Always In Our Hearts

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Sissy Chronicles 2

Today we told Merv that it's a done deal, and that my sissy will be here in one week.

He was not amused.

In fact, he's in a bit of a funk.

I'm not worried, though. I think my sassy new sissy will be able to win him over. Merv is one of those cats who needs a little time to process change. That's all.
Only 7 more days!!


Sophie Brador said...

Stanny, I can't wait to see pics of your and your sissy. I think you two will be sassy together. I hope you have a disco dance party to welcome her to the Republic.

Sophoober Bradoober

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Crown Princess or Clown Princess? Only time will tell!

We need your magic bus for a tour...

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh our main man,Sorry we haven't been by much this week.PL'2had a bad work week and the pooter was OFF! We are thrilled beyond belief of the news of your sissy!!1 Archie just wants you to realize that a sissy usually rules the roost( no matter how little) so get ready!!!!!!!( Hide all your toys) love A+A

the many Bs said...

Hi Stanley, that's very exciting about the little sissy. we have had so much fun each time we have added a sibling to our dog pack. we play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and play and. ... well, you get the idea. have fun!

Kirby said...

Hi Stan,

Oh poor Merv. Obviously change is difficult for him. I'm sure your adorable soon to be named sissy will win him over within minutes. You, sissy and Merv will be such a cute fur family!

Your pal,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I'm sure Merv would love your new sissy when she comes. So exciting waiting for her to arrive. :)

~ Girl girl

Ben & Darling said...

Oh she is boootiful!!! Cant wait to see her home with you...Im sure it will be more merrier !!!

Joe Stains said...

7 days holy cow, so next week at this time you will have a sissy!?! Dont worry about Merv, cats always land on their feet or whatever they say about those pesky things.

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Stan,
I think Merv is going to love your new Sissy. Who wouldn't? I know I would! :)

Anonymous said...

I really feel for Merv. I understand how he could feel overwhelmed with a new woofie coming to the house. Maybe he can escape over at my place for a day or two if he needs to get away. Let him know that he is welcome.

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow Stanny...that is so exciting!!!! I just can't wait to see all the pictures and hear about all the stories. And Merv, he'll come around and hey, he'll have a new pup to style!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

The Black and Tans. said...

Merv sure looks a bit cross in those photos. Hope he quickly adapts to your new sister.

How many days to go now Stan????????????

MOlly and Taffy.

Harry said...

You must be so excited Stanley! Have you got any names yet?

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Simba and Jazzi said...

The cat will have another dog to annoy that will make it happy. My Mummy thinks the cat is cute, proves what she knows about evil cats.

Simba xx

Moco said...

Maybe Merv will feel better when the package comes in the mail.

Duke said...

I hope Merv doesn't have to spend a couple of days in hiding because of too much energy surrounding him! He'd better show your new sissy whose boss right from the start! Six more days - how exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of the two of you together, Stanley!

Love ya lots,

Faya said...

Poor Merv...They will all be loving and playing the new sissy....and what about that pooooor Merv left alone ?
Kisses for you Merv !

Jake of Florida said...

Good morning Stanny,

We have to answer your Q's before we go off to camp. Mom is a seaport planner and she has her own small company - just her and me and JH. Dogdad is a transportation engineer who works for a really big engineering company. Sometimes they work on projects together. She used to work for the big company where he works and that's how they met. But they didn't date for years and years and years after they met and after she had left the company.

The mermaids caught their attenion in Norfolk because there were so many of them and some, as you say, were real perty (and perky). And they are, after all, seafolk.

And if you check out a few of our early blogs, you'll see how JH came to us through Lyn Townsend -- your sissy's benefactor.

That's all. The bus for camp is pulling up,


Noah the Airedale said...

I can sympathise with Merv. He probably likes having his own space or just sharing with you Stan. It's hard when a newby comes along. Trust me, I know!
Not long now matie. You must be bursting with excitement. Have you helped your girl pick a name yet???

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Princess Patches said...

Hi Stan, we think Merv might get along really well with your new sissy. After all, she is closer to his size!

Poppy & Penny (2 Aire-girls in Georgia)

Clover said...

Hi Stanley!
Looking forward to meeting your new sissy! She looks really cute!
I keep forgetting to tell everyone about my Goober name!!
Love Gooberclove xo

Ferndoggle said...

OOOOOOOooooo we can hardly wait!! Merv will come around...we're not worried.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Suki & Joey said...

I'm sure she'll win Merv over with her sassiness!

I love Merv's coat. It looks so soft and warm. I bet he's nice to cuddle up to when it's cold out, but does he let you?

Can't wait to meet your new sissy and your girl! Woo-hoo! I won't tell you about the stuff we're going to do cuz it'll totally make you jealous. Wish you could come, too!

Puggy kisses

*** Florida Terrier Rescue *** said...

I don't know what all the fuss is about do you? Just give me a treat and I will follow you anywhere. My foster mommy is getting sad. She lost my brother last week and now me.
Lakies sure are special kinda doggies.
Your Little sis.
P.S. Gotta get a better name!! :O)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Poor Merv, he won't know what's hit him! J x

wally said...

Oh, I'm excited for you. And I'm glad it's not me. Merv and I are similar, resistant to change.

I can't believe I just threw in my lot with a goddamn cat.

So what kind of a party are you going to throw to celebrate the arrival of a new citizen in the Republic of Gooberstan?


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

2) Little sis sounds deceptively sweet.
3) Two pawty's in one week at ur bs and one as....before and after sis...
4) I'm still in jail.
5)Poker pawty in jail cell tonight...guys only!
6)Lakies rule...ya better learn to say it.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Stan
If Merv looks like that now, I just can imagine him when she finally comes home!
Sure you all will have great fun together!
Have a good night

Juno said...

Stanley...Is your girl professional photographer?? I often wonder coz all pics are so pawfect.
I have something for you. Please come by my blog when you get a moment.


Jen and Suki said...

Oh, I can't wait to meet her! She is so cute. And finally, someone younger than me (besides Sumo and Toby, of course)! :) Are you going to let her blog?

Jen and Suki said...

And Patches! And Sophie! Can't forget them. Dang, I'm old!

PreciOus said...

Hi Stanley!

Can't wait to meet your lil' sissy! I am just as excited as you! *Giggle*


Caz and Ludo the cool dude said...

wow 7 days you must be getting excited.Love you collar dead funky.
I'm sure will come round soon,she obviously loves news paper.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Merv looks a bit stern in those pics!

I am lookin forward to meeting your new Sissy!

lovea and licks, Marvin xxxxx

sorry I not been around, my hooooman bruv needs to use the computer for his college work

Bogart H. Devil said...

My kitties send Merv their lovin'...


Urban Smoothie Read said...

merv seems like totally disturbed by d fact.

hope he will feel better about it soon

The Cat Realm said...

This is so exciting! Yes, I think Merv just needs a little bit of time, we cats are sometimes a bit slow in processing changes.. Not me, of course, but other cats....

sammawow said...

That is so exciting that your little sissy will be there in only 7 days! We are agreed that Merv will be OK and will maybe enjoy having a new dog sister! We hope so anyway!

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

How wonderful that you're gettin' a new sister to chase around the yard.

I dunno what the Feline Americans and I would do if Mom brought home a woofie. We'd likely gang up on her, so it's better to view woofies from a distance. Your new sister looks like a real cutie (as do you).


Casper and pals said...

Wow- Merv doesn't look amused about the Sissy does he?

Christine and FAZ said...

She's cute (for a dog). FAZ