Always In Our Hearts

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Sissy Chronicles 6 ~ The Final Chapter

My sissy, Stella, and I finally see snout-to-snout on some things.

We both love my pink flamingo.

We both love to chase around the yard like maniacs.

We both love to wrassle...

... whenever and wherever.

And, we both love Mr. Wintertime bear.

But, one thing that annoys me is that she stalks me wherever I go.

And it appears she is trying to render me beardless.

Sometimes she even uses my head for a scratching post.

Occassionally I have to show her who's boss, applesauce.

See what I mean here? I'm just checking out what is on the floor beside the bed, and she's right beside me asking, "Whatcha doin', Stanley? Huh? Huh? Whatcha doin'?"

She even tries to oversee my covert squirrel patrols.

She's always right in the middle of my bizness!

But at the end of the day, we agree on one very important thing. We are both lovers, not fighters.

Lovin', not fightin',



Girl Girl Hamster said...

Aw.. the 2 of you are so cute. You're nice to play gentle with Stella and I love the last picture where you 2 look so lovin sweet

~ Girl girl

Lili said...

Wow GooberStan! I had no idea I'd missed so much! Your sissy looks so cute next to you--she's so little! (Actually, she's probly larger than me, but still...) Anyhoo, it looks like you're having some fun with her--and I'm sure you'll get used to your personal stalker in no time ;)

Headgirl said...

Did enjoy the photo's.
Stella looks so small besides you.

Pats & pets to you both

Amber-Mae said...

Just love watching you both playing together...You both are really getting along well & you've gentle with her Stanley.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

the Corgi Girls said...

Stan, she is absolutely ADORABLE! She loves you ya big lug... you two are going to have quite the times... you know, as big bro, its your job to teach her all the stuff your girlie doesn't want her to know! BOL... like how to steal the dirty laundry from the basket... burring bully sticks and toys in the yard... barking at everything... oh yes, you have your work cut out for you! You'll do quite well, we think!

Give her kisses for us!

M & I

Noah the Airedale said...

Stan, she is a cutie you know. Though I do understand how you're feeling. Sissies are hard work but it sounds like things are getting better.


Mojo, Digger and family said...

Looks like you two are settling into a groove. Glad to see you having fun, as looking less shellshocked! I've got to say, either she is tiny weeny or you are one man mountain of a dog. Impressive!

big kisses

Duke said...

A match made in Heaven! That's what mom keeps saying! You two look so happy that you found each other! We love it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

You are doing such a good job looking after your sister.

Simba xx

Harry said...

How strong is that little madame?! The whole chair is moving when you're playing tuggie!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Stanley,
Next to you, Stella looks so small!! It's so nice to see the 2 of you bonding.. it's such a pity that I am not allowed to play rough with Moosie or play bitey face.. I wonder why..

Ruby Bleu said... have your very own mini-me!!! That pix of Stella and you on squirrel patrol shows just how tiny she is!!! That just made me and my Mom smile!!!

glad you are adjusting to life with Stella!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Sophie Brador said...

Stanley, Love the videos. I can't get over how teeny weeny Stella is.


p.s. Racy background audio on the last vid. Is that primetime?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan
Sure you two are getting along pretty well! I love all your pictures together!
Have a nice day

Moco said...

Here's to you, Stella and your girl having many happy years together. Remember to have fun. Life is to short to be taken seriously.

Clover said...

Oh dog, Stanley - you and Stella are so so cute together. I love the pictures. And the second video, it's so funny that Stella is making such a big effort and you are just kind of standing there... holding the toy. I love it.
Love Clover xo

Asta said...

Stanley, my GooberLove!
The two of you awe mowe fun to watch than anything evew!!! You'w so patient and gentle and sweeet, just like I knew you'd make a pawfect family!
smoochie kisses
youw FB (who wishes she could plsy with you like that)

Gus said...

Stanley, what a lovely photo rendition of your relationship! Good for you for taking the lead on getting your relationship set up.

You are an exemplary big brother. Would you like Teka?


Lenny said...

Great videos! I still can't believe how LITTLE Stella is compared to you!

Your friend, Lenny

Joe Stains said...

oh Stan you are such a gentle giant with your cute little sissy. You guys do seem to have so much fun together. Mom wishes I could take cues from you to be more gooberish and be nice to Tanner, but man that is just not my style!

Randi said...

Hello Stanley! That little sissy of yours packs a wallop in such a tiny package! WOW! I guess you'll be busy for the next few years until she grows out of puppy hood! I suggest getting her a velco suit & putting up a velco wall...that way, when you are a bit tired of her..just attach her to the'll see her, know where she is & yet, she won't bother you! I wonder if you can google "velco wall".... mmmm

Love & Licks,

ps..lets order for your sissy & one for Winston!

Jessica said...

Oh Stanley...You are the best big brother. We just love that picture of the two of you looking out the window. Did you teach her how to do that? We bet you have a lot that you can teach her.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Finnegan said...

So cute it's not even funny! I'm glad you have such a nice sister to play with.


Martha said...

You are too cute together! I love having siblings to beat up - it makes my days so much more interesting. Love, Martha

wally said...

All right, it's official. You and your sister are unbearably cute and I hearby name you the Greatest Big Brother Evah.

And, frankly, I can't blame her for wanting to be a Goober. (Does she have an oober name yet?)


the many Bs said...

Hey Stanley, Stella really is a cutie pie. She's so little too. It's good for you to have a little sissy. She will keep you young at heart!

Lizzy said...

Your little sister is just too cute. You two probably do make much better lovers than fighters, I'm sure! I love the pictures, and the videos are pretty crazy!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh Stanny she looks stronger than you!

Bussie Kissies

Luckie Girl said...

Ya know Stanley, I just realised you are a gentle giant! You such a great big brother!! :)

Agatha and Archie said...

Stan our main man,You are looking a little tired!! How adorable is your sissie! ANd she is a peanut next to you!! How she look at you with adoring eyes!!!!! You seem more tired than she does!!! Love A+A

Urban Smoothie Read said...

when a person is stalking means that she's admiring u

Kirby said...

Oh Stanley, Stella just idolizes you. You are her big brother, her hero! That's why she follows you along endlessly. She wants to be just like you!
I must say you both are just too cute. Looks like you have lots and lots of fun. Glad everything is going well!

Your pal,

Boo Casanova said...

stanley, you look like a giant next to stella! how tall or big will stella be?

wet wet licks


Snowball said...

Stanley, your little sissy look so tiny next to you. I know that it can be irritating to have a little devil stalking you but its always nice to have a companion.

But you have to remember never to let her climb over your head and you have to constantly remind her who is the boss of the house... ;p


Frasier said...

We love that picture of you guys by the window!!!
What a differance in size!
We missed you Stanley but mommy said that having a new puppy is a bit strenous.When they got me she said she just sat and cried because I would chew on everything and daddy was mad and she was tired tending to me.Now that we got thro that phase its sunshine and roses !!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

A velcro wall...I like it. Lacie would look fab attached to it. I am mailing you Lacie. Stan, u appear to have the Lakie thing down, so I think u need another one...the 2 of them together still only weigh about as much as your hind leg.....Mumsie's puttin' the squirrel pic on her is Stan and MiniMe...glad u guys are playin so great!!!!!


William Tell said...

Yes, little sisters can sometimes turn into little shadows, but we love them anyway, huh? :)

William Tell

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hehehe! Stanley, you look so cute together with her being so tiny and you being so erm, manly! J x

Lacy said...

woofies Stanley and Little Miss Stella!!! me likies everbody else, me luvs the pictur of u 2 wookin outsided....shes got u wrapped around her little tiny paws, stanley...heehee

b safe,

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Great, Stanley! Glad to see you and your sister playing and cuddling. But dontcha hate it when the little thing's running over your face and the mama tells YOU to be gentle!

Molly and Gertrude said...

That last video of the tug-of-war makes us laugh! There's your little sissy pulling and tugging the toy like crazy, and you're just standing there! Not an even match!

She cerrainly loves you though, you big brother you.

Love Mol and Gert