, couch, table, name it I'll get it wet. So, no contest for me, but in my heart, my beard will be long and full and Dovah Doo will be smiling down at silly little me!

Your Pal,


Moco said...

I could probably grow a great beard by the first of the year, but I will leave the contest to all those pups, kits and hammies in blog land. What a nice tribute to a great friend.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i know u must miss dovah alot...

Bogart H. Devil said...

Aw, that's so sad about your buddy - that was indeed one damn fine beard he had going (especially when "enhanced" with lots of dirt).

Much Aire Love,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw Stanley.. So sorry to hear about Dovah Doo. He sure is a great Airedale buddy to you.
Hammies can take part too? Cool.. But I dont think I can a beard. I dont care. I'm gonna get measured over the weekend.

~ Girl girl

The Cat Realm said...

I am so sorry to hear that Dovah went to the bridge!!! I guess it is good that he went fast and didn't have to suffer, but it would be better if no one ever would have to go to the bridge.... Purrs to you, and Dovah's family!
I also need your help to make a decision - if you have time, come and take the poll at my blog? Thank you!

Amber-Mae said...

Bummer! I have no beard at all... Hey, can count on my tail? Hehehe! Sorry to hear about Dovah, he was one handsome stud. Poor fella but his beard was really nice & long! Sending his hoomans some Golden love.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sorry to hear about your friend, kisses and nose licks to his family.

Simba xx

Unknown said...

we are so sorry to hear about your buddy :( we sure wish we could grow a beard in his honor, but we dont have that kind of facial hair!!

Harry said...

Hello there young Stan,

So sorry to read about Dovah. I'm sure Oscar is looking after him in and they're having a fun old time together.

I will accept your beardy challenge. At the moment my main goal is growing back the middle section of my moustache on the bridge of my nose that my old groomer seemed to think needed shaving. I was too polite to say don't. I will measure and let you know.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. He must have been one great buddy!! I don't have any looks like there's no way I can pawticipate in this contest. May the best beard win!

Koobuss said...


How sad to hear about the sudden passing of your friend Dovah. At least he didn't suffer much. He looked like a super dog. What a lovely tribute you are giving him.

My beard is about 3 inches and I was thinking about joining your contest until I read that Dovah's beard was 8 inches. I don't think I have a chance, but I would still like to play. My beared is about 2 inches. My mom will measure as soon as I wake up from my nap and then send you an exact figure.

Toby said...

Hi Stanley,
Im sorry to hear about Dovah. How sad! It looks like he enjoyed his last few days..and thats good. Glad you got to spend some time with him!

I don't have a beard to grow..but im anxious to watch all you other pups!
Love Toby

Christine and FAZ said...

We lost our little Buddy this week too. It's tough isn't it? FAZ

Juno said...

I am sorry to hear about Dovah Doo.... He seems a very healthy boy. Please send him and his family a hug from me. Thank you for sharing his great pictures with us.
I am just checking the mirror... I can't really see my beard.. Too bad! No beard No fun!

Momo xoxo

pee ess: I will see you shortly!

Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

hey great comp, sorry to hear your sad new though.
We only measured our beard last week and I know its 8" already
good luck with comp.

Unknown said...

I am sorry that you lost your friend. This is sad. I know what it is like to lose a friend and it is really hard.

I can't enter the contest cause I don't have a beard. I will check back in to see who won.

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey Stanny count me in on the beard contest! I hate getting clipped....

Fitting tribute to a master beard!

I am gonna win win win!

Bussie Kissies

Unknown said...

What a great tribute Stan. Count me in! It's the raining season in the great NW... so if Dovah was still here I bet I could give him a run for his money for who has the dirtiest beard hahahha! I will update soon.


Lacy said...

woofies stanley!!!! sooo sorrwy to hears bout ur fend...i sure bet oscar and dovah and chuckles and all the ones there now and herbie r havin a blast at the rainbow bridge...and me not got to muchies of a beard...heehee ima girlie..

b safe,

Moosie said...

Hello Stan Stan,
I really wanted to take part in the contest by Huskee told me that I can't cos I have no beard... =(

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey sorry bout your handsome friend Dovah Doo...what a beard he will be entering the contest and will measure shortly...Scruffy will not be entering...even if his beard does grow, which it doesn't...I love pulling chunks of it out!!! Asta working on the invites for Koobie/Amber-Mae...Oct 27th...details to follow...get ur costume ready! Lacie

Boo Casanova said...

stanley, i'm so sorry to hear about dovah doo.

hmm... am gonna keep my beard. i have short one now so i don't think i can enter. coz i'll be in the "shortest" beard contest instead.

wet wet licks


wally said...

Stan, Sorry to hear about your friend. Dovah looked like an AWESOME old guy and a great friend. Roaching? Dirty beards? A dog after my own heart. It is nice of you to make a tribute to him. I will work on a beard. Maybe a Van Dyke.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, really sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. He's gone to a better place.

As for the beard contest, I'm up for it! My beard is fulsome and rather splendid at the moment. Will measure and give you the details shortly...J x

The Airechicks said...


Very sorry to hear abut your buddy Dovah Doo - Looks like a very nice boy and what a cutie....

Please convey our sorrow of his passing to his Mum & Dad and Mackie & Sassy we have them in our prayers - Don't worry about Dovah Doo - Ocsar, Rascal, Rosie & Bert and all the other wonderful Dales were there to greet him and help cross the bridge.....

Oh, Mom had brunch today with Puff's Mom and Grammie - and some other folks with rescue - GUESS WHAT -- Nina one of the five rescued dales is gonna have pups...So rescues' gonna have lots of pups to love !!!

Email us later.....

Martha said...

I'm sorry to hear about Dovah's passing. He looked like a happy and well-loved guy. Love, Martha

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I just popped by to say a Sunday Hello, and I read this sad news about Dovah. So sorry, he looks a lovely boy too especially with that magnificent beard.

I just wish I could grow a beard in his honour.

I am a Lab Collie X so beards are not my thing, but I will try valiantly to grow one in his honour.

Sad licks, Marvin xxxxx

Molly and Gertrude said...

Poor poor boy - we are very sad for you Stanley - and Dovah's family too.....

As for beard growing - I used to have a lovely long beard, but then we got Gertrude pup and over the last year she has 'trimmed' my beard somewhat. It is growing back now, but I feel a little unlucky in this competition. Still, I'll give it me best shot!
Love Molly (and Gertrude)

Emily and Ike said...

Oh StanMan - I am so sorry about your pal! That was a great tribute to him. I would like to join the beard contest. Right now my beard is 2mm.

Jessica said...

WOW!! After seeing those pictures Mom said that she's glad we don't have beards.....he he he

Love, Seadra and Zoe

the many Bs said...

Hey Stanley, we're very sorry to hear about Dovah going over to the Bridge in such a hurry like that.

one time, Bailey grew his beard and moustache, but mom didn't like the beard and she just shaved it off. so we're not gonna enter your contest, but we'll be watching to see how all of the participants are doing and to cheer you on.

The Cat Realm said...

Stanley - are you up for some distraction?
If so, I would like you to be a judge in the noms costume contest at Skeezix Halloween contest blog.
Email me
thecatrealm at gmail dot com